Ok… Seriously… How many rockets do I have to assemble to get a Ki-48?
If the malfunction rate is the same for all, what is the number?
All the previous engineer events were grindy, but the only RNG part was the number of resources in the chest. Now it seems it can be an infinite grind!
It might be every other missile are success
after the first two failures like above or the order may be random. So maybe there are multiple failures or success in a row
In the end, assuming the pattern is fail-fail-pass-repeat, 18 correct guesses gets you 36 mat boxes on top of the 360 you can get through play (+18 more that everyone gets), so 10% more materials if you play the test minigame perfectly. That’s the maximum variance.
The big unanswered question now for PC players is whether the material sell permissions are 20 total per player, or you get another 20 on each of your six runthroughs for a total of 120 max. That would make a significant difference on unit costs and completion strategies. If that doesn’t reset six times, doing well on the tests would seem to just add a lot of materials you can’t do anything with at the end. But if it resets, then you have to take a bit of a risk on what you spend those batches of 20 sell permissions each time through the board, because otherwise you’ll lose those options.
Having the complete list of mats to complete the 16 components one time would also be a useful thing to share, just less so.
They said there are seven different ways for a missile to fail. A failstate could be used twice. But yes, there will be six successes in the pattern (and likely 12 failures).
On a failed missle test, I take it you need to completely rebuild a new missle from scratch? Do you need to also re-grind the 20x Development Progress Data Sheets as well?
Basically every 150k adjusted score gives you 20 DP sheets to make one DPR and ~240 mats from the 60 boses, enough to run three missile tests (at ~80 mats per missile) assuming they’re in the right proportions. The third test will be the successful one that grants the test report and the board will reset, it seems.
You get another 8-12 mats for free along the way, which goes up to 24-36, we think, if you’re successful on the test metagame, which can help you if your material amounts are unbalanced and could permit some limited market sale.
But 150k score will still get you everything you need for the low tier prize (one DPR and one test report). For the full event you just run the same process six times, so six DPR and 6*3 missile tests.
As a long time player I keep noticing that events feel less and less interesting, as they are so blatantly grind focused, and I guess from experience I know how stressful these can get when the game becomes full of tryhards with full broken premium lineups.
The disinterest isn’t even from actual game fatigue, I still play fairly often, but the whole luring some barely obtainable bait in front of players every few months becomes tiresome. Plus the BP grind on top.
Events should be an extra on top of the game itself, as a reward for playing the game. But every new event keeps pounding in the fact that events are pure grindfest (edit: money making scheme for gaijin) where you simply cant win unless you put a mind numbing amount of hours into it.
Guess this was the ultimate proof of the Roadmap being just smoke and mirrors after all.
I know all the crafting events are somewhat confusing on purpose, but Christ almighty this takes the cake as possibly the single most unnecessarily convoluted gaming event of the 21st Century so far.
Not what the mod here said, they said very specifically that it does NOT matter about testing. That you can even ignore the testing completely if you so wish.
Assembled my first missile yesterday and it failed to respond to key presses I selected guidance and got 3 boxes. So the idea that it’s engine for everyone’s first missile isn’t correct
I’m not far off 20 reports now when I have those I can convert it to a test report? I don’t get this event I’m new to the game and the whole thing seems so confusing
The rocket test is pretty easy as it turns out. On the report, you get five component choices out of the 16 you’ve made each time through the board, plus the option for successful test. One of the five component failures is always the right one, the other 4 are meant to be obviously wrong, like a bad multiple choice test. So you just need to pick the one that matches the failstate. Current best guesses are:
Engine cuts out after 10 seconds: either Oxidizer Tank or Pipeline, whichever one is on the pick list
Rocket blows up in flight: Engine
Runs super fast for two seconds then glides: Fuel Tank
Controls don’t work: have heard both “Guidance” (which isn’t a part name) and “Battery” for this one, not sure yet
Controls inverted: Control Servomotors
Doesn’t explode on impact: Warhead
After two days of maxing the event out (at 30 boxes per day) and two correct guesses on the rocket test I was +38 on total mats, with two components needing 12 parts on test #3 still to build, so at the end of the first three-test run I’ll be +26, including the contents of the six boxes (about 24 mats) I got so far from testing. So basically the test reward boxes are both your margin against RNG and/or your “safe sellables” here. The 278 materials over 60+6 boxes combined would make for a drop rate per box (all materials combined) for me so far of 4.2. The tickets to sell parts on the market are also a random drop, I noticed: I’ve gotten 8 so far out of ~15 boxes since the trading menu opened up after test #2.
Answer to your question is, you need to run 3 missile tests, assuming the third will always be successful, to get half the component of the test report. The other half is the 20 development progress data you get over the same period, which you merge into one development progress report. That’s fast though, only takes 10 min. The wait is on the missile final assembly each time (2h).