Tokushu Heiki: Assemble and test an honorable missile to obtain prizes!

There are only resources enough to assemble two missiles per destruction report, not three. If only one of three missiles works, you will not be able to get two main prizes.

Don’t think that’s true.

It takes about 80 mats per missile. You get 4 mats per box, 30 boxes per day, so every two days you should have ~240. I got 30 boxes through play yesterday, built a missile, fired it, guessed right (“engine”) for the two extra boxes. I’m now sitting +40 on mats. Assuming I do 30 more boxes today I’ll be at +160, which if the proportions aren’t way off should allow me to do a second failure and a third successful test later today so the board can reset for coupon #2.

PS: I suspect until proven otherwise the guess on the first test fail is “engine” for everybody. That’s what the writeup says, that everyone’s tests and fails are the same, so everyone’s 12 failures and 6 successes should be the same selections in the same order. And guessing right in a test only matters for whether you get the two extra boxes.

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What really worries me is what happens if you fail all (how many?) attempts to hit the ship with a proper functional missile. I can be very clumsy with missiles. Will I end up losing even the functional missile, thus curtailing my event prize progress?

So aiming is only important for figuring out what the fault was. If you guess it right, you get two extra mat boxes, but if you get it wrong you still progress. Fail, fail, pass, fail, fail, pass. Just on the third one, declare it was a successful test regardless of what happened. That’s your guess.

We’ll know for sure today, but I think what happens is even if you declare the third one a fail, it still treats it as a pass and you get the decal and can progress. You just don’t get the extra boxes that way.

There are six fail states in the files:
Air Balloon/Pipe (the same failstate has two names) - engine cuts out after 10 seconds
Engine - blows up in flight
Fuel Leak - runs super fast for two seconds then glides
Guidance - controls don’t work
Servo Control - controls inverted
Warhead - doesn’t explode on impact

Each of those (plus the success test) corresponds to a correct combination on the “write test report” selector. We just don’t know what those are, and may not until someone guesses right and shares it each time.

You don’t have to hit the ship. All you need to know (and again, this is only to get those extra boxes) is if the controls worked and if the warhead detonated on impact so that you can make more accurate guesses on which failstate it was (and you don’t want to wait until the full 18-missile sequence is posted on Reddit in a couple weeks).

(Note: this is my educated guess on how today plays out with second and third missile tests (no one has enough materials yet to progress past failed test #1). If I’m wrong I’ll rewrite this post tomorrow.)


I mean that et the reaserch tree you can easy check what else you can grind and buy, but factory tree is a misterious that unveal just little step after every little step. I am just curious why?

Sorry for the inconvenience, but it’s the second day, I already have the 30 boxes from the second day, but I still haven’t received the 15 boxes I’m missing from the first day. Is there any news about yesterday’s bug that didn’t give boxes?

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How do you identify the defective part? All I know is my missile exploded about 10s after launch so after spending 2 hours grinding the boxes yesterday I ended up with nothing because there’s no clear instruction or indicators for figuring out what’s wrong. Why do you guys have to make things so needlessly complicated? Making players hating the event more than they already did is not the way to make money if that’s your goal. Just strait up ask me how much money I’d have to spend for something is better than disguising the question under all these nonsense.

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The answer for the first missile seems to have been “Engine.” I suspect it’s the same progression for everyone. Submit the test report with just “Engine” selected and collect your bonus two mat boxes and start building your second missile. When people test their second missile and tell us what happens, we’ll all know what that one was. The third one will likely be the first successful one, we’ll find that out tomorrow. And so on for all 18 you can do in the event in sequence; fail-fail-pass, fail-fail-pass. If you don’t want to wait to hear what #2 was from other people you just guess, carry on to building #3 and only get the one mat box if you’re wrong (if your guess was right tell us what it was, please).

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You don’t necessarily need to test the missile, you can skip the testing altogether. You can just prepare the report. The only thing a successful test gives you is 2 extra Resource Boxes. You can mark anything as incorrect and click Prepare the report.

Then after a certain amount of playthroughs, you’ll get the Target Destruction Report.

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Testing a missile only gives you 2 extra Resource Boxes if you Prepare the report correctly. You can just skip missile testing if you want.

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Same correct answer for my first missile “Engine”, received 3 boxes for “correct bad part”. (Side note, you have to “select” all the other “incorrect bad parts” to “select” the Engine as bad. A bit backwards IMO, but take note for anyone else doing it for the first time. [this means you have to ‘select’ all of the 4 or 5 other options with the yellow warning icon, leaving just the Engine ‘unselected’ to actually tell the game that the Engine was bad. {Which only seems like another way to trip people up and prevent them from getting the extra 2 boxes, again, I’m not impressed Gaijin.}])

And the first post does say “The order of obtaining broken and combat-ready missiles is the same for all players. This means all players are on equal and pre-thought-out conditions.”

Assuming the answers will be the same for everyone should be confirmed after someone completes the second test, as you theorized.

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And for what? Players ask why they can’t just collect one rocket and move on? (Given that most players want to keep most of the resources spent on it in case of unsuccessful tests)

You clearly don’t understand the game’s audience.


And I just guess what’s defective?

I just had my 2nd Missile report fail, because I have neither a successfull test NOR a destruction protocol.
The missile tests starts way to low so the missile just starts and drops into the water.

This absolutely sucks!

I’m fine with the sourcing of parts and having to play endless hours to get the parts, but once I have them I DO NOT want to bother with parts of the game that my platform doesn’t support!

So how am I supposed to get any destruction protocols, which I need for the test protocol at all?


Is there any reason I can’t get the boxes and such over the entire event and then assemble and test missiles, or do I have to assemble and test missiles before the next day’s reset? That way I will know the pattern of failures ahead of time and just complete the reports on the last day.

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What pattern?

Please don’t tell me that you can’t assemble day 1 missiles after day 1

There is clearly some variation on the fail state between players, first one wasn’t Engine for everyone, but yeah, still looks like Fail-fail-pass, Fail-fail-pass. We’ll know for sure as soon as people start getting to test 3.

There’s another week at the end after the collection part of this event ends. Plenty of time.

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I suspect everyone’s third test will be a pass, after two “failures”. That resets the board. You may be overthinking this a little.

The pattern for testing failures is the same for every player. So armed with that information, it would guarantee the maximum reward for “guessing” correctly if you could assemble and test after thousands of players have already done so and posted the pattern of failure.