To counter spawncamping

Spawncamping makes the game frustrating for both sides.
It makes people on one team leave the match early, usually after their first vehicle destroyed, sometimes after the second, while the other team has less
opportunity to make a bigger score. Also i find it boring as hell, and disgustingly unfair.
Since WarThunder is a PvP GAME most importantly, it should be fair.

To counter this, i have 2 solutions:

A - Remove any and all rewards for killing a vehicle on it’s spawn and its 200m proximity (mission score, RP, SL) and give the player that got spawncamp a free respawn for the destroyed wehicle, as many times as it gets destroyed on spawn and its 200m vicinity (2.5 or 3km in air, 5km if it’s a jet 14+kms from the battlefield, only after spawning in).

B - Dinamic spawn and capture zones. Would only work with bigger maps.
More capture zones between the spawns (at least 5), in a line, connecting spawn points.
As the points get captured, the closest to the teams original spawn point would become a new additional spawn (if other captured points are present), the other point closer to the "frontline gets blocked from capture, and the CAP on the frontline is the one that could be contested. There should also be a line moving with the additional spawn, that when crossed by the opposing team, starts a 15s countdown till destruction.
This solution could be familiar from other games like World in Conflict (RTS)
Post Scriptum (PvP FPS shooter), Hell Let Loose (PvP FPS shooter), and it works great.

I’d be glad if both solutions would be combined into one.


Absolutely not.

Sounds good, but need to test this if this ever happens.


"A, removes the incentive, while "B, gives something to do instead and make it entertaining.

Let’s admit that giving ‘infinite’ respawns is a bad take. Giving 75% or 50% reward from a kill is a fair trade.

Only as long as the player can’t leave hte spawn, not the entire duration of the battle.

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Imho you see this topic from the wrong perspective:

  1. WT is outside SB a plain shooter
  2. The whole point of a shooter is to kill enemy players
  3. The whole point of playing a shooter is to rack up kills
  4. The most efficient way to get kills is to camp enemy spawn points
  5. Gaijin has designed their maps in order to facilitate spawn camping
  6. So there is no ignorance of gaijin - the mode is designed this way

I saw this proposal in the past - the thread was deleted after some very “heated” discussions. Other shooters have dynamic spawns.

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Never happening because Gaijin endorses spawn camping

Honestly id love it if - after capturing all 3 points and reaching the enemy spawn redzone - a battle style D point would appear that you can go and capture to end the battle early while giving a significant sl and rp boost to offset the losses from an early win/spawn camping.

Main reason is that i hate being on the stomped team, but! I hate stomping as well because having nothing else to do but shoot ghostly tanks that spawn in every 20 seconds or so is… not very engaging gameplay.

Having an objective to capture between/near the enemy spawns that gives enough rewards to incentivize doing it and is set up so sightlines give the enemy time to get their 20 second grace period before trying to push the winning team out would be more engaging.

However, dynamic spawns and objectives sound much better. It sounds like yhe breakthrough mode i heard about that gaijin tested.

  1. I can somewhat aggree with that.
  2. Then why the Fck does CAPs exist? …and the 25min time limit?
  3. This isn’t JUST a shooter. Partially a sim game.
  4. Strongly disaggree. Like gamers without any sense morality, or just no idea about what a team-based PvP game should be, go instantly for the spawncamp, because it’s easy and the target has no chance retaliating. This way, you get people quit, since they no longer see a point to respawn, giving you less chance to earn more kills and points with it. Just look at high BR, or top BR end stats. Or mid-match stats for that matter.
    It is the root of the quitter problem.
  5. In their complete incompetence.
  6. So the basic model is garbage.

As i said, a PvP GAME should be fair.
Imagine those players, who just started an account, dumping $60+ and seeing, that they only find suffering in this mess. They just quit playing WT, even if they have invested money in it.

And yep, the other topic taken down for “heated debates” was also mine, but no officials ever reacted. Except deleting the post.

That 20s spawn protection barely works 10th of the time.
People just randomly loose it. Sometimes instantly after spawning in.

And yes, good point. If a team is wiped so hard, why not just end the game there?
Or change the game objective.
I see no point in continuing the struggle-fest, if the rest of the team is either gone, or have never heard of teamwork, or strategic thinking.

I’d also be glad if kills wouldn’t matter as much as controlling the objectives.

CAPs fulfill the same goal like bombing points/bases in Air RB - they support player interactions as it is known were enemies will be. Gaijin creates quite successfully the illusion that players driven by game objectives have a chance to win by fulfilling these PvE objectives whilst “kill driven” PvP players try to farm them.

Basically all shooters have time limits for certain modes as it helps to assess if you have time for a “full” match or not.

Outside a communicating squad there is no team based game play. Lobbies just bundle individual players with individual goals whilst playing the game in 2 separate teams. Actual team play might occur when the numbers of surviving (or able to respawn) players is rather low like 2 vs 2s late game.

If the participants keep it civil this thread might survive.

Good luck with that and have a good one!

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It sure does when instead of inside the spawn you’ll get one tapped as soon as you leave it.
Better have spawn protection for the whole duration of the match in that case lol

I do understand all of these, just wanting to have a more enjoyable experience.
Naturally without spawncamping, and with an actual objective that matters.
Having played with actual team based games, where communication is kind of
necessary and a key to victory (like Hell Let Loose and Squad), i really miss
that and i almost always try to communicate.
Ofc, there are a lot of people, that doesn’t speak other languages besides
their own (like most americans i ever met) and as you correctly pointed out,
that they are mostly solo players put together.

I also kinda miss some well made PvE content, with some story elements or reenactment put into it from both sides of conflicts.
But the AI in this game is horrible to put it lightly.

Maybe i’m just too tired of the PvP gamers bullcrap alltogether…

Also glad, that i had the opportunity, to chat with someone who has the intelligence
to not result to personal insults and digital shit smearing instead of a
normal discussion. Really rare these days.

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You completely missed the point.

I recommend to find a special niche within wt (either game mode and/or BR range & nation) which allows you to have fun whilst playing - despite all the drawbacks gaijin has implemented in wt.

Imho all experienced long term players are able to remember the state of 4-5 years ago. Since then the game itself saw a flood of new players (which finance the party) and gaijin tries to support these players by further reducing the difficulties to gain at least some succees.

That’s the reason why we have mostly CQC maps in Ground RB and this 16 vs 16 madness in Air RB as all those rookies have to do is to find an even lesser experienced opponent.

Demanding and challenging game play requested by long term players in hundreds of threads won’t happen as long as the new player generation throws money like hell to gaijin as an increase of complexity would be an artificial entry barrier.

Same here!

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My comfy spot is from 0-to 7.0 in the game. Mostly GRB, sometimes sim, but only the mid BRs.

I’m wasting my braincells in this game since 12 years,
basically entered in closed beta.
Statcard says otherwise, because i changed e-mail address
and some data didn’t go with it. (Except the Cmd Tiger P, witch i really like.)

Yeah… CQC maps are here basically to cather to CoD and BF players,
who want faster paced action and quicker engagements.
I don’t think WT with it’s semi-realistic design suits it that well.
Specially regarding the kind of vehicles the game has.
CQC/CQB maps invalidate a lot of otherwise good vehicles, that are even
just a slight bit more specialised. Specifically missile platforms and casemate TDs.
On the contrary, i love CQB maps in games like Ready or Not and Ground Branch.
But those are infantry games. You can’t use vertical cover in a tank, without
exposing too much of your weakspots.
Gaijin killed the armor meta with low rank HEAT-FS (from 5.7) and ATGM (from 7.7)
years ago anyways, also making a large number of vehicles basically dead weight.
(I hate big cities in real life too.)

On one hand, the game is evolving. New tech trees, maps, mechanics, on the other, hand, there are literally 12 year old issues, that never been fixed like rendering and
sound design (not the sound files themselves), the radar systems, IRST,
“respawning” destroyable objects, like cars and trees, vehicles stopped by a piece
of brick, from full speed to zero, AP shells exploding on tall grass…
And with every update, comes a new game mechanic, unfinished,
never to be finalized (volumetric shell and armor, since 5 or so years).
Because of this, every single update increases the steep learning curve,
with little to no official explanation on game mechanics.
Comprehensive tutorials are made by the players (for free) and
even those get either outdated, or proven to be wrong.

I strongly believe, that unless there is a competition in the same semi-realistic
category , Gaijin wouldn’t cange anything for the better, just keep the game
designed around frustration, doing this “love-hate relation” stuff for eternity.

…and as i said, a game is not real life, it should be fair.

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4.0, dont forget us swedes :)

heat-fs isn’t even that strong though, literally cope lol

Yeah, true…
Time travelers exist.

You do know that the BR of tanks in ground have nothing to do with the time period they were developed right? Right?

A is a terrible idea. Trolls would abuse the hell out of that.

Dynamic spawns are a good idea though.