To counter spawncamping

It wouldn’t solve anything.

The solutions are more cumbersome than the issue. They should just leave alone.

There are allways trolls.
Because people are, what they are…

A time limit to leave should suffice.
1:30 or 2:00 for start, 15s after returning there, but then having no protection.

Since this is mainly why players leave matches early, or not bringing lineups at all,
because they know they will be completely surrounded on their own spawn by the time they come back, I don’t think that it should be left as it is.

Can’t even get a somewhat decent score, because there’s simply
no players left to fight after 2-3 minutes in the battle.

Spawncamping is just a shit experience for both sides, for different reasons.
Makes the game even more repetitive and boring.
No thrill of a hard fought victory.
Maybe 1 in a 1000 battle. When the lucky stars allign.

Won’t know, if there is no trying.

What makes you think i don’t?
Except the swedes, who forgot how to build proper tanks with proper guns in them
from 1936 till 1960s, most can be used effectively in the 7.3 - 8.3 BR range.
Ofc, that would imply, that Gaijin would actually reward actions that are class specific.
Witch they don’t (Like reconnaisance or AA duties?)

Spawn camping literally only happens when you are losing or not playing correctly. This entire thread has been an embarrassing cope session for people who fundamentally do not understand how this game works. When your spawn is surrounded it means you lost way before that began, or you let some rat drive around the outside of the map because you either are camping/capping points instead of securing map control. This isn’t WOT there are respawns this “problem” seems to only be a problem for bad players or learning players. Good players do not get spawn camped often because they don’t allow the enemy team to do it or on the off chance some rat goes around to the spawn they just respawn and counter them its really not that complicated.

/s Glad I could help.

You forget bad map design that has open sightlines from half way across the map right into the spawn, or just outside of it. These maps work with shells that have horrible ballistics and low muzzle velocity, but they fall off even in late WW2 already.

There need to be more spawns with more valleys/gulleys/coulees/ravines/whatever you want to call them that give you the ability to move out without skylighting yourself or being easy to predict due to low amounts of options.

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Just simply wrong, there are only 1 maybe 2 maps where you can LITERALLY shoot from the spawn point into the opposing teams spawn. I grant you that the map design in this game is terrible but the maps being made to allow “easy” spawn camping is just false. Also this narrative that “muh small maps” means more spawn camping is ludicrous. Spawn camping is much easier and harder to deal with on larger maps. Any player with cursory understanding on ground would know this.

I’m literally able to shoot into the southern-east spawn on middle east barely out of A.

Conversely, can easily shoot north-western spawn from just a bit north of C.

Ardennes conquer#3 you can farm the enemy spawn from the road leading into A.

Karelia conquest#3 you can shoot into the south-western spawn from the high-ground position reachable a mere 3 minutes into the match.

Karelia conquest #2 same deal except north-western spawn.

Eastern Europe you can farm the enemy spawn from driving barely half-way north of B.

Carpathians you can easily farm the enemy spawn from A.

Tunisia has sightlines that allow for almost spawn-to-spawn shooting around A.

Iberian castle once again has sightlines around A where you can easily farm the southern spawns from the vineyards.

Mozdok until recently had a spot in the north-west corner where you could farm enemy spawn.

And while I quite enjoy Sands of Sinai, it too has positions where you can shoot into spawning enemies from the objectives.

I think, if I, of all people at 7.7 can get “Heavy metal hero” from map qualities - then something is deeply wrong with that map.

On Poland, both teams can spawncamp/nearly spawncamp the other from across the lake.

You can also go behind the spawnpoints fairly easily on Poland and small Maginot too.

Why not make a fully protected spawn? Put spawns in Caves with one-way exits, make it a small vertical drop so you can leave without risking damage but can’t get back in. The fact that its a cave both protects spawn from bombs and also forces SPAAs to leave spawn.

CAPs fulfill the same goal like bombing points/bases in Air RB - they support player interactions as it is known were enemies will be. Gaijin creates quite successfully the illusion that players driven by game objectives have a chance to win by fulfilling these PvE objectives whilst “kill driven” PvP players try to farm them.

Basically all shooters have time limits for certain modes as it helps to assess if you have time for a “full” match or not.

Man… you’re not saying anything I don’t already know but seeing it succinctly really highlights a huge flaw in the way I play the game.

In ground battles I try to play the objective for no other reason than to fulfill the idea that I’m supporting my team. Where as the whole reason I enjoy war thunder is to destroy enemy vehicles. I guess there was a time in my life where I was working extra hard to be less cynical and enough people complaining about the lack of teamwork really started to get to me.

I know full well that if a team that has no cohesion (in the form of player objectives and communication as you say) is losing, it is the fault of individuals, not the fault of the coordinated effort, in many ways to support the losing team is to commit to making the same fault.

I’ve had ups and downs with war thunder, it is always challenging but it can be very rewarding. I’ve struggled as a player because I really love playing the game but I’ve always felt at odds with myself and expectations of the game. I realise in this instant more than ever that I don’t owe anyone anything when I que up for a battle and the best thing I can do for the team is to play the game to the best of my knowledge and abilities and not try and conform to the expectations of others.

Thanks, I look forward to enjoying a more zen war thunder experience moving forward.

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Only if you also removed any and all rewards for kills players that are camping in their spawns get and if a player is killed by someone camping in a spawn point to be given a free respawn for their destroyed vehicles for as many times as it gets destroyed by someone camping in the spawn. Same for aircraft I guess. If you are killed by an SPAA camping in the spawn point. Give them a free respawn if killing that SPAA results in a instant respawn of the SPAA and no reward for the kill .

Exactly. If you replace “play the game” with “live your live” you might find real inner peace. The key for being “in balance” is and was always to be authentic and keep the number of people which either have the necessary power to address their expectations or just feel somehow the need to address their expectations as low as possible.

But even if you are independent and / or run your own business: There are still people / institutions with try to ruin your day - like the IRS or your mother-in-law. Playing a video game like you want it to play is the only way.

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  1. This isn’t JUST a shooter. Partially a sim game.

How THIS GAME is a simulator? What does it simulate? Unrealistic shell behavior?

Like gamers without any sense morality, or just no idea about what a team-based PvP game should be, go instantly for the spawncamp, because it’s easy and the target has no chance retaliating.

Whoever managed to fight his way to enemy spawn deserves every single kill he gains.

Imagine those players, who just started an account, dumping $60+ and seeing, that they only find suffering in this mess. They just quit playing WT, even if they have invested money in it.

Newbies with top tier premiums is prolly one of the worst things that ever happened to this game. It’s profitable for Gaijin and bad for us.