TKX and type 90 breaking BR that are balanced

Good afternoon everyone, we all know that BR 10.0 to 10.7 is a great BR for grinding tanks, as it has plenty of solid options from all nations, including good CAS and good AA. However, honestly, the TKX and Type 90 are definitely breaking this BR. The agility of these tanks is very high, and their ridiculously fast reload time allows them to sweep through matches in a brutal way! When they’re on your team, they clear the field and get all the kills, and when they’re on the enemy team, they do the same thing! Please give them a better shell and increase their BR!


you uh know they have like 0 armour right?


Irrelevant considering everything else that they have


You meant TKX(P), not the 12.0 TKX. About this I agree , cause in no world those two should be sitting at 11.3. Not a single vehicle at 10.3 can stand up to these two. They should be moved up to 11.7 where it would be more balanced

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You can try this one simple trick:

Shooting them literally almost anywhere.


You say literally ? (i joke)

I put that ONE little qualifier in there for a reason lol

Type 90 and TKX are breaking 10.0 to 10.7? Good thing they are 11.3 then lmao

“not a single vehicle at 10.3 can stand up to these two!!”

Of course the 11.3 vehicles are gonna be better than the 10.3 vehicles, that’s how BRs work


not as bad as the M4A3E2 vs Tiger II (H)
god i love smacking jumbos with the Tiger II


fr lol

well im fightig with 11.3 with T-72b with no thermal, shit gunner sight, shit armour

of course they are gonna be better than 10.7 but the problem is they are too good. I saw yesterday 30level got a nuke with type90

On top of that you have the longer reload timer which is 7.1, only positive thing about it is dead crew doesn’t affect reload time.

The negative side is that autoloader can send ur whole crew to air if it hit by anything

It’s one of the worst 10.3 for sure, you can try bringing the T-64B up and you will be surprised how much better it is. It offers better sight zoom and more gun depression, which opens up a lot of spots for you to reliably hide your hull, armor is slightly worse but not by much.

ok thanks man

You saw a smurfing.

Its good sure, but not great pen, weak armour and not great elevation or depression unless you use the suspension which takes some time to adjust. It doesn’t really work too well against 12.0 so moving it up in BR is also kind of unfair. They’re both just slightly worse 2A4s with a shorter reload (and in the case of the TKX P) a better immediate mobility. And by applying the same logic, the 2A4 curbstomps most 9.7 tanks, so therefore, surely it should be at 11.0.


Worst round at 11.3, 2nd worst armor at 11.3, worse optics at 11.3.
Type 90 and TKX have mobility and reload, and that’s it.

They’re borderline a Leopard 2A4 with faster reload and worse everything else, relies on hydraulics for depression, has the worst optics and a pretty mediocre shell with a 1-2s reload advantage that is negated by a lack of crew members and the autoloader getting damaged.