TK the most unintelligent change ever made in this game

Can you teamkill(not on purpose) a tank with a tank in Ground RB ( without pushing the enemy into the water or enemy fire or using artillery)?
Can you teamkill(not on purpose) a tank with a plane in Ground RB
Yes… just make a mistake
Can you teamkill (not on purpose) a plane with a plane in Air RB?
Yes…and it happens frequently due to missile redirection.

In Ground RB hitting someone with artillery is either intentional or reckless by whoever called it in or complete ignorance by the person who gets hit.
The orange smoke is usually a decent warning…

Missiles are a completely different thing and that’s where the TK issue really sits… you don’t receive any warning.
Eventually IR missiles, SARH missiles, ARH missiles make victims within our own team, everyone who plays Air RB has been through this either receiving tk or giving tk… and they are tk not intentional
CAS also generates unintentional tk, especially in br which does not have low collateral damage bombs or precision weapons…
Why do plane players have to be punished so much for a change…
You guys don’t play your own game ?
Or do you only play tank and naval?
Intentional tk should be punished, but as long as you don’t have a tool to identify purposeful and non-purposeful tk, such a change should not be implemented in SUCH A DUMB way

Please head to the pinned teamkilling thread instead of creating newer ones.