The last battle lasted 7’07" and suddenly ended with bases and ground forces undestroyed.
Aren’t you kidding me? Or what’s going on?
Could it be that all the pilots were knocked out by the AI?
You can check the server replay on the main website to find out what happened.
I did it and I have a photo of the end
And you don’t post it to keep the suspense?
I was alive when it was over and without a scratch.
With only 07" there were still: 7 tanks, 3 AA, and several 3 or 4 forts plus the bases. Are you telling me that the players in 07" destroyed everything? Or was it the program’s AI? I’m more inclined to think it was the program.
I can’t show an image because the little blue army is flashing and when you take a screenshot everything looks like it belongs to the other team. They even manipulate that.
But you can see it yourself in the replay. Tap the M on the map and you’ll see that they were still there.
I took the last screen with my cell phone because of the ringing noise.
All you have to do is to watch the replay and the leaderbord. You see the ticket effects / reduction of killing bases and ground units with a slight delay.
The enemy team killed way more ground units than your team (>30) and killed several bases. On maps with just 5.400 tickets you simply run out of tickets very fast…I saw an enemy P-47 killing 14 or 15 ground plus 4 air kills - and one 2 others doing similar stuff…
Ok, thanks for the clarification. It has nothing to do with what you see or what is there. They are the tickets. Where do I see those tickets?
If you select the leaderboard view. Looks like a small trophy symbol.
Oh yes, I see them in the center. Is there a site that explains how that works in detail?
And tahnks for all
Not that i am aware of.
You might check the old wiki by yourself:
Category:Game mechanics - War Thunder Wiki
You are welcome!