Tiger UHT's RMK30 chin turret

Today comrades i wanna ask you about such thing as planned for Eurocopter tiger uht (which we actually have in game) RMK-30 chin turret.

I actually up that question because in game realities we have such vehicles like YAK-141 (which flyed and full moveable, but haven’t get electronics like radar or other systems) or F-16AJ which was really implemented by purchase broshure for Japan.

Some info about RMK-30

Early in 1997, Mauser-Werke Oberndorf Waffensysteme released brief details of a new 30 mm cannon, designated the RMK 30, which it has developed under contract to the German BWB.

The first application of the Mauser RMK 30 mm cannon will be the Eurocopter Tiger UHT helicopter of the German Army, but as it is recoilless, it can be installed on very light platforms such as soft skin vehicles which in the past could not be fitted with a weapon of this calibre.

A recoilless weapon almost entirely compensates the recoil impulse by taking advantage of the gases streaming out backwards while firing. In the design of the RMK 30, this has been achieved by a moveable cartridge chamber and an attached nozzle.

As well as being a recoiiless design, the RMK 30 has a number of other features including a three chamber revolver type breech cylinder (similar to that used in other Mauser weapons), moveable cartridge chamber, linkless ammunition feeding from the front with left or right feed, telescoped ammunition with a compact charge, combustible case and inductive primer.

The RMK 30 is capable of accurate and sustained firing and according to Mauser, dispersion patterns of less than 50 per cent compared with conventional cannon have been achieved during the trials programme.

The RMK 30 has a cyclic rate of fire of 300 rds/min with the actual gun weighing 100 kg and having a barrel length of 1,700 mm. The first round being developed is of the armour piercing (AP) type with a calibre of 30 x 280 mm and a muzzle velocity of 1,200 m/s. An armour piercing fin stabilised discarding sabot round is also being developed.

The first prototype of the RMK 30 was completed in 1997 and underwent manned firing trials installed on a MaK Wiesel 1 light tracked armoured weapon carrier. Since then a second weapon has been built which has a small number of improvements.

According to Mauser, their RMK 30 is part of a complete integrated weapon system which, for example in a helicopter application, will also include a number of other subsystems including tracker, thermal imager, fire-control computer, stabilised mirror, laser range-finder and gyro.

The overall system configuration is now being optimised by Mauser and it is expected that series production will commence in the first decade of 2000 to support production of the Tiger UHT helicopter for the German Army.

This will be expand Tiger UHT self defense capabilities and will give opportunity for it to defend agaist aircraft properly in close combat.

Should Tiger UHT get RMK-30 ?
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  • No
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I’m pretty sure there was a topic talking about this once on the old forums, where the 2nd image you have posted was photoshop and that the German EC didn’t have any mounts for it, not even having any 1:1 mockups being built.


Assuming you are referring to the image of an in-flight KHT with the RMK 30, that photoshop had been created by Eurocopter/Jenoptik themselves as an official advert.

and that the German EC didn’t have any mounts for it, not even having any 1:1 mockups being built.

Well, this didn’t stop French Tigers from getting HOT-3s that they cannot guide, Yak-141 from getting IRST and other systems that it didn’t have, or the F-16AJ from existing.


An addition of note is the turret that was to be mounted existed and was tested thoroughly…just not on the UHT, but on our favorite little rat tank the Wiesel

To test this very interesting weapon system, they took what was to be the chin turret and flipped it upside down to mount on to the Wiesel.

So the turret existed and was tested extensively, the UHT was intended to mount the RMK-30 if not for the budget cuts that plagued the end of the Cold War, and Gaijin has shown its willingness to fudge the numbers in other vehicles cases.


Yes, I do mean that image, however as far as i know it was never mounted, as from what I know the EC-665 UHT back then for Germany was meant to be purely anti tank, so other systems were prefered instead of the RMK-30

I’m not Gaijin, so I have nothing to do with that

Correct, but the turret exists (unlike a certain jet), and there had been plans to integrate it onto the KHT (BAAINBw report), they just didn’t… because budget.

Still, following the previously given by me examples, KHT receiving the RMK 30 wouldn’t be that much of an outrageous un-historical addition considering what the devs have added to this game in the recent past (to reiterate, Yak-141 and AJ, and realistically speaking, French Tigers having HOT-3s despite lacking the wiring & optronics to use them, is at the same level of impossibility as KHT with RMK 30, and yet we’ve got that in the game).


Does but theyre under the nav FLIR pafkage under the nose

Yes, we want gun, but gun no historical, but can we still have gun??

We have many non historical things, one more don’t crash it. Even it more historical that some of implemented in game

true, also just because we want to make those russian mains suffer (severely coping after getting fucked by a Ka(ncer)52 apds through the roof of my leo2a7)

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Nothing about it. I just wanna get better self defense. Eurocopter don’t have such survivability as a Kamov serie

true that. i’m grinding said eurocopter right now, and i noticed it has absolutely no offensive guns

U will like it maneuvering, but grind from stock - pain in ass

even heli pve?

No, that’s easier

is long as its not impossible to get the pars missiles it should be fine, i assume its quick enough

I’m agreed with this even it need to be different vehicles to research i willing to


I like how the jewish black hawk gets 16 spikes and sits a notch lower than the UHT which is also artificially limited to 8 pars (can mount up to 4 more with the out pylons). Oh yeah it also has a chin turret which the UHT also doesn’t have, at a higher br…


I REQUIRE this promptly.

I noticed long time ago that UHT - only top helicopter without turret system. Soo… maybe it will be given as a concept or a perspective.

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