This is the version of the aircraft Germany uses, as they use it. We have not “worsened” it in that regard, this is how the Luftwaffe chose to operate their frontline aircraft.
We have introduced all 3 in the same standard as those 3 nations operate them, reflecting their individual differences. Otherwise its 3 identical versions of the same plane with no differences. Where its possible to have differences, we will always try to reflect that.
We have only 1 Rafale in game currently and the HMD / MICAs greatly increase the balance of this aircraft in game and were tested on the version we have in game.
Equally the German EFT was given AIM-9M under the same balance considerations. Similarly with some ground ordinance too.
PIRATE is however not planned for this version of the EFT. There are 3 variants of Typhoon in game currently, each with their differences.
The question on IRST has been answered countless times now. This is not planned to come for the current German EFT for now. Currently this appears to be going in circles.
Todays update was regarding the radar reports. Nothing has changed on the IRST situation.
Id kill for the FnF AGMs that it has on the Teapache (due to Pantsir performance (and actually most SPAA deal with Helis fairly well at top tier) and the effectivenss of ARH for killing Helis. I rarely seen anyone in any helis at top tier these days)
But currently UHT already in bad state when come to close A2A combat where stinger didn’t work against target around 2km that keep spam not only gun sometimes with FnF A2S missile. I dont see any “Balance” here compared to other Heli at same BR.
And the funny thing with PARS same as Spike “in this game” the sensor optic on missile need to get clear image of target instead of guiding or acquired target by using only optic camera on heli. Well, sorry oot in this EFT forum. But someone just bring UHT issue here…
PIRATE should be able to guide AMRAAM onto a target, which would be very helpful with being sneaky, especially in gamemodes like Sim as you could track a target and get into an ideal firing solution without the target knowing and then firing.
PIRATE is also suppose to filter out flares, which makes it ideal for maintaining a lock in a dogfight on someone actively defending, enabling for the rapid lock and fire of Aim-9M or (when fixed) AMRAAM in a dogfight.
PIRATE should also have a much higher range that it does now, so could be used to find targets at long range and lock onto them, enabling the above AMRAAM launch (though in sim, this is limited due to no IFF, but the tpod in the PIRATE should lock onto the IRST lock, really need to work on that report). Should also provide both the range of the target and the ability to operate like a TWS, tracking up to 200 targets (though without IFF)