Tiger KHT: Germany's Best

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Germany’s Best

History and origins:

The tiger helicopter program was a joint multinational project by many nations, of which, germany and france were the two largest shareholders.
The company overseeing the tiger was eurocopter, also a multinational project.
From the onset the tiger faced many issues and difficulties since it was attempting to incorporate technologies way ahead of its time.
Most popular is the failure of the main armament of the tiger, the TRIGAT missile family which, despite being a state of the art missile was also not very effective purely because of its tremendous cost.

From the start of the 2000s and all the way up to 2013 when the Luftwaffe UH (support helicopter) Tiger (Tiger UHT in game) was redesignated as the KH (attack helicopter) Tiger (Tiger KHT in game), there was talk about upgrading the helicopter with various weapon systems that could increase its offensive and sometimes defensive potential.
Ranging from state-of-the-art self defense missiles such as the LFK-NG and extended weapons loadouts to weapons as simple as laser guided rockets and countermeasure options.
The full list can be found in the armaments and new systems section.

The helicopter I am suggesting today is the planned top end Tiger for the German military had it gone into production. Some of these upgrades saw service, some did not, some have only ever been tested and some planned. All items listed in the armaments and systems with images have already been trialled and or incorporated as well as the extra countermeasures systems.


Max speed: 290kmph
Max altitude: 4000m
Engine: 2 х MTU Turbomeca Rolls-Royce MTR390-2C
Power: 1285hp
Take-off weight: 6t

Armaments and new systems


FZ275 LGR - 7km (SAL)

Weapon status: Tested and in mass production internationally
Integration status on Tiger UHT/KHT: No integration needed, usable as is.


LFK-GILA - 8km (SAL + IOG?)

GILA is an adaptation of the GATR seeker onto 70mm rockets
Weapon status: GATR has been brought for by the US (functional status), and Diehl has bought a share of the program and offered it to Germany for the Tiger UHT/KHT. [1] [2]

Integration status on Tiger UHT/KHT: No integration needed, usable as is.


LFK-NG - 10km (IIR)

Weapon status: Tested, fully functional but not in production
Integration status on Tiger UHT/KHT: No modification needed as the launch tubes show, however no missile has been fired from the Tiger thus far.


Mistral AAM (IR)

Weapon status: Tested, in mass production
Integration status on Tiger UHT/KHT: Capability maintained since early models

Extra PARS 3 Launchers

Weapon status: Tested, unknown production level
Integration status on Tiger UHT/KHT: THOR capable UHT/KHT are cleared since outer pylons were only wired for A-G weapons on THOR upgraded Tigers


(Tiger helicopter outer rockets)
Upgrade status: Tested, upgraded enmass


TDA rockets

Weapon status: Tested, in mass production internationally
Integration status on Tiger UHT/KHT: Capability maintained since early models


Nexter 20M621 20mm gunpod

Weapon status: Tested, in mass production internationally
Integration status on Tiger UHT/KHT: Capability maintained since early models



RMK-30 30mm turret

Weapon status: Tested, in limited production in Germany only
Integration status on Tiger UHT/KHT: Unknown, some sources say WTD-61 has a few Tigers with the RMK-30 only for training etc. Reason for secrecy is unknown.

Due to the mast mounted Osiris sight of the Tiger UHT being on an elevated pole, it does not work well with the sharp vibrations caused by firing a normal under nose auto cannon. It is for this reason the RMK-30 recoilless autocannon was designed specifically for the Tiger UHT. Sadly it has not been mounted yet due to budgetary constraints.

More details, Courtesy of @NER055

Early in 1997, Mauser-Werke Oberndorf Waffensysteme released brief details of a new 30 mm cannon, designated the RMK 30, which it has developed under contract to the German BWB.

The first application of the Mauser RMK 30 mm cannon will be the Eurocopter Tiger UHT helicopter of the German Army, but as it is recoilless, it can be installed on very light platforms such as soft skin vehicles which in the past could not be fitted with a weapon of this calibre.

A recoilless weapon almost entirely compensates the recoil impulse by taking advantage of the gases streaming out backwards while firing. In the design of the RMK 30, this has been achieved by a moveable cartridge chamber and an attached nozzle.

As well as being a recoiiless design, the RMK 30 has a number of other features including a three chamber revolver type breech cylinder (similar to that used in other Mauser weapons), moveable cartridge chamber, linkless ammunition feeding from the front with left or right feed, telescoped ammunition with a compact charge, combustible case and inductive primer.

The RMK 30 is capable of accurate and sustained firing and according to Mauser, dispersion patterns of less than 50 per cent compared with conventional cannon have been achieved during the trials programme.

The RMK 30 has a cyclic rate of fire of 300 rds/min with the actual gun weighing 100 kg and having a barrel length of 1,700 mm. The first round being developed is of the armour piercing (AP) type with a calibre of 30 x 280 mm and a muzzle velocity of 1,200 m/s. An armour piercing fin stabilised discarding sabot round is also being developed.

The first prototype of the RMK 30 was completed in 1997 and underwent manned firing trials installed on a MaK Wiesel 1 light tracked armoured weapon carrier. Since then a second weapon has been built which has a small number of improvements.

According to Mauser, their RMK 30 is part of a complete integrated weapon system which, for example in a helicopter application, will also include a number of other subsystems including tracker, thermal imager, fire-control computer, stabilised mirror, laser range-finder and gyro.

The overall system configuration is now being optimised by Mauser and it is expected that series production will commence in the first decade of 2000 to support production of the Tiger UHT helicopter for the German Army.

Prototype weapon. Not yet in production or service.

Property Value
Main weapon caliber (mm)
Length (mm)
Weight (kg)
Rate of fire (rds/min)
Muzzle velocity (m/s)

Extra counter measures

Modification status: Mission loadout choice

144 Chaff/Flares option



Tiger KHT with THOR and ASGRAD upgrade kits + sand filters as well

Tiger UHT with PARS and LFK-NG



Sick new camo

Sources from reports and outstanding reports themselves

Tiger UHT using incorrect rocket type
Tiger UHT missing rockets on outer pylons
Tiger UHT missing PARS 3 LR launchers for outer pylons
Tiger UHT missing Mistral ATAM
Tiger UHT missing NC621 20mm Cannon Pod
Tiger UHT missing TDA 68 mm rocket launcher
Tiger UHT missing helmet mounted sight (AA missiles not slavable)
Tiger helicopters should get an option of 144 countermeasures.
PARS 3 LR incorrect maximum range
PARS 3 LR missing proximity fuse


(THOR upgrade)

(THOR upgrade)



This would be very fun, especially if the 30mm cannon would be incorporated. +1


That’s basically the entire reason for the KHT.
Without that it just cannot defend itself.
That and the LFK-NG.


Do not bump your post with editing a period in and out of your post if you continue to do we will remove your comment and/or post depending. As bumping is against the rules of the suggestions section.


Seems i got caught 😅

May I ask what “bumping” is specifically?

Basically if you post in a thread it puts it on the top of the list.
If you do it without posting anything of value its called bumping

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Probably not a good idea, since they result in a ~10% power loss.

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Thats interesting…
Why would they design something so restricting?

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The objective of the filter is to keep sand out which is achieved by placing it over the engine’s air inlet. Naturally, this means that the engine is unable to take in as much oxygen, which means less oxygen for the fuel/air mixture, which means less power. If you don’t use an engine inlet filter in sandy environments though, then the engine’s turbine blades will wear down and cause an even larger (and more permanent) power loss.

If you look at pictures of the same Tigers today, you will see that the engine filters have been removed.

Hmm i guess then a new paint job would be in order to distinguish the KHT

So im a bit confused by what this helicopter is exactly, as isnt this the same helicopter as the UHT? From what ive understood from reading a bit online its just the new name for the UHT helicopters and no changes were made to the helicopter at the time of redisignation.

In a previous comment you mention the 30mm and the LFK-NG but checking your suggestion for that missile it was shown off in 2000 but german only redisignated this helicopter in 2013. As well when looking up the photos used they are all still called UHT at the time of photographed (however its possible the site or descriptions werent updated)

Even yourself you belive that the one in game is the exact same as shown in a bug report you submitted last year: Community Bug Reporting System

Can you please explain what is different with this helicopter from the one from in game currently?

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technically yes
practically no

not exactly at the time however since it got renamed some changes were made to it, most specifically the THOR upgrade, as well as many of the tested weapons or the ones offered by deihl etc were after 2013 (when the helicopter was redesignated by the GAF).

yes most websites are still using the old name as the renaming wasnt a very publicised event. basically any photograph taken after 2013 is of the KHT.

thanks for reminding me i have to close that since i wasnt exactly sure about the exact modifications done upon the KHT which would warrant a separate aircraft (THOR and 12 PARS loadouts) at that time

although to be fair, like my Flarakrad suggestion, this could just as well be added as a modification/upgrade package like we have on the BMP-1 or BMP-2


This would be too good for adding to Germany and can’t be added


A better solution might be to rename the one we have to KH Tiger and introduce a new UH Tiger, which can act as an ‘early’ variant.


The best solution - add this suggested into the game. Because it will be best variation that we can get ever in German tech tree.


I second this option.
As long as the current one gets the extra weapons systems

I agree to additional weapons or new heli. Don’t mind…

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I doubt we will ever get the RMK30. The LFK-NG though… maybe.


Heh. In our wishes i think. Maybe if the God snail blessed us for one time…

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