Lets talk about the state of Germany

What’s the main difference between the KHT and UHT? I also saw some pictures of a UHT with a MK30 autocannon, if that’s the case then it would be an epic addition to the current UHT.

We don’t even have it for the ICE yet, even though Gaijin mentioned it IN THEIR DEVBLOG FOR IT!

Anyone wanna create a bug report for the IDS getting 9Li’s since, according to Gaijin, they can just make the service upgrade a modification and ignore every other upgrade?


There isn’t one. It’s just a name change.

UHT - Support Helicopter TIger/Unterstützungshubschrauber Tiger
KHT - Attack Helicopter TIger/Kampfhubschrauber Tiger

They changed its designation in 2013 from UHT to KHT (the year when PARS 3 LR were accepted for service iirc, but functionally they’re the exact same).


This is what confuses me the most. If it’s not going to be on it, why even mention it?

@ItsOnyy I think this can be only different helicopter. Rmk-30 was passed, but not installed because budget reasons. I think you will found more there:

Mostly it’s weaponry modifications. After all its best what we can receive

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Because Gaijin…

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Well to be fair there is a difference in the weapons capability.
UHT → KHT meant that outer pylons were upgraded via the THOR package (for mounting extra rocket pods), and even extra PARS launchers were allowed as an option on those pylons.


Ideally UHT should have only HOT and stingers at a much lower BR (around 10.0-10.7) and then KHT should be the 12.0-12.3 succesor.


The king of bad decisions.

We found sources that the Aim-9L/I can use smoke reduced engines.
What are our chances?
AIM-9L/I missing reduced smoke motor


T.O. GR1F-16CJ-34-1-1 AVIONICS AND NONNUCLEAR WEAPONS DELIVERY FLIGHT MANUAL appears to be an export-restricted document. Proof of its declassification and that it is no longer export restricted are required as it is younger than 30 years, otherwise, we cannot use it: Source Material: Restrictions on Classified and Export Restricted information (“Military Restrictions”)


It’s unclassified


So, can the AIM-9L/I get a smokeless motor like the AIM-9M?

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“Unclassified” does not mean there is no export restriction. 1997 falls into the 30 year range, meaning it may still be export restricted. For this, the distribution statement is needed. It will have a rating (EG B, C, D, E etc)

Edit: It is in fact, still export restricted:

This will be down to the developers to decide, however the current source cannot be used without a clear distribution statement that it is not export restricted.

Tornado badly needs it, since it just got 2 missiles. Aim-9L gets flared too easily and also the Strike capability is just bad. So the Assta needs something to make it worth playing.

What I don’t get is: Why we don’t get an upgraded Tornado IDS with better AAMs? Ger Tornados used everything up to recent Iris-T, also several versions of the 9L-Li’s.

Better engines? There are some IDS’ with ECR engines, after ECRs and IDS’ roles got merged capability-wise.

BOZ-101 EC pods? With MAW sensors etc?

Any chance of better ordnance which might be useful in GRB?

Brits have 3 TT Tornados already. And a fourth incoming. Where is our assta 3.X ?


We have nothing remotely close currently to IRIS-T levels of missile performance in game.


Germany over performing technology (as always)


he talked about the tornado getting the AIM9L(I) or the AIM9L(I)-1

This would result in a BR increase. None of the 11.7 Tornados have IRCCM missiles currently.