Tiger armor

I just showed you a chart that includes a wide variety of vehicles at and around the Tiger’s Battle Rating.
Out of those 15 vehicles, the Tiger is the second slowest of them all.

  • It’s acceleration is very poor,
  • It’s average off-road speed is poor,
  • It’s hull traverse rate is decent but relies on being in 5th gear
  • It’s reverse speed is nothing special at -8 km/h.

If you believe I’m wrong, feel free to share evidence that supports your position.
Just telling me I’m wrong whilst providing absolutely no evidence of your own ain’t the most convincing argument I’m afraid.

Also, yes:

I’ve also got 446 more kills in my Tiger E than you do, dispite you having played 52 more battles in it.
I have no idea what you’re doing in that Tiger E, are you AFK during the majority of your matches?!

Please read context properly.

The person I responded to didn’t say ‘‘It’s fast for a Heavy tank’’, they claimed it’s fast in general.
That’s just plain false.

And it is not sluggish, which is what you seem to be alluding to.

No one reading that was thinking “conpared to light tanks/TDs”. And again, it is not to far off everything else, so again not “slow”.

It is pretty “fast”, faster top speed which beats same BR mediums! And it gets there, and gets there in almost exactly same time.

Im not a 14 year old kid who thinks he needs charts to try and sound clever. I have played endless games in the Tiger and and I can see that Gaijin got the acceleration to be bang on as I have seen the tank in action with my own eyes.We all play this game and can see the great beast move quickly for tank of its size and weight.Who needs a chart,do you have eyes in your head?

You decided to try and be clever and shoot somebody down by picking on the one of the few things War Thunder actually got right with the Tiger. What they left out was the all the things wrong with it because they are not part of the game.

Define poor under the circumstances.Given the vehicles weight and the year it came out and what was around it at the time. Gaijin captured the Tigers surprising mobility,we all know that,so are we all going look at your chart and go …on no …we were all actually wrong and the Tiger is in fact very slow? Are we ****

The speed is correct.I got ten kills not that long ago wizzing around the abandoned factory in a Tiger ,then a fool with a chart shows up and tries to tell me different.Thanks for making me laugh though ,I needed it.

You do the same in every vehicle. So your point? I doubt you did all that with an xbox controller.

And your chart is “evidence” showing it is pretty darn manoeuvrable, and is not carrying the weight you seem to think it holds. The only other tanks happen to be almost a full BR higher, all which you have the same K/D and win rate with.

Apart from not as quick as lights ofc…

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You me and the entire war thunder community are wrong as he has his chart.I also have a chart that says I am the greatest player ever and look like Brad Pitt so it must be true.

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Shh, you weren’t meant to reveal that to the public…

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I doubt you use ULQ on your xbox either

I guess this is the easiest way to show you my thoughts about the Tiger’s mobility:

Fast ---------------------------------- >Tiger< ------------ Slow

I’ll be as direct and clear as possible: I’m not saying it’s got abysmal mobility, just that in your average matchmaking you’re one of the slower vehicles around. Not the slowest, but certainly not quick either.

On-paper top speed =/= Practical top speed.

The Panther D has a maximum speed of 55 km/h, the M36 ‘‘only’’ 48 km/h.
The M36 is still much faster on average thanks to it’s vastly superior acceleration and faster off-roads top speed.

In other words: You have no evidence to support your case, and I’ll just have to accept your ‘‘Trust me bro’’ statement.

Had you been someone like DEFYN, Hazey, Cavenub, Spookston or anyone else who’s opinion I respect because I know they’re capable and knowledgable players, I’d take their word for it.
Instead I’ve got a player here with deeply negative K/D ratios and abysmal winrates telling me I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Like we said ,cross platform is console players versus cheats. Dont talk stats with me.

Yes, I prefer the more level headed take. But it is almost 10kmh faster than similar BR mediums. The fact it is almost on par with most others does not put it in the position you have stipulated, in my opinion.

So we know it goes faster/similar speed than the Comet, Cent, M4A1 (so Jumbo too), IS-1, M36B2, T-34-57, M26, Panther A, M46. That does not marry up with it being “not quick”. Yes, many lights are.

I believe you exaggerate, in some comparisons, when talking of in-game “experience” and how they work out. You are still almost 10kmh faster than similar BR mediums. When it comes to gunning for positions, outside of M18, the Tiger is leaving a considerable number behind. That is why I turn to the Heavy 6 in an uptier versus the M4, it is very capable.

Yet with his “stats” he is not coming out with such odd conclusions…

You are very good with vehicles and WT, we can see that. But it does not make your “speed analysis” right, and have even proven the opposite.

But yes, we are possibly too caught up on what we consider or mean by “speed”.

At least when going full ham your gun settles a lot quicker than any non-stab similar BR vehicle apart from maybe the IS-1.

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I’m sorry, but I’m getting the feeling I might be talking to a wall here.
I already addressed this false conclusion in the very comment you replied to:


I don’t care if a tank with a hp/t ratio of 11.4 has a theoretical top speed of 90 km/h, with that hp/t ratio it’s never going to see that top speed.

The Tiger E will do around 29-31 km/h on average, that’s slower than virtually all the tanks you mentioned.
The only reason why the top speeds are mentioned as they are in the chart, is because the testing is performed on the concrete runway of the Cargo Port map.

From all heavy tanks I play, just the KV1 feels decently fast. Especially for its BR of 4.0, where most things aren’t that mobile. Its not just speed…also good handling and mobility. The Tigers at a much higher BR don’t feel exceptionally mobile, considering all the competition they have. Tons of wheeled fast movers and fast light/medium tanks.

All I’d say is the Tiger feels alot more mobile than the nerfed Panthers A,G,F. But does it mean something? The best of the worst is still just that…bad.

Edit: Isn’t it strange that the best Panthers are the ones with the lowest BR? Like the Panther prototype at 5.0 and the Panther D at 5.7. While the objectivly worse Panthers are all 6.0 BRed. Other topic, but i always considered it strange.

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Not a wall, a very different opinion from experiences in game.

In part maybe due to lazy teams but I found myself getting ahead pretty effectively, as opposed to my M4 which watches the Tigers and Panthers on the same team push ahead.

When it comes to “pushing” one another and terrain etc. taken into account yes it becomes worse than some, but with the advantage of those in the Tiger possessing a more stable platform. Those facing the Tiger outside of the stab tanks have *relatively" worse gun handling, especially when actively pushing on an enemy tank. Then you have all the merits/issues of HEAT-FS, APDS/APBC, and APHE, all effecting how the above comes together. I mention this as the ability to shift around in closer quarters is not the be-all and end-all.

Getting to position is important too, not just skirmish parameters where it is not too dissimilar apart from a couple, some of which are poor to compare and base the Tigers, or any others, mobility/speed.

On average? Yes, the averages of all other vehicles will be lower than their top speeds too.

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The Tiger weighs 56 tonnes and it could take up to three tigers to tow a dead one.They were a nightmare to move logistically on trains and across bridges yet look at how quickly they move in game and in reality.
That is why people are surprised by their speed ,they expect them to move like the Churchill does.

Different person.

So you’re contradicting yourself. What’s it gonna be most cannons can penetrate the Tiger I or the Tiger I can survive 76->85mm’s. Cause doesn’t matter if you angled or not. If any of those guns hits you. You’re becoming swiss cheese very quickly.

Decided to play one match in the tiger 1 today. Of course full uptier.

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Germany Suffers! We can see why people want this at 5.0.

And I tnink to the OP: because that is the thickness of armour engineers gave it.

For one of the kills, i shot a little short when aiming at a m18. The round hit his drive wheel and over pressured him. I love that nuke round it has.

Where M4A3? :(