Three vehicles that leave you baffled as to why they're not in Warthunder

source on the Aim7B being a fox 3 and not a fox 1?

BAE Hawk.

Can be added to half the nations TTs and would be a solid fit for their respective BRs. Equivalents like the AMX and Alpha jet have been here for ages already.

Could have and should have come in the black hole that was 2023 as Britain and Sweden got nothing instead

Land rovers

Especially the Javelin equipped one for a lower BR IR SAM for the TT

HMS King George V

It’s equivalent the Scharnhorst was added 3 years ago

F101 voodoo, f-ck-1, mirage g


Ju287. basically a mix of the B24 cockpit (already ingame ) a Ju188 Tail(already ingame) and the fuselage of the He177 (already ingame) the only thing new would be the fowrads sweept wings and the engines. literally just a early jet bomber that could be placed infront of the Ar234. nothing special. it already has been considered so there is some hope. the same with the HGversions of the Me262 (HG stands for Hoch Geschwindigkeit and mean high speed) just a bit faster me262’s

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Actually, the entire aircraft would be new. What you are describing is the unarmed low speed testbed for the forward swept wings:

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Surprised we dont have more early cold war jets like the F-101, F-102, or more MiG 15, 17, and 19 varients.

Theres alot more ww2 armored cars and halftracks that could be added (especially for germany)

The lack of ww2naval aircraft from Germany and Britian is wierd that they werent added yet. (BF 109T and naval Stuka vairents for Germany, and Barracuda and Firefly for the British)




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As someone who avidly suggests aircraft for the US aviation, I can easily answer this.

1.) Curtiss XP-40Q-2A Warhawk

A P-40 on steroids. This thing is powered by a water-injected V-1710-121 engine with a two-stage supercharger tuned for high-altitude performance.

2.) McDonnell XP-67 Moonbat

An American interceptor with six 37mm M4 cannons. Need I say more?

3.) Vought XF5U-1

A worthy “Dreams Come True” event aircraft with a UFO-like design. It had provisions for either six 0.50 caliber machine guns or four 20mm cannons.

Honorable Mentions:

  • General Motors FM-2 Wildcat

  • Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat

  • North American FJ-3M Fury (Late Production)

  • McDonnell F-101 Voodoo series

  • Convair F-106 Delta Dart

  • A lot of iconic Cold War aircraft from all nations in the game are missing and deserving their mention here.


Oh damn my bad. thanks for pointing that out

Another trio I forgot about

A9 cruiser tank

A10 cruiser tank

And A10e1 prototype before the demand for hull machinegun.

Honestly surprised these 3 didnt come to WT yet, especially given 2 of them are the tanks the UK went to war with for the first year or two of WW2.


There was a whole study done about the Aim-7B

The full study is in a suggestion I made on the F4D-1 with Sparrows.

Fr. Cold-war is arguably the best era of vehicles in Warthunder, yet is massively slept on.

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Supermarine Spiteful



As much as I’d like to see them they wouldn’t bring much to the TT. Same reason we haven’t seen the Covenanter or the Centaur.

F-82 with Fox-3s


Wespe, Stug IV, B-45 Tornado

Ground launched IRIS-T platforms :D

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I’d love to see the deployable supports be implemented to lock you down and make things more stable.

  • BMD-3. We’ve already been promised the Soviet airborne fighting vehicles in the game for years at this point, and it’s basically just a BMP-2 turret on the chassis used by the BMD-4. There’s no reason it couldn’t be here by now.

  • Leopard C1. We don’t have any of the welded-turret Leopard 1s actually. The Leopard C1 is essentially a Leopard 1A3 with a laser rangefinder, and would be a good supplement to the Leopard A1A1 at 9.0.

  • M10 Booker. America has so many goddamn options for a 105mm gun equipped tracked light tank in the tech tree and it still lacks one. Now that the MPF program has successfully produced a vehicle that has been accepted for service and produced in quantity for the United States, the Booker should be added to the American tree.


    I mean, c’mon.

  • AT-6 Wolverine
    Thailand has it in service, and modern prop aircraft would be neat to see :P

  • L 990
    Funny little Sherman river barge for the french :D