THre is no Reason to AMX A1A be at 11.3, It's Nonsense!

What is the logic? 2 identical planes with 0.6 br difference

The Italian AMX A-11 Ghibli, 10.7 fair, and the Brazilian A-1A, 11.3, are useless in this BR in any role.

I would like to know the logic behind Gaijin’s decision to give two planes that are literally the same, and with insignificant differences in armament and sensors, a 0.6 BR difference.
Maybe someone can explain it to me, because it seems like I didn’t get enough breast milk when I was little and my brain didn’t develop as it should have.

The only difference between the Italian AMX A-11 Ghibli and the Brazilian A-1A that really makes a difference is the internal cannon, which for aerial combat favors the Italians, with the M61A1, and for ground attack favors the Brazilian, with its DEFA 554. The weapons for ground attack only change the name, in practice they are the same.

And the Air-to-Air Missiles are balanced, both with their advantages and disadvantages.
The Brazilian A-1A uses the MAA-1, which has great acceleration, higher top speed and pulls a lot of Gs, but it is a flare and a miss, has a shorter burn time and shorter guidance time, greatly reducing its range, making it more useful in head-on and/or ambushes.

The Italian A-11 uses the AIM-9L, does not have as great acceleration as the MAA-1, its speed is lower, does not pull as many Gs, but on the other hand it has an engine that burns for longer, a longer guidance time and better resistance to flares.

I honestly do not see any advantage in the Brazilian A-1A over the Italian A-11, none that justifies a 0.3 BR difference, but they think that a 0.6 BR difference is fair.


I’d guess the better targeting pod on the A-1A with high-def thermal imaging is the main reason for the BR increase, despite it not making a huge difference.

Gaijin is obsessed with GBU performance in Air modes. Same reason tornado IDSa are at different BRs.

Only reason for it.

I personally struggle to justify any reason for the AMX’s to be at a different BR to the Sea Harrier FRS1e at 10.7

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I just bought the pack now with the Reaper, I figured it would be a bad experience because of the battle rating, but I didn’t think it would be this bad. Playing at 11.3 against an F-14 is something I can’t imagine what goes through Gaijin’s head to make such bad balancing. When I unlock the last Centauro, I’ll test it in Ground, but in Ground, the anti-aircraft batteries are stronger than facing an F-14, so I can only imagine it’s going to be much worse than I’m predicting.


Yes, although the same difference in targeting pod doesn’t increase battle rating of the German Tornado compared to Italian one.
MAA-1 can be considered worth 0.3 probably (not for me though), but not 0.6.
Knowing Gaijin they will more likely increase br of the regular AMX than decrease br of the premium one.
I also want them to finally specify the name of the regular AMX.

Nah, there was a discussion about it in br changes thread.
They said Tornadoes already had too good efficiency in ARB at their 11.3 br (as base bombers), but it seems they didn’t want to increase br of the premium one.

There is 3 tornado IDS at 11.3 and 3 at 11.7.

1 at 11.3 is premium, 1 is event and 1 on the TT.

The only difference to the 11.7 ones is the Tpod and GBUs which they claim increase the efficiency in air modes because apparently GBUs are a lot better than unguided bombs in those modes

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brazilian AMX haș no reason to be 11.3 put down to 10.7 and make it usable again, piranha are aim9b with only too many g’s, completely useless against the normal 12.0 fight you encounter.

Tornados already often dont make it to bases, does gaijin think you need a 25% bomb success rate to be balanced?

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I think its time to accept gaijin doesn’t mean what they say and they say things to distract you from what they mean, which is me saying they don’t actually think GBUs matter in air RB and that they just dont want to ruin their premium one

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cant bomb base because f4s and other premium jet, cant kill ground because always dead by missile radar, cant kill enemy because this missile bad and jet too slow…
suffer in rb and sb :(