This matchmaking is really unfair

My team rolling around in Somua’s, IS-6, IS-3, BTR, Char, AMLs and whatnot.

Germany has nothing at 7.0 and 7.3 except 2x SPAA for some reason.
US maybe M47 and a T32 at best.

I don’t think this is fun for anyone, this reminds me of the time Gaijin gave helicopters to Russia and US and no one else and then put them on the same team together.

Now it’s Russia and France with the 7.3 lineup spam that turns any 6.3 game into a full uptier, making the experience worse than it was from before the ‘decompression’.

You simply cannot have 7.3 games where you put both dominating nations on the same side, this was over before it ever started.


Supposedly the other team should have a few 7.3s but failed to spot anything.



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If people don’t choose to spawn in their 7.0 or 7.3, you won’t notice them of course. Might be that some of them have 7.0/7.3 planes or 7.3 tanks, but choose to spawn in 6.3 light tanks for different reasons. That German Bulldog is useable at BRs like 7.3 or 7.7, unlike some of the German 6.7 solutions.

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I mean even if they did they’d still lose, Germany doesn’t have any 7.0 or 7.3 to begin with aside from SPAA, so ending up in 7.3 matches is stupid.
US’s 7.3 lineup is very weak as well.

This is not a new “issue”, many BRs nations cannot form strong lineups. If the vehicles don’t exist then there isn’t much to be done, just cope like most nations have since forever.

Gaps exist! That’s why the open Match Maker exists. And as @Ulfgar_Septimus mentions people do not always use what their max BR (could be a plane).

Without my Suggestion implemented you will never know of course (Passed for Consideration in old forum).

This in part happened as people at 6.7 moaning their vehicles (heavies) don’t handle uptiers (ignoring Churchill VII meets Tiger Is, IS-1s, Panthers, Jumbos, Comets in less than a full uptier!). Now this has happened it is a “new” moan.

In the meantime 6.7 GB is laughing with its amazingly strong lineup of… a meme TD and really questionable Scout (it works and it doesn’t). Oh… then a 6.3 of a meme TD and a medium, and 6.0 with its medium and another sad questionable scout.

Just a reminder the only limit on matchmaking in any mode is the top tiers on either side cannot be more than 4. A 4 vs 0 top tier is just as possible* mathematically as 4 v 4 (or 1 v 0). This is much more likely than people not taking out their top tiers first most of the time. You just got in an unbalanced match.

“Possible” as in, “can happen”. The relative probability of a 4 v 0 to a 4 v 4 is variable/unknown.

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This used to be a big issue with US + UK in their glory days, and then Gaijin’s refusal to ever let go of the WW2 matchmaker despite being will into the cold war, but somehow Germany was still the bad guy there.

Opening up the MM to allow all combinations is supposed to combat that, but then creating scenarios like this just means we’re back to the same problem, and I doubt there is any intention on filling these gaps for Germany and the minor nations that might be in the same boat.

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Gaps exist! That’s why the open Match Maker exists.

What even are you referring to?

This in part happened as people at 6.7 moaning their vehicles (heavies) don’t handle uptiers (ignoring Churchill VII meets Tiger Is, IS-1s, Panthers, Jumbos, Comets in less than a full uptier!). Now this has happened it is a “new” moan.

Calling valid complaints “moaning” makes you look non-credible and makes me think you should be ignored. I know I am not alone. Makes you look very shilly and/or nation bias-y.

I am not sure what you are referring to exactly. We are talking now, not 4+ years ago as a lot has happened.

Because of the unequal queuing, yes. Mainly happens to one nation though some people deny having so many low levels (relatively) at higher BRs than they should effects performance. I agree we exchanged one set of issues for another, but removes all the dumb “axis v allies” rubbish (give it up people, you weren’t alive back then).

Well for GB they added a tech tree vehicle in the BP to help flesh out. Same with France with EVRs. All those doing BPs just opened up more incentive to not really add.

However, expecting every BR to be viable for every nation with strong lineups is fanciful at best, yes? Because these issues only seem to crop up (vocalised) regarding a certain nation with a very passionate following.

I’ll ignore the silly person who commented next with bile.

Gernany Suffers!

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I am not sure what you are referring to exactly. We are talking now, not 4+ years ago as a lot has happened.

Hence I said 'used to be.

Axis v Allies made sense when we only had the relevant nations, but the moment they pushed beyond WW2 the obvious problems arised with post WW2 Germany.

Expecting two major nations of US and Germany at the peak of their WW2 firepower, or late/post for US at least to be worth playing isn’t too fanciful, not to be completely outdone by France of all nations and prototype Soviet union nonsense.

Gaps in lineups can exist, but this is an intentional creation by the snail to remove the lineups of some nations and leave a gaping hole for others to jump into, it’s bad game design regardless of what nation it happens to.

And the only nation with a very passionate following is US, at least on the English forums.

You say Germany does not? Seriously? Well we have to agree to disagree.

Though when moving to air then the US for sure (maybe Russia too?), I doubt anything compares there.

I am glad in the game and out I am not critical of any nation than my own (as in over the top criticism).

Simple (but would never happen): make sure all minors are fit for purpose, THEN the majors can get some help if needed (ofc GB being a bit of both due to time in game).

(give it up people, you weren’t alive back then).

I played back then, game was far more interesting. Today’s game is a lite version.

yes? Because nobody is actually a “german main”? Nobody ACTUALLY sees evidence of people coping about german vehicles, they just like to imagine its a big problem because they want to make fun.

(World War II - you were not there, my Dad wasn’t and he is 81 years old now…)

Ok so besides the joke, the matchmaker was far more enjoyable to me when it was historical based.

As before “I’ll ignore the silly person who commented next with bile.”

I’ll chat with Miragen because we might disagree but we are generally civil. Out 🤘

How often do you see:

Germany suffers

Just angle bro

Germany has all the new players

History channel yada yada

Germany is the most popular nation

Tigers OP

Panthers OP

Germany handheld

90% of talk about Germany are the freeaboos whining about Germany.

Minor nations were supposed to be the solution, Italy would have been a great addition to Germany bringing actual mobility but the whole nation got neglected like Japan and then Japan and Italy ended up on the allied side half the time anyways.

Either way Gaijin can’t pretend they decompressed WW2 stuff if the game is worse than ever before at those BRs now.

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In response to both legitimate but also illegitamate complaints/comments.

I feel the intention was there (and we aren’t finished) but yes things are not right and different issues are making themselves known.

The MM thing: yep, brought a different set of issues, and some people still side up on the “allies v axis” arguments even though all nations play with one another now.

So, what do you think they should do to fill in 7.0/7.3 new gaps? (Me disagreeing shouldn’t derail the discussion, should it? We don’t have to agree)

Or is the idea to remove seeing current 7.7s at all?

And should we be able to see if BRs are spread fairly on both teams to see if we are being stitched up? (It was Passed for Consideration but so are pages of ideas).

In response to nothing, just people mocking Germany on the daily and dismissing all and any complains they might have.

Surprising lack of complaints about how long US dominated air as well, or how absurd the F-14s are being 2 updates ahead of everyone else, wonder why.

So, what do you think they should do to fill in 7.0/7.3 new gaps? (Me disagreeing shouldn’t derail the discussion, should it? We don’t have to agree)

Just don’t match France and Russia together in the current stages, put the Kugel at 6.7 and the Wiesel at 7.7 because one is overtiered and one doesn’t have a lineup anyways.

What they should have done in the first place was make top BR like 13-14 and take 7.0 and move it to 9.0 or even 8.0 without touching anything else, from there you can decrease the underperforming 9.0s and increase the overperforming 6.7s and actually improve matchmaking like they claimed they did.
Instead of removing lineups and counters to very powerful vehicles leaving WW2 vehicles defenseless more than ever before.


I agree a BR shift up enough to rejiggle pretty much from the ground up, but I feel the 7.0>.9.0 idea would create a power vacuum that might not be filled to avoid other undesirable situations. Some nations will, some not.

I wonder if this is a possibility with the MM for this narrow BR in question. But worth a shot.

I have tried to play Germany enough to see where some of it comes from. Yes there are those not helping at all with their criticisms, but legitimate concerns of all nations and players in general exist.

But I understand your point.

(Go look at the Machinery section back on the old forum. We are talking about a different “passion”. Of all the nations it was the most well provided and heavily used by forum members, in terms of interest and, admittedly ageing, help on vehicles; by the members, and when I say well provided I do not mean treated specially.)

I thought people were quite open about the issue of US air, exasperated by it being far the most popular when looking at queues (fair enough, not a proven analysis method).