Things wrong with the Mirage 4000 Thread

ok,tonight is enough,740,i remmber this,see u guys next day,hace good night everyboby^^

That’s also where you’re wrong,… Dassault runs an historical and archive service, filled by passionnates,…
And so you’re again wrong.

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Musée Le Bourget nearby Paris

Who’s in walking distance lol

Who is ready to pay entry lol? ^^"

Maybe there is some stuff to get out of the archives. tho i’m not familiar on how the procedure works to get the documents so i’ll leave this here: MIRAGE G8 (G8A, G8, G8-01, G8-02) ET SUPER MIRAGE. - MIRAGE G8 A : Pré ACF (FranceArchives)

Welp, unfortunately I am on the other side of the globe and live on a large island

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The mirage 4000 is currently in display at the “musée de l’air et de l’espace” in the city of “Le Bourget”.
It’s a 1h30 ride in car from where i live. I could possibly go if i find time during next Monday.
I’m not sure what kind of information i could get as this is a museum about aviation and its history, not especially about M4K (and its not like they have Mirage 4000 Expert available).
Maybe i could reach to the museum itself asking if they have the contact of any test pilot, engineer, or whatever could help in getting information about the 10xGbL or any other point that need to be added/fixed.

EDIT: museum closed on monday… I’ll try to reach them by mail instead


Lucky guy

Do we have any pictures of the 10 gbu loadout?


Missing air to ground loadouts: Community Bug Reporting System


Sadly not, its part of the “planned loadout”
Like the CDLP pod afaik and Micas
And beeing a test bed for multiple type of weaponery its also possible that some things are still kept hidden or just that nobody ever thought of posting it online.

EDIT: DirectSupport did a report on that, seems like i was wrong

What were the targeting pods that were able/planned to be mounted? ATLIS II seems to be less than optimal for its br.

Also is it normal that the atlis can’t lock ground targets?

No, it is a bug. ATLIS can lock just fine on other planes that equip it.

Thanks !
Seems like i said wrong things then, my bad!

couldn’t find the picture back

It was 8 lines going from the screen center to the sides of it, with weird series of letters and digits that didn’t make any sense on said line, way worse than the bug you showed

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was linked to the first few seconds of the trailer, where they showed a radar interface for some reason.
Maybe datalink, or just radar UI rework, or SAM threat (Apparently Patriots and S300s were datamined too)
Also the RWR (including mirage 4000) seems to show radar strength of an enemy radar (and therefore its distance)
Anyway sry for off topic.

i would LOVE to see new radar displays, and it would make sense since the RWR display rework

I believe the new rwr mechanic is the threat rings where a more threatening and imminent danger is displayed closer to the centre of the circle and respective to the bearing it is coming from.

Many Nato rwr’s have this system and is not just limited to the M4K

Example would be being pinged as having the least danger and further towards the out diameter of the rwr circle, being locked is closer to the middle and a launch or ARH missile is towards the centre

Edit: Distance from radar source is also accounted for