Things wrong with the Mirage 4000 Thread

If you want to change things it’s not on this forum but by creating bug reports but it seems that you don’t have a hand in proving your ideas

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if u want u can send evdience to gaijin ,and if u want mirage go 12.3 and future go 12.7 u can do that

just ignore him please.

You won’t convince him at all anyway. All arguments have been given, if he doesn’t want to listen to them, it’s his problem, no point in repeating them anymore

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Are you a stupid man ? Do you not know how uptiers work ? You are going to face Su-27 and F-15 REGARDLESS so might as well make the jet as powerful as it could be wtf

They must have sent this guy to sabotage

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i find it funny how easily this thread can get derailed


yep, they are defenetly doing stuff
(its a laser rangefinder)

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MICA was produced in serial number in 1996, early testing missiles were done way before that, since the MiCA as started development in early 1980’s,…

I’m not sure what you’re refering to, but this is what I was talking about

(Found the picture)

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im refering to the fact that they are defenetly doing something with radar displays, as the laser rangefinder is not a square even on live server.

never seen that while playing on the dev server. It can happen on all the radar in game?

the premise of my point is that ,in the future,br will extend to 12.7 , more and more people will play top tier and mirage4000(1979) will stay at 11.7 and will have chance to downtier to see no f15s and su27s

I see your point.

Could just be dev server bug but could also mean theyre working on stuff.

Guess we’ll find out sooner or later!

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Someone mentioned earlier that this behaviour similarly appeared on the FlakRakRad.

I was not able to reproduce this phenomenon either unfortunately.

So i have noooo clue what it could mean.

Hi guys !
I personnaly think that at this point it’s better to send a message to Dassault aviation to have official info.
By now this is probably not confidential anymore, we can ask what was the plan for the mirage 4000 that was about to be sell to Saudi Arabia/Iran


br spread is 1.0, you will still get uptiered all the time

an immature idea,because dassault is a business company,they,they wont give u what u want ,for free

Where is the prototype being displayed/stored?

Could ask them for information too if its a museum.

I mean at this point we got everything we need in terms of planned loadouts, except for the hypothetic MICA loadouts, which won’t be relevant for a while.

Sending a message to Dassault could always be useful though, but seeing what little data can be found in the new M4K book, we probably won’t have much responses.

more and more people play 12.7,no need let 11.7 to uptier,and if all 12.7 fight one room,game is fair,no need balance.

IMO the radar in the dev server are broken
The su-27 had weird artefacts and the T-2 was straight up showing code and didn’t work at all lol