They have shut down chat?

It seems to me like gaijin shut down the chat completly. i cant write anything in chat or use it even when im on a completly unused account, i also heare from frineds that they cant use it either just asking to ensure that this is correct


yes they have

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Why bother with chat, if you don’t bother to read the written info already existing from other players? ;-)


The irony is clear.


Hmm, why would a Hungarian company limit free speech like this?


To make their lives easier ?

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Because free speech doesnt exist, not even in America.


I guess because I typed “ควย” (dick) in the chat last night. (Just found out that Thai can be typed in this update)

Same here. I figured I had been given a chat ban because I called a guy a horses ass the other day for following me around shooting me with his machine gun for 5 minutes.

It’s pretty crappy that they would kill chat for everybody like that. I mean, what the hell? Honestly. If you’re that insecure just shut the entire game down for crying out loud.

To be fair to the guy, those threads have been popping up and getting closed and deleted pretty rapidly (as this one will be on Monday if not sooner). Finding out info about sensitive things like chat bans is kinda like hunting gophers. Gotta hit em when they poke their head up.


Its in relation to what happened recently in Russia. That’s fine if they wanna close the chat for that.

What is NOT fine is not telling everyone that it’s closed. For crying out loud just change “Chat is Unavailable” to “Chat is Globally Disabled” or “Chat is Disabled”
Not a big deal, as most people communicate via discord, but this definitely will hurt some people including myself who like to communicate via the chat occasionally.


Perfect timing, got 14 days remaining on my hate speech ban :D


yeah, lol

Chat is pointless it’d be better to remove it entirely and implement VOIP so we can have actual communication.

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Lmao, deserved.

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Lots of people prefer to communicate via text chat.
Some of us just prefer the extra privacy of hiding our voice from the internet :P


It was turned off before that event.

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I don’t know, if you can slander your own nation, the leaders, and burn the flag, I’d say that’s a pretty damn free country.

Yes, but it’d be a CoD lobby all over again.

Its free as long as it is within their narrative.(This applies to a lot of countries)