I’ve seen that people complaining about low levels buying premiums, and many propose there should be tier or level limitation before one can purchase an premium.
I think that’s not correct.
- Top tier game mechanics are different.
For tanks, the pacing is different, with LRF, stabilizer, firing on the move etc.
For planes, there is the radar, different types of missiles and evasion tactics.
For ships, the battleships has way slower speed and reload.
Sure you can argue that some game fundementals are the same, but these things can also be learned in top tier.
- The premium player bad problem is overblown
Stats from statshark (their stats seem to line up with what little data Gaijin releases to the community, such as the popularity of the F-4S in 2024)
We see that premium vehicles tend to perform a bit worse, but only very very slight (.5 kb something less, 5% win rate something less)
The funniest example is when Fuji players outperforming it’s TT cousin.
- Implementating gatekeeping would kill top tier
Before top tier premiums, top tier was way less active. Plus Gaijin has made it their marketing strategy to advertise top tier, and business model has been reliant on low level premium users.
- Implementing such measure would open the gate for more anti-player mechanic
The premium insurance was one of the best things to come to the game. It allows for better learning of particular vehicles, diversity of playstyle, and I believe it to be the reason that activity has increased greatly in top tier where repair costs are relatively high.
For air yes, for ground not really.
In air there are a few skills that transfer over, such as energy retention, how planes actually fly/work, and awareness, but in ground almost everything transfers over. Weakspots, tank performance, and some tech changes, but map knowledge and all that is always applicable to all BRs.
Are low levels annoying to deal with? Sure, who doesn’t hate having ¾ of the team gone in the first five minutes, as they one spawn and leave. However, I know the struggle of the grind, and honestly I respect the fact they know what they want. Not all of us have the time nor desire to grind through the tech trees, so it makes sense that people would buy premiums to skip through.
I grinded Sweden from 1.0 to top tier in both tanks and planes, spades every single one, and now I just base bomb in Sim until I reach Rank VIII, and then I just spade those planes (plus planes I actually want).
It just makes sense. Why would I grind stuff I don’t want or will ever use, when I could just bypass it and get the stuff I actually want. Gaijin already screws people enough with their excessive research requirement, why wouldn’t I go for what makes it cheaper?
Yeah nothing wrong buy the way to top tier
but being a deadweight is
Top tier is hig the deck because you already have all the speed you need. Low tier is fly high since you get nothing for speed and there are no missiles.
Tanks is different. Early tier you angle to avoid being demolished. Top tier you look them in the face to avoid being demolished.
I shown the data that premium players don’t tend to be “deadweight” on average
Terrible example. Look at the numbers in each BR range. You see how many Click bait users there is compared to other nations at 11+ BR
I will much prefer a 1DL premium player than a 3DL player who does nothing in the game, as the latter is just feeding the enemy SP.
However, as people said, its much more of a problem in Air than Ground.
Also, don’t take this data as fact.
Negative K/D is considering deadweight especially on MBT
I know a few guys who are top tier in their respective countries, and they are the worst players you’ll ever meet. Premiums don’t make you a good or bad player, and neither does having top tier tech tree.
Maybe they have many kill assists and then hop onto a CAS plane to slaughter the enemy team. But these don’t show up on statshark much
Granted they’re American, German, and Russian mains, but still. The one guy is so terrible in his Pantsir, it’s honestly sad. Watching him get bullied by a Wolfpack his his T-80, and an A-10 in his Pantsir actually made me not want to play Russia. I’m serious, he is so bad that I actually do not believe in Russian bias strictly because if there was a bias, it wouldn’t allow him to be bullied that terribly.
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Most of clickbait warriors have negative K/D i don’t look at assists i look the real stats and how they perform on gameplay which is lot to display otherwise why win-rate and K/D are so low?
Deadweight is deadweight that simple and being on same team with them is not fun for anyone.
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If they get kill assists they’re not deadweight. A kill assist in top tier usually means jamming the turret ring and destroyed engines. That is pretty much death for the victim tank.
Also I don’t think their win rate is especially low compared to tech tree variant. Like 5% worse only?
I personally value 1v1s over pub stats. 1v1 a Click-Bait and see how well you do.
You can say all you want but stats don’t lie and those stats tell me clickbait warriors are deadweight with those negative K/D and win rate assist alone didn’t make them better and they are mostly one death leave that even make them a total deadweight.
KB matters more. Their stats are also not much worse than tech tree M1A1 HC players.
1v1 don’t reflect the real performance because in everyday gameplay it not 1v1 it against all odds that how they will do know the limitations of their tanks and utilize it against enemy
Which is most of newborns premium don’t do it
I believe them to be a fairly accurate indicator of average player of a given vehicle, and in some cases, performance (although performance shouldn’t always be judged on kb, as you have overtiered zeros).