There is nothing wrong with low level buying premiums

To a point I’d agree. But for this game I don’t see it being useful. If there was consistency in the base then yes I whole heartedly would agree. All I was saying

Now compare to Ariete which is worse tanks than Abrams why they still better?
Even type 90 fuji which is also premium have better stats which mean at least fuji player are not as deadweight as clickbait

Because of their teammates. Something many seem to not understand. Matchmaking plays a big role in that which is just another variable that skews stats.

Disagree. Stop caring about winning and you will have fun.

I have the clickbait and despite it’s worse armor than late leo2s, CAS and uptiering, I find it among the funniest top tier tanks to play.

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Not when you do everything and still lose
I alone stop Russian CAS dead stop here and i still end up losing so there is no excuse for CAS here

I know that feeling all too well buddy. Right there with ya but I can still have fun most days.

It’s how public/free games work. Besides, for every win, there has to be a lose on the another side; other people are also making the same complaint.

You just can’t have much expectation. I’m sorry

The issue I have the most with premium players (and it is premium players 90% of the time) is when they buy their way to top tier but put 0 time or effort into learning the basics and this just results in a mass of TKs.

Things like blindly firing missiles at an enemy, assuming it would only go for the enemy (happens all the time with ARHs, Im not looking forward to AMRAAM slinging US premium) but also even very very basic things like how IFF works for gamemodes like ASB. Whenever I play around 12.0. Im always having to explain to an F-4S player how IFF works.

Do I think premiums should be “restricted”… I dont know. There is a solid argument for and against.

But they 100% should be required to complete tutorials, with more advanced tutorials being added for things like IFF.

For ground… The problem comes when the only vehicle they have is 1 premium and no back-ups and so 1DL. This can occur innocently and without premiums (I found myself basically forced to 1DL when I first got the CR2, because using a 10.3 tank at 11.3, was not fun and it took a while to get a second vehicle unlocked) So maybe giving all premium tanks + TT tanks when the player doesnt have a second vehicle within 0.7 BR unlocked, a second spawn. I think that would mitigate a good chunk of the hate towards premium players in GRB


Low level premium players are deadweight in most cases, while experienced players that bought the premium vehicle for Y nation after reaching top tier in X nation will have more knowledge about virtually everything and are probably carrying 10% - 15% of the stats for premiums listed above. At top tier ground map knowledge and positioning are the probably most important factors that players need to know.

Last week I played T-80U-E1 to finally reach Russian top tier and I have 73% winrate with 3:1 kill ratio, for some that is weak, for some that is a lot but thats good enough for me and this is my point, I know the maps and am able to position myself to effectively assist my teammates consistently match to match. New players can’t do that because of lack of knowledge.

Air rb is in my opinion in a worse state, especially since you can’t respawn matches can end in 3-4 minutes unlike the ground rb where you can use backups. For a new player Ground rb is more straight forward unlike Air rb which is much more complicated to understand since there is multipathing, notching, chaffing, proper usage of flares against IRCCM missiles, air density, AI spotting mechanic, energy management etc.

In general, premiums and squadron vehicles should have tier lock until the vehicle of the same tier is reached.

It wasn’t, comparing the amount of players game had 3 years ago and now, I believe percentage would be similar.

I don’t think a lvl 38 would learn anything with dying 40 times in 20 matches except how to ALT+F4 quickly.

Why do you sound like this is a good thing, its not, Gaijin is making way better trailers while the effort to create anything similar to lets say Direct hit or Drone age teasers are minimal and can be considered as false advertisings.

Well, from the KD you can see that it isn’t very far away from tech tree version, you can conclude that incompetent old timers conveniently shift the blame on wallet warriors to cover up the fact that they are also equally shit at playing them lol by doing this and shifting the blame to others they don’t have to admit they were wrong and dogshit at the game

It’s not about how those tanks perform
Nobody cares kd of clickbait vs HC , type 90 vs Fuji etc.
What it doesnt show on those “stats” is that low lvl top tier tank buyer usually leaves after 1 death.
So I rather take HC, HSTVL + some other “top tank” lineup player instead that 1 death and 1 kill CB player on team .

Well it’s not fun win or lose when it’s over in 3mins since either own or enemy team has bailed out in that time…

Yes, doing only assist, and leaving after 1 death is deadweight , no matter is it mid or top tier.

that data doesnt show it at all. 1 kill and leaving after 1 death is deadweight. That HC player may have something else to spawn also. ( what is usefull on top)

Me watching a f4s ripple fire all 6 of his aim7s at the same target.

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Man, you really love to throw flammable things on the forum. aren’t ya?

I understand that you want to defend them.
maybe the premium player’s skill issue problem might be overblown.

But, It won’t change that low-level player buying prems are wrong.

I understand that it’s their right to buy them with their money.

But I am tired of MiG-23ML which steals the base from the attacker and crashes for queue with another premium jet mindlessly.
and these damn troll squads bring 3 I-15 with his MiG-23ML.
Also was tired of when those guys just fed F-14A too well, and heavily outgunned thanks to them. before F-14A nerf.

I hope Gaijin should run a minimal level of clearance for buying top-rank premiums.
Something similar to a driver’s license.

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There’s a statistic that isn’t in your thread (but is impossible to obtain anyway) that would be interesting to know: what percentage of players who bought top-tier premium vehicles were disgusted with the game and stopped playing?

I’ve lost count of the number of frustrated players who bought a premium vehicle when they were at a low level and now complain about not winning, that the game isn’t balanced, etc.

Among the players I know (which isn’t many), I count at least two people who were frustrated after buying premium vehicles. They thought it would be easy, that they would get free kills, and now they simply don’t play the game anymore.

I’d be really interested to know this statistic because I think there must be a high percentage of these players in this situation.

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New players with top tier premiums does not have crew skills developed (unless they GE them) and no amount of personal gaming skills will boost the repair rate, G tolerance or reload speed.


I believe it does. 1v1s showcase more performance over pubs. Pubs, you’re just camping and waiting. 1v1s you’re actually using the tank to its full capability.

That’s big deal and the situation is arguably worse in Ground. Talking from experience here.
I’m mainly an ARB player, however i play Ground and Navy occasionally for fun.
Which means most of my games are 1 crew per nation , because i don’t need more for Air.

When i play ground i have 1 good crew, for France for example i’m at t5 /BR 8.0 , because i had premium vehicles from events/BPs and the grind was relatively fast…
The difference between the good crew and the others which are around level 10-20 is huge, especially if you count that you even need around level 30-35 for the vehicles for the crew masteries for the vehicle in that BR meaning i don’t even have that. And it needs too much grinding for the crews.
Most people downplay the fact, but in reality crews are BIG difference.

So i completely understand what are you saying.
Again from experience, for France air i grinded t5 and above in Mirage F.1C-200 , the premium one. I had other nations top tier or high tier, so it wasn’t a big problem for me. The problem is it took me around 100 games to max it. For a new player , in a high tier vehicle without any experience the crews will make you just food. The difference may not seem big, but blantly… i see you first/i shoot first, you see me shooting later/i see you shooting earlier - i can maneuver for more time than you . The advantages even small, are big in action while playing.

However, a good inexperienced player in that situation should do this :
Stick with someone, good or bad player doesn’t really matter and try to help . In the end you’ll get something be it assists or kills by covering someone , more lifetime in the game etc. Stay away from TT vehicles especially in close combat and try to target other premium players that may (or may not) have the same disadvantages you have.

Agreed anyone who can afford a premium should able to play it guilt free and not have to consider team composition or their personal skill.

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People focus too much on how others play this game and not much on themselves.

Anyone is free to play what they like and how they like. Anyone is free to spend money or not in this game, it’s those who spend money in this game that allow others to play it without spending anything and also allow this game to survive, so you should be thanking them instead of trying to block access to top tier premiums.

Also with the amount of top tier premiums, don’t make it sound as if it only happens on your team and that your team lost cause of those players. Matches are usually decided by the top 3-4 players in each team, not the rest.

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I’d say Air would be much more forgiving than Ground for any relatively new player buying into top tier.
In Ground they’ll have to go through a hassle of learning dozens of maps and their variations just to not run around like a headless chicken and getting clubbed.

In Air you don’t have to do this so you can jump straight into basic stuff that’s applicable to top tier, like how radar/ARHs work and what modes to use, what’s multipath, notching and how IRCCM works.