There is no more reason to play germany

Never knew AMRAAM is an IR missile.

It’s not, it’s just the fact that it’s a viable, if not better, option to the IRIS-T, which is not only extremely new and advanced, but also would go to many other aircraft, that are more competitive.

It seems that you also know the history of German theft in the past. During World War II, the T34 and KV series were stolen from the Soviet Union, and Sherman was stolen from the United States. Stealing BMP from the Soviet Union during the Cold War, mig17,mig19,mig21,t72, Stealing f4 from the United States, stealing g91 and as20 from Italy. In modern times, VT1 surface to air missiles were stolen from France. Now you are shouting and crying, saying: gaijin discriminates against Germany. Can’t you help but laugh while editing this article yourself?

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no one mentioned IR missiles specifically.
the original complaint was “no AIM-9Li”

The obvious answer to that is that it gets AMRAAMs

so all the other new Fox-3 platforms also get limited to 9L and equivalents instead of getting 9Ms?
No? How weird

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Problem’s that we’re talking about a 3rd generation airframe here, sitting at 12.7, but with IR missiles that can be found commonly in the ~11.0 range.

They should just give it 9Ms if they’re so lazy that they can’t even copy 'n paste 9Ms stats into a 9L file :p

Bruh, Half baked Leo2A7V versus 3 STRV122.



My suggestion is either to release A7+or strengthen A6 and A7

Nah 2A7+ is not needed just a Fix to the fucked up 2A7V.

bare minimun they could do

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Atleast italy gets a usable top tier tank

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And add armored 2A6 models, 2A7+/A8s can wait.

will ICE be put at top br like the F-15C?

No? How weird

It’s fast, it’s okay in the maneuverability dept., it looks amazing, has a radar gunsight, and is multi role. It doesn’t belong at the same BR as the Gripen, more like 11.0.

They’re 0.3 BR apart dude.

The new Tornado F.3 is at the same exact BR as ICE and gets 9Ms. Sea Harrier FA.2 is at 12.3 with 9Ms too.

C’mon, 11.0 for ICE?

Gib but jokes asides nah, just give it 9Ms & maybe better MAVs and it can be 12.7 ez.

meanwhile, no one cares about BENELUX…



just to put it out there, I don’t care about it.


I’m glad to see “Germany suffers” is still going strong after all these years.

Just being an overall much better tree? Sweden air is incredibly mid, and has nowhere near the variety of Germany. Italy is also considered very meh overall.

Germany is one of the best nations overall.