There is no more reason to play germany

It’s fast, it’s okay in the maneuverability dept., it looks amazing, has a radar gunsight, and is multi role. It doesn’t belong at the same BR as the Gripen, more like 11.0.

They’re 0.3 BR apart dude.

The new Tornado F.3 is at the same exact BR as ICE and gets 9Ms. Sea Harrier FA.2 is at 12.3 with 9Ms too.

C’mon, 11.0 for ICE?

Gib but jokes asides nah, just give it 9Ms & maybe better MAVs and it can be 12.7 ez.

meanwhile, no one cares about BENELUX…



just to put it out there, I don’t care about it.


I’m glad to see “Germany suffers” is still going strong after all these years.

Just being an overall much better tree? Sweden air is incredibly mid, and has nowhere near the variety of Germany. Italy is also considered very meh overall.

Germany is one of the best nations overall.


This whole thread is just so funny.

Its necessary to fix puma’s muss bug

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gemany will, should, be a great nation, atleast for mbt dunno about air, if gaijin want to give it, even better than swe

for example:
when gaijin add strv 122a, gaijin could add leo2 kvt/ivt at the same time to the germany, it is basically a 122a but with b tech insert, hull front armor should be around what current 2a7v is

when gaijin add 122b they can at the same time add leo 2 kvt to ger, basically a 122a but not swedish

and giving 2a7v its real armor with d tech insert

not to mention other export package like leo 2 revolution, 2a6ex, 2a7+ etc

the problem is gaijin don’t want to add them


I agree

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Oh yeah bro, the Gripen is the definition of mid


The standard Tornado F3 is the same BR as the Phantom FGR2, and I see more FG1/FGR2s for some reason.

So I cannot speak on if the Tornado F3 with AMRAAMs will be better; all I can say is F-18 radar go rrrrrrrrr.

We just got 2A7V. 2A7A1 would be a cool addition tho. 2A8 isn’t even of the drawing board

Newsflash: there’s a wholey new F.3 coming in, with AMRAAM Bs (exact same thing as AMRAAM As anyways, just kinda weird) and 9Ms.

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This thread lol
here we go, this kinda thread brings out all sorts of cretins from the woodwork.


This entire thread is a joke.


Sweden air is not just the gripen. All of their domestic fighter aircraft are quite meh until high tier. The J22s and J21s are overtiered. The Tunnans are meh. It’s overall not bad, but also not incredibly good like people claim.

Do any of you even touch lower BRs?

German mains are a joke.


These arguments are always about top tier, and no. They never touch other nation’s TT.