There is no anti-air at 8.3 to 9.7 in Russian tree

Not to mention both USA and Britain lacking any real SPAA above 10.3 (ADATS is a tank destroyer and costs a shit ton of SP to spawn)

and then Japan and Israel having literally nothing above 10.3

Russia is the last nation in need of SPAA additions at the moment.


germany gepard 8.3 → gepard 1a2/ozelot 9.7 seriously stop crying, other nations are in the same place, you act like ussr is the only one with the problem

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US has the benefit that all lower tier tanks haf access to roof mounted mgs, the volume if everyone uses those is quite good at low tier


and Britian has no SPAA from 5.3 to 8.3 (wtih 3x SPAA at 8.3) or 8.3-10.3 or 10.3-11.7

(Tenatively that 10.3 SPAA might be still be broken and completely unusable but it might have been semi-patched)

Its not just the soviets they’ve neglected with a lack of SPAA. =


Now I’m happy

Meanwhile, USA still is stuck with the M42 at 7.3, Japan is still stuck with the Sub-I-II at 7.7, Britain is stuck with the Bosvark at 8.0, France is stuck with the Amx-10P at 8.0, and China’s stuck with the Phong Kong at 7.7.


Russia suffers! more OP SAMs!

Isn’t the new ZSU just like the Type 93 but with 4x 23mm and an actual radar at the same BR?

Type 93 has the new photocontrast option so it’s very much more capable against threats like helicopters which are quite evil at 8.3-10.3

I suppose the basic issue in this thread is that very few nations have AA effective against helicopters at early helicopter BR.

I supopse Soviets could have Object 520 or 530.

It’s still limited to like… 5-6km and you have to spot this pixel somewhere whilst it’s trivial for them to spot you, and up close it’s not great either.

We can no longer embed?

I really doubt the 23mm or the igla can do anything anywhere near that range to a helicopter.

It can defend itself at least and target things up close, the Type 93 can hit things far away and can’t hit things up close whilst unable to even fight off a milk truck.


Neither situations are particularly enviable. I think I’d personally prefer to be able to hit helicopters at 4km. In any case, nations generally need anti-helicopter AA the most at 7.7 onwards and few nations have good equipment for it. VEAK 40 being one of the absolute greatest.

You’re much better off with a WZ with proxy shells than having to rely on Type 93 to missiles to hit anything, and in both cases you have to manually spot the pixels, the WZ is at a way lower BR, doesn’t leave stupid smoke trails that lead directly your location and can effectively engage ground targets rather effectively.

Much rather have more proxy shell SPAA than more garbage missile systems.

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Okey now russia has a damn good Lineup. Now focus on the USA then Sweden/other minor nations

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Meanwhile usa has nothing in between the m42 to the m163…