"There are no active players left in our team" mechanic is suck

This mechanic is suck and just giving advantages to the enemy, I lose the matches just because I inactive? How the hell I gonna be active while half of my wing disappear and waiting for repair? And what if the enemy just camping around our base? If Gaijin want to applies this mechanic at least give us a 8-10km no-fly zone around the airfield which have 100% accurate SAM, which will giving us a distance to take off and climb.

so just dont seat on your af 24/7
works fine, quite good mechanic


No idea about air battles, but if you want to insult properly just say something sucks, and not „is suck“.

No thanks, there are already too many airfield campers.


eh, think the timer just need’s to be extended to around 2 min and have a.i. defense aircraft intercept incoming enemies.

This would add another layer of difficulty to attacking an airfield while not making them op.

Don’t lose your wing.
The current system gives you enough space to spiral climb up. If you dodge, the 3.5 km kill zone radius is good enough to deal with anyone trying to not let you get energy.

sadly it does not.
He probably describes the scenario where he is last man standing on his team and in this case in ARB if you land to repair, even just rearming, in these 20-30ish seconds the game will render you inactive and it comes to a massive ticketbleed from around 2000 tickets, if you get less then these its game over, if you got more you can get into the air to make you active again but you will be left with just less then 1000 tickets wich means the enmy will have a huge ticket advantage even if you had it prior.
This happend to me to and i let off some steam in here


For Props this will work most of the time, but for Jets … Yeahno you will get claped.
even when you are still on the runway the enemy just need to go fast and low to do a pass over the AF without getting damage and on some maps the AF is elevated with all AA on top of it so you can fly directly up to it without even them reacting and dive down again after the gunrun.
So a larger “intercept” radius would help a lot wich i hope will be fixed this year with patriot system etc shown in the

A 8km missile zone around the AF is just not enough for the standarts we have now.

Yeah, I always think of these issues from the perspective of a prop. Jets need an entirely new game mode.

Just bedder SAM System with a much larger radius so you cant go up close as easely as now.
For Props its mostly fine and in this case he probaby spoke about jet age since he mentioned
“accurate SAM”.

well not really, u have the secondary af which has the same feature, and the mechanic itself is buggy, went to land cuz no fuel 1v1, i had killed most of their team, just for it to say ‘‘no active team’’ blah blah and him win on tickets when im starting my takeoff