The Visegrád Group Tree (PL, CZ, HU, SK): European Powerhouse

+1 poland is heavily wanted and needed

At this point. The best option would be Poland + Czechoslovakia TT as each of those nation would fill the gaps in TT they would have. Most of low tier and SPAA line would be mostly Czechoslovakian. Top tier would be mostly Polish. Air would be probably mix with the unique training/light attacker aircrafts L-39 and L-159


A man can dream


Thats awesome tree


Everything’s nice but we need new maps and game modes, without them it doesn’t matter what tech tree we think of, it will be boring quite quickly

So seems like Hungary will stay in Italy tree.

Can agree on that. Plus some game mods need a major rework like famous Heli PvE. Spend 2hr playing helicopter just to get 12k RP while loosing hundreds of thousands of SL becuase enemy AI will snipe you ar 3km…and not speeaking about machinegun Rolands

Shame that Hungary is already a sub tree to the Italian tech tree but I really want to see this in the futur !


Yeah same here i wish we could finally see those nations in the game. So much potential lies with them.


+1 This tech tree would be more original than Benelux, or Israel. Also move Leopard 2PL from german tech tree. It’s an insult that it’s still in there.


Same with Praga M53/59 and Moderna

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Sadly idk if moderna actually gonna make it. Its the same story as the American Merkava

America Merkava is also in Israel TT

The variants in US tree are not in Israeli tree, they are all a bit different.

I doubt the 2A42 armed Moderna would be transferred, but the 20mm armed one could

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Merkava 2B is both in US and Israel TT

They can replace it by this

MTLB 25mm naval gun

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I like my Praga and Moderna in their respective lineups.

Sadly that is one of the Russian frankainstain from this war

I still think this is the best option for Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland, especially since if BeNeLux can make it into the game (granted its a sub-tree), being an alliance, there’s no reason that this couldn’t. Hungary can be replaced in the Italian-tree with Romania like seen here:

Major nation shifting isn’t something that’s impossible as Italy was a part of the German-tree years ago. These 4 nations together balance out the C&P with many of there own rich designs and capabilities and would provide a fun and intriguing gameplay, especially at top rank.


Let’s hope the snail will come to its senses and do as you wrote.