The upcoming update seems unfair to US and more bias on RUS and China

Would you like a list of US 4th gen with AESA?

I know post 2014 F-15Es gets AN/APG-82(v)1, F-15C would be AN/APG-63(v)3, I forgot what F-16 block 70+ gets I just remembered it was aesa

Flight testing in 2012 for F-15E AESA

F-15C could get 63v2 or v3, preferably v3 tt and v2 event

Your right, it’s an AN/APG-83 radar. The F-16E gets an AN/APG-80. USAF F-16 also got upgraded with the 83

My reading was first test unit for 82(v)1 was only delivered 2014 with full fleetwide integration supposedly completed last year

ngl the f-16v would be fire but honestly id be happy if gaijin gave america the counter part to the kh-38s the ground situation is hurting rn also i still dont under stand why gaijin didnt drop the super hornet because the ruskis have the su-34 and 33

Well, this says flight testing started 2011, and IOT&E is 2012

Anyways in the grand scheme of things, intro date doesn’t matter anyways. Point is US still has stuff that can be added before 5th gens

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Well, id actually like an early F-22 before the F-15EX. But yeah, 100% right

Not everyone is happy japanese main here

This is a live service game with 5 major updates a year. The game is always evolving and changing, what is top today is not working tomorrow. The f-18’s are going to be great and for the people who know how to fly them in game they will do well. This whole " they got better shiny than us" is just ridiculous, especially since its still on a dev server. Not having fun playing top tier US, play another nation or a lower BR. I did the grind for US and russia and still working on germany.

This is not real life its a game, if your not having fun its time to stop playing.

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That’s probably why American gamers are so famous.


this has to be ragebait lmfao

Its very high drag makes it bleed lots of energy in maneuvers

This is peak US main stuff right there

This is a wild post ngl, the su30sm with its new missiles is gonna be on par with the other 14.0 Jets, which is something the ru side has needed for a while now, and honestly the f15E mite still be more meta even tho is has less missles. side note (shits gonna be cancer in ground and the kh38mts should be removed from the su30)

I can instantly tell this was written by a child by the fact they said ‘too less love’

So is GB/Italy/Japan/France/Germany/Israel/Sweden, what are you getting at?

So… you want F/A-18 to get thrust vectoring?

America still has the strongest top tier in the game, there is 10 nations in the game, that’s pretty good. US mains dont need to complain every update because their best aircraft isn’t twice as OP as the already MAYBE balanced Russian counterpart.



  • getting new top rank jet in nearly every update
  • had first ‘proper’ 4th gen fighter which came out when game wasn’t ready for it at all
  • got access to ARH missile way faster than rest of nine counterparts
  • Original maker of best ARH missile in current game.
  • not the best but still had good MBT lines which are far better than Challenger 2

I just wonder what is not ‘too less love’ to OP and those [awful US mains].

  • Extra 100GJN allowance from Anton which can be spent on Gaijin market in every week?
  • Giving AIM-9X + AIM-120C-5 combo in this update as ‘US exclusive’ while Rest of westerns need to waits till 2026 for same missile, and let USA rule the ARB one more year?

I just wonder…


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to be fair iv seen ru mains asking for r73m and r37m i wouldnt take random post on the forum as a representation of the playerbase as a whole.


ngl, not all US mains are awful, not all USSR mains are awful too.

But I also think there are some ‘awful’ US/USSR mains crawling in forum which can’t accept Gaijin unless they are #1 nation in every gamemode and every BR radius. :/

They spams discussion which sounds like nothing but real cringe or ragebaiting.

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