The upcoming update seems unfair to US and more bias on RUS and China

Congrats on RUs and China player getting Su30sm and J11B, and US have the long waited and well known F18. I believe everybody is happy about the next update. However, I would say US is getting too less love compare to other two.

  1. Flight model.
    Apart from the hovering mode, Thrust vectoring on a jet will be the 1st time to be introduced. It gives a gigantic advantage to the Su-30SM in a near/post stall maneuver.
    However, F18…it was just put in that way, no other stuff to help it control well in a similar situation, all by the flaps and the leading edge only.
    I would even question whether the current ARB environment is ready to have such stunning thrust vectoring?

  2. Missiles. Yes, it is commonly known that R77 isn’t great for BVR due to energy decay.
    Now R77-1 is coming and it will be so good in both BVR or WVR, with that 50G and extended energy.
    Sure it will bring RUS air force back to its glory.
    And take a look at China, they get the PL8 upgrade to PL8B. A copy version of Python 3 from non-irccm to irccm, even the Python 4 isn’t here yet, and China has an IRCCM version of Python 3 already. It has 3.5M and 40G, good energy and turning. The upgrade is enormous.
    Now for F18…what does it get?Ummmm JUST SIMPLY AIM7P. It is just an IOG+DL version of 7M. It is arely usable in top-tier. There aren’t any true upgrades of the missiles for F18.
    F18 is still using the 120B, just the same missiles as 120A, nothing has changed at all. Not to mention it only has 10 Fox 3, even fewer than Su30SM.

Is it fair when a long-awaited and well-known Jet Fighter is treated in this way? Now in DEV Sever it only got 60CM also. HOW DOES F18 SURVIVE WELL IN 14.0 ? WHEN BOTH FLIGHT MODEL AND MISSILES ARE JUST SO REGULAR?

Think about it, Gaijin fellows.


Honestly best option just to play different nation, thats true for almost all gamemodes alrwady



People like you are ruining the gaming environment because what you suggest is what player should enjoy instead of what and how the game should be better.

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Not sure if serious or not. Play F18 14.0 and haven’t noticed anything crazy crippling about it vs the other 14.0s. Honestly wait and try it on live and go from there. It’s actually pretty fun to fly.


Well, in quite a lot of cases some nations are unplayable. Yes, you can play them, but it would make much less sense than play better nation. Ofc, all depends on what you want from game - maybe realism(wrong game btw)? Or maybe just play for stats? And etc.

Let’s take a look at War Thunder’s past…

USA received fox3 in the danger zone update, years before all other nations.
In the fox3 update until today the meta is completely dominated by aim120.
The 2 best BVR missiles in the game are in the USA, fakour 90 and aim120.

but it’s the missile that j11B uses, what did you want?

"Only use 10 fox3 "
“ONLY” 10 aim120b


Bro, US has had complete dominance in Air for the last 6 months at least. Even when the Euro fighter and Rafale came, the 15E still holds up beautifully. Why do US players complain every time Russia gets anything roughly equivalent? I have top tier for both US and Russia, and they have lagged significantly behind US since the initial introduction of the mig 29’s. So what if they get a slight edge for a few months.


As shown in dev server R-77 1 still worse than aim120, also, F-15E dominated for 5 months already. Let RU have something competent


The J-11B is gonna be trash bro… The PL-8B isnt even gonna be that good. the PL-5EII is most likely gonna be better


For real. I’m so tired of seeing US mains complain every time something slightly erodes the massive advantage US has had. Some people fly something other than an f15 once in awhile without being at a disadvantage.


Nato fighter aircraft might want AIM-120C-3, AIM-120C-4, AIM-120C-5 and I-Derby ER

Another 4th gen IR Air-to-Air Missile such as AIM-9M-8, AIM-9M-9, R-73M, PL-9C and Magic 2 Mk.2

Python3 with IRCCM is quite interesting.

yeah but like. the R-73 on the J-11A is still gonna be way better, and the PL-5EII on the J-10 is also gonna be better. the J-11B will likely stay 14.0 i imagine even though its worse than every single 13.7 plane for china lmao

J-11A is definitely worse than the J-11B.

I’m sorry but as an United States of American citizen it’s not always about us. Every update save for the typhoon/Rafale and now this one, the United states tech tree gets the most OP game defining vehicle, and it still gets complained about for not being OP enough.
Now the US gets a great aircraft that is seemingly balanced, and FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 2 YEARS Russia gets a competitive top tier (it’s not OP, and if you think it is you are the type of person that thinks stat cards tell the whole story and don’t know that dog fights at top tier are pretty rare) and you are complaining that “the US didn’t get the most OP vehicle” this update so waawaawaa.
Let’s rename the update to the Vector update and just add the hornets in as a side note, I’m in favor of that.


Weapon grade cope


So you’re upset that two nations that were lacking behind in Air battles are catching up? Both RU and China were forced to use the Su27 flight model fighting F15E’s/F16s/Eurofighters, and so on, which is not even fair in the slightest, U.S did and does not need another upgrade to their already stacked lineup, almost all U.S aircraft around 14.0 have amazing flight models and Missiles, considering Aim120B’s are still the best all around BVR missile. I personally think this update is very fair.


GIven those 2 aircraft are intended as counters to the F-15E or even maybe the F-15C added last year. Im not really sure what you are getting at

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As someone who is both an all rounder for nations and has spaded the tomcats, F-15 and Italian Gripen I find it hilarious how much US mains panic the instant there’s a possibility their domination of top tier air might be challenged.

I welcome more matches that isn’t just US vs US over and over because Russian top tier air is so thoroughly dead and buried