The upcoming update seems unfair to US and more bias on RUS and China

this is true just gotta filter them out ngl

TBH J-11B at 14.0 only has 6 fox3 while F-18 has 10, also aim120B being the best fox3 in the game, not sure how China is considered getting more love than US in anyway

It won’t even

This whole update is EFT and Rafale food

Su-30SM could get upgraded to SM2 and J-11B to J-11BG and STILL it wouldn’t even put a dent into this domination unless they come with new weapons

So seeing absolutely deluded posts like this one is hilarious

Imo they should go ahead and upgrade both J-11B and Su-30SM to these standards to actually be competitive against EFT and Rafale at 14.0

The hornets were never expected to be top BR anyway so it’s not a big deal, but 30SM and J-11B are supposed to be that and they honestly don’t hold up to Raf/EFT. They are more like F-15J(M) equivalents/counterparts

dang ussr getting the bias finger pointed at it again, we cant get a single jet without the US claiming bias while they ignore the 3 new jets they get lol

Bruh, imagine crying about R-77(-1) and MICA-EM when they are nerfed to hell.
TVC missiles are still garbage and R-77-1 much like R-77 is underperforming because gaijin cant model grid fins.

Devs literally nerfed these missiles to handheld AMRAAM slingers

both jets will be pretty competitive with the loadouts (not so much the j11B) they have now, the r77-1 and pl 12 are on par with the aim120 (slightly less range for much better close range performance) while having more missiles than the ERT or Rafale in fact i think the su30 will be a better jet than the Rafale overall consider how much more range the r77-1 has compared to the mica ERF is prob still Top dog tho.

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This doesn’t mean anything ingame tbh, considering a bunch of nations get 120

I take my statement back, U.S mains will be U.S mains, the Su30 has been nerfed massively. Wow another useless jet thanks Gaijin and U.S mains

Data sheets =/= actual performance
The reality of the R-77-1 is that it will not ever defeat an AIM-120B against a player target. The R-77-1 in actual combat has better energy under 10km, after than, any turning the missile does just bleeds all its energy

I mean gaijin can add F-35B as the first 5th gen, since it carries only 2 AMRAAMs internally without sacrificing the stealth, very slow, and can maximum only take 6 AMRAAMs, stealth is powerful but when you only have 2 good missiles (2 guaranteed kills) you can’t really be that op. Poor performing airframe + very limited weapon count + good stealth + good avionics would count as like 14.3/14.7 within current game balancing

This is not true in the slightest.

Germany and Sweden dominate ground battles. If you’re not on the team with them, good luck. Russia and maybe France own the sky in ground battles as well thanks to the Kh-38, Pantsir (which has sat uncontested for what, two or so years now, as the best SPAA in the game), Hammers, and PGMs. Prior to Fox 3s, Russia also dominated top tier as nothing could compete with the 27ER. Still the best SARH missile in the game by a healthly margin. Air Sim goes to the Rafale, EFT, and sometimes the F-15E but also surprisingly, the Su-27SM. Again, people forget just how good the 27ER is. And because Sim battles is not just BVR missile spam, the R-73, Magic 2, and the Python 3 are just as good if not better than the 9M in most situations. If I recall correctly (and I could be wrong), the best pull a US AAM missile can do is 30Gs. Russia and a few others do 40-50Gs.

I dont know what game mode you think the US dominates in, but its certainly not in War Thunder. Maybe naval but you’ll have to ask the six players who play it if thats true or not.

USA has the best lineup at top tier, F-16s, F-15s, F-14s, now the F/A-18, they have the best top tier. Maybe not the best top tier vehicle, but the best top tier.


You should note that back then multipath was set to 100m, so ignoring 27ERs and other SARHs was completely trivial. This made everyone dogfight on the deck which basically was Gripen’s territory.

27ERs literally set the “meta” that worked against host planes. which is quite funny when you think about it.


Yeah the only people who easily died to the 27ERs are the space climbers, low dog fighters had no issues evading the missile

Your AIM-120 A/B already have the range of AIM-120C. Do you know everytime I have to notch MSL up to 30km and go back to the battlefield and that time we already won or lost the battle?

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Objectively false?

Excuse me?China Bias?Are you joking?China is by far the most powercrept and targeted faction in WT

100m multi path and people were still stupid enough to die to ER’s its really funny how bad the average player is the actual meta of that time was 16c and grippy with 6 9m’s mutlipathing with periodic on


someone post the sim wr chart xdd US is at 70% rn

The fear mongering about 27ER reached absolutely insane levels, so you can’t really blame people for falling for it.

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