The unfair nerf of the Eurofighter Typhoon

We cannot let the absurd nerf of the Eurofighter pass by unnoticed. It is supposed to be an amazin aircraft. Yet it’s radar is closer to a Su-27SM radar and is basically unusable. It constantly generates ghost signals and cannot maintain a proper TWS soft-lock if the radar isn’t set to 20 x 4. We’ve been asking Gaijin since the release of the Typhoon to fix the radar. The Captor-M should be the best mechanical radar in the game with a performance very close to the early AESA radars. On top of that the FM got heavily nerfed as well. It pulled 14 G’s constantly previously compared to the 12 G’s now. If we are being realistic it’s fine, no aircraft or pilot pulls way above 9 G’s in real life. Then how come the Rafale pull 15 G’s and have it’s top speed at Mach 2.0 instead of 1.8 when literally Dassault said itself that the Rafale’s top speed is Mach 1.8? Please Gaijin do something and either fix the radar of the Typhoon and nerf the FM of the Rafale or buff the Typhoon’s FM to the original one.


Im pretty sure the rafale could actually reach at mach 2 only under some circumstances but yeah, besides that I still don’t get their logic on nerfing the eurofighter around 6 timesish in one dev server.


and that’s without mentioning A2G.

  • Missing a load of GBU options
  • Missing GMTI/T (in fairness, so is the Rafale, but F-15E, Su-34 and Su-30 are not)
  • Missing historically accurate version of Brimstone, should be Brimstone 2s or later. Never used 1s
  • Missing FnF weapons (of course quantity needs mitigation, but total removal of the primary modes on a weapon system is rather unfair, especially when no one else has even a single nerf withwise to their A2G weapons in game)

Also other features like HMD DL/Sensor fusion overlay like the Rafale gets which displays friendly locations in the HMD. No reason why the Typhoon doesnt have that, just another example of Gaijin nerfing the Typhoon for “reasons”


The Typhoon’s flight model has not changed within tested parameters.

Dassault says mach 2.
You want to put the Typhoon back to a mach 2 top speed instead of 2.3?

The Typhoon has been nerfed in general flight performance zero times. A change in max AOA is not a change in general flight performance.
It however was buffed 3+ times this major update.
Two+ radar buffs [yes, it was worse before], and a top speed buff off the top of my head.


Literally it is stated on their website that it goes Mach 1.8. Also the Typhoon did NOT get buffs AT ALL . Idk what you on but the radar is basically as it was before. It literally pulls 12 G’s at high speed instead of the previous 15. How is that not a nerf?


Just because they state Mach 1.8 on their website made by some intern doesn’t mean they don’t state Mach 2 in proper documents. There’s multiple Dassault and French gov documents showing it states Mach 2, and that was supplied to devs. Multiple documents > One website.


It’s FM did get nerfed it got increased induced drag on the wings at high speeds on turning. Quite a substantial increase to and the canards got increased parasitic drag. It also got its thrust between certain speed ranges nerfed to.


Fair enough. But this is not the point tho. We are talking about the 15 G’s the Rafale maintains at high speeds. Which did the Typhoon as well before but now suddenly it got nerfed for whatever reason. So they should do the same to the Rafale or give back the original FM to the Eurofighter

Instead of overly focusing on the Rafale, maybe you should try and get the Eurofighter buffed? The “My plane got nerfed so they need to nerf the other planes too” mindset isn’t how anyone should behave.


I know but they won’t bother buffing it if they nerfed it so much no?

Nerfs can always be reversed, just requires a little bit more effort if anything.

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So mach 2.3 isn’t a buff to you?
12G instead of 15G peak AOA is not a nerf, as the flight model itself doesn’t change.

Which amounted to zero change to sustained turn rate in usable speeds and zero change in time to climb from brakes to mach 1.5.

I don’t care about the mach 2.3. The aircraft doesn’t pull nearly as much as it did before and has a SHIT radar. I don’t know why you are so against the Typhoon that you cannot clearly see that this is not okay and I’m not alone on this.


Oh no, the best airframe in the game is still the best airframe in-game! The horror!
Also I’m quite literally defending the Typhoon against hateful attacks of lies and slander.
My testing has resulted in corrections to the Typhoon that make it more like its real-life counter part every time.
From supercruise to sustained turn rate, to even the recent ITR test I was asked to do for someone.

Typhoon is still underperforming in ITR and STR based upon primary sources iirc and is more than likely also underperforming in terms of max speed both in reheat and in supercruise.

And thats just the tip of the iceberg. A long long list of bug reports still outstanding for the EFT

“I summon thee @Dontkev!”


Nerf the Rafale and Nerf the EF. Almost all the delta wings are overperforming in energy retention. Especially at low altitudes. Fix the EFT radar sure, but these planes defy the laws of physics and need to be put in their place. They’ll still be the best jets in the game anyways.


This is basically the best response to this. Thank you.

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Current Eurofighter Report List

Not a Bug
No Label / Info Requested

Thank you :P

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ITR is at most underperforming by 1 degree per second as of current, but I also didn’t do a perfect hard turn.