Which delta wings? Mirage 2000s energy retention is correct using documents. Rafale’s energy retention in sustained turn are correct using documents AND videos. If you put strong enough engines on delta wings, they’ll outturn conventional wing aircrafts.
Which is a nerf i add an extra tonne of weight to a jet its a nerf.
Yes FM raw stats havent changed…
You are going to be doing this forever…
Its a just a mery old chase…
Well, atleast on the EF report list there is movement…
The Leopard 2 list is around as long as the EF list if not longer, but there is 0 movement… its the opposit, its still growing
The Gripen’s is very slightly too strong atm (though it should have much more AoA too) and the EFTs is just broken. You can enter a merge at Mach 1.1, pull 17Gs sustained, and still be going Mach 0.9 by the time you’ve done the 180. I think the Rafale’s is similar to that, but a little more in check especially at low altitudes.
Typhoon is actually underperforming in terms of STR
You can’t do that anymore in the typhoon and the raf can do that even better now than before lol
I’m unaware of any changes of the FM, only the instructor G-overload was reduced, but you can override that with full controls if you really want to, I think you still only rip your wings at 19G or so when clean and low fuel, it still pulls more than the rafale while sustaining more energy too.
The radar is bad and has many bugs, and it should be updated, I agree with that. But it is still one of the best jets in top tier.
I would accept the nerfs on the FM given how unrealistic is to pull 14-16gs, but it is ridiculous that the devs are unable to fix the radar since the release of the airframe (4 months ago).
The CAPTOR-M radar is already severly underperforming but on the top of this, it is plagued with bugs.
Every jet pulls more G than they should.
F-4s pulling 9G is as fanciful as Typhoon pulling 15G
Dassault has stated the Rafales top speed is Mach 1.8, and gaijin gives it a top speed ~2.0. The companies behind the EFT have stated it can super-cruise at Mach 1.5 yet we don’t have that now do we. I sense bias of some sort. (This has apparently been fixed as of recently)
(Also yes I think it’s fully fair with how they’ve changed its initial pulls. I think the pilot is a bit thankful for this change as well lol).
The EFT can supercruise at Mach 1.48 now
Now I don’t own the EFT, never have but hopefully soon, so I gotta ask:
Was it like this before or is this a recent change? I saw people complaining about it which is why I brought it up, so maybe they’re complaining about it before a change occcured, or they think 1.48 is inadequate.
It is a recent change and only came with the recent major patch.
The FM was changed, the UK typhoon plot is for the previous update, the F-2000 is current. You can see the old one does better at high speed and that difference only increases with speed and altitude. Dogfight performance at medium speeds was actually very slightly buffed but the high speed and alt turning capability is far worse.
Sea level:
7km alt high speed
Good to hear it’s fixed then!
Is this without stores tho? Because the manufacture claims m1.5 with an air to air loadout
It is with something like 2-4 missiles or something of that sort. I suppose devs believe Mach 1.5 with full kit supercruise is achieved in lucky conditions where the air is nice, cold, and dense on some weathers similar to believing F-15E can only achieve Mach 2.5 with afterburner in certain weather conditions.
I think its a 2+4 fit.
but yeah, last time I checked it, the Typhoon couldnt reach M1.5 in supercruise even with no weapons. I definetly think the top speed of the Typhoon is underperforming in both wet and dry heat