The unending amount of missing German aircraft

Do you have otherwise proof that it wasn’t? Because there are a few things by name, I can name, that are in game, that have no photographical evidence of their existence, nor documents, like the Ostwind II.

Either way, there are tons of aircraft variants for the Dornier 335 to be added.

The A-35, P-35, A-12 and B-23 did not see service, were merely test bests when it come to being in US army air service.

There are several pieces of documentation of the Ostwind II being mentioned in the summary. The one we see in the game is not historically accurate to the real vehicle which is described as having the 37mm’s mounted above one another.

I have some! A number of the ones you listed are on my “wishlist” as well, especially the 190 A-9. Another 190 I’d like to see that you haven’t listed is the A-8/R2, which is just a 190 A-8 with the outboard pair of wing-mounted 20mm MG 151 replaced with a pair of 30mm MK 108s! This is a standardized field modification rather than a distinct variant, similar to the 20mm vs 30mm on 109s, so perhaps it should just be an alternative armament option for the existing A-8. This also means the A-9 could have this armament option as well.

On a similar note, the Fw 190 D-11, which is similar to the D-12, but with armament like the A-8/R2 minus the pair of MG131s in the cowling, so 2x 20mm MG151 in the wing root and 2x 30mm MK108 in the outer wings. I believe small numbers were produced and saw service with JV 44 in 1945, which is more than can be said for the D-12 already in-game.

Fw 190 A-8/R2
Fw 190 D-11

I can’t speak for the Soviets, but I could easily fulfill this requirement for the US with some P-40 variants. P-40K, L, and N are missing, all saw combat in WW2. The P-40L is a stripped-down version of the Merlin-powered P-40F we already have, most prominently featuring a reduced armament of 4x 50cals, and of course, reduced weight.

The P-40N is probably the one that most needs to be in the game, since it was in fact the latest, best performing and most produced P-40 variant of the war. With that being considered I think it’s pretty ridiculous that the P-40N still isn’t in the game.

Another US aircraft I can add to the list is the P-47D-40, the final and best P-47D variant, which saw combat in WW2 but it’s missing from the game. I believe it has dive brakes like the P-47M and P-47D-30, and it also has the radar warning system like the P-47N which is not functional in the game.

And lastly, I’m not a bomber player but the B-32 Dominator could also be added to this list for America. Not many were made but it did see combat in the Pacific late in the war.

B-32 Dominator

Yeah, the main issue with a lot of late war German technology and weapons are not documented at all or very well, being lost to time. One of these, the ME-262B-1a, is already extremely rare (As it is a original production 262), not only that, but the only surviving Me-262B-1a, or the only surviving ME-262 with a radar system, and a tandem seat.

If it weren’t for the surviving plane, there would be no technical documentation and barely any photos most likely. I know there are quite a few out there of one in WWII however.

Here is one, most of them are the same plane in the photo, same numbered aircraft:

There are two main ones you find, Fuselage number 8, 10, and 12. There are a few other in-numbered ones out there. One with nose-number 305 as well.

This is a major one I want. Sadly, there are no surviving variants of the Do335A/B-6’s, which are said to be a night fighter equipped with radars, twin seat, and look identical to the trainers, minus the lack of Radar equipment, and the radar equipment in the back-seat.

On the Me-262, there is one still flying to my knowledge. But here’s a video on some of the specs and history.

Nice to see another 190 fan. I spaded the F-8 (again) the last days and it was a nightmare to use it as a stock plane. But mainly due to my teams and the extreme performance disadvantage - even fully spaded there is no reason to have it a 5.0 - whilst enemies are flying circles around you. The FM is still a pain, the stability with HOTAS is still a nightmare and elevator authority is still not there.

I agree to the P-40s and the B-32. I mean you can use the countless sub-variants of the P-40 (including Kittyhawks etc.) and various med bomber variants of the Martin Maryland & Baltimore to increase the US list - but u won’t change my initial claims that the BR setting policy of German fighters above 3.0 is actually a joke.

So even if a miracle would happen and all missing German aircraft would be implemented - the core issues (rather too high BRs vs rather undertiered opponents) would be the same…

Idc about K/D, but imho you underestimate the importance of nation allocations. Flying out with Italy has severe advantages regarding the MM - usually IT players are way more experienced which enables you to get kills, simply because you won’t get steamrolled early game.

Even with 61:7 K/D in the IT F-4 (i looked it up) - managing overheating is way too complicated, combined with the rather low dive speed it is the main reason why i prefer the SM 92 at the same BR - it outguns, outturns and outdives the F-4. I can’t remember when i got killed by a 109…

If i compare the F-4 with a P-51 C or a Yak-3 it is obvious that a 1941 aircraft has issues with 1944 opponents, the low BRs for USSR planes were somehow “justifiable” in the past due to the rather poor damage output of ShVaks, but with real shatter 3.0 combined with the ballistic nerf of the MG 151s the F-4 is nothing special…

Quite literally any cannon Bf 109 variant in arcade, especially the F-4 and G-6.

Not every project is always documented however if you lose you’re going to destroy your documentation. Although vehicle documentation being ruined wasn’t common. Also, it doesn’t change that there is little related to this DO-256 or whatever it’s called. So safe to assume it wasn’t built at all especially considering Germany’s desperate state, lack of resources and overworked factories.

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I didn’t mention this part because I largely agree with you on this issue. I wasn’t trying to disprove your main point I just disagreed that there were not at least 3 important US planes from the war missing since I already had some in mind.

No thoughts on the D-40 Thunderbolt? It would be the only P-47 in the US tech tree to feature dive brakes. I think it’s pretty silly that the latest and best D variant currently available, the D-30, is only found in other nations trees and not the US. And yes there are many P-40 variants but I don’t think any are nearly as important to be added as the N model, for the reasons I mentioned.

I am a big fan of the 190s and the Ta 152s, though I’ve been flying 190 As less often due to the nerfs. The Ta 152 H is my favorite plane and I think it is by far Germany’s best available counter to the US swarms of post-war and prototype aircraft. I don’t think there is any plane that could be added for Germany that would stand more of a chance against them than the 152 H does. It’s a lot slower than those planes, but fortunately the US pilots are always eager to get into a turn fight or energy fight against me and I’m happy to oblige them.

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Dornier P.256, the P. designation was just a German way of saying “Project” or “Prototype.”

My issue with coming to pass up this aircraft is the fact the DO-335A/B-6 also has little to no documentation, but we know it exists, and had a FuG radar system, as standard on the Dornier 217’s used as night fighters. It gives me a bit of hope knowing the Do-335A/B-6 existed, because it means there could be other undocumented ones that exist, issue is, you can’t add things without stats and documentation. However, the planned weaponry, engines, and airframe all existed. (That of the Dornier P.256)

Funnily enough, it’s the same engine also to be used in the Fockewulf P.1101 jet (an almost identical aircraft to the SAAB J-29 Tunnan, which was almost completely based on the design) Here’s the Heinkel HeS 011:

Issue with most of the P-dot aircraft is the fact they never flew, which is sad. The only one I know that came to fruition was the P.1101, by American engineers, from NASA funnily enough, after the war. While they never flew, most of them were ready to be tested or produced, until the lack of resources starved them.

That picture is a Heinkel Hirth He-5 001 Jet Engine it had nothing to do with the P.1101 and most certainly had nothing to do with the Do-256. The engine was also only semi-functional.

The Heinkel HeS 011 was the planned engine for the Do P.256 from what I’ve read.

The only site that states this is Military Factory, which isn’t prone to guessing or lying.
That said, it’s stated that the drawing was never built therefore it never flew, nor existed in any form of mockup. The discussion on this is over. Cause you’re not getting a paper plane.

Okay, but I still would like to see some other non paper options. Like the 5 other times I’ve stated Me-262B-1a/U1. Or maybe the Dornier 335A/B-1…

Go make a suggestion then.

Gaijn may (hopefully imo), decide to do more paper viecles.

You mean those things that never get accepted? I’d rather not spend 30-120 minutes making a post for it to not get accepted.

They are not going to. I don’t know how often people need to say the word No just for people to get the message that it won’t happen. With the same counter-argument being “Ho-Ri, R2Y2, V1-3” Gaijin’s response is “until a suitable replacement is found”. Which won’t happen any time soon.

I honestly doubt this. Eventually I think gaijn will branch out into more realistic paper viecles (Think maybe strv 2k, etc). Ive always been a big proponent of doing this, and always will.

Then quit wasting people’s time. Also, the Do-335 B-1 was abandoned for the heavier B-2. Meaning it wasn’t finished nor do we know if it was even built as a real plane.

For the Me-262B-1/U-1. If you’re not gonna make a suggestion then you’re just begging for pennies in return. If you took a look some of the suggestions passed for consideration were added A the next update or B several updates later.