Matches are so hilariously one sided and they launch 6 KH38’s from 10km away and are unkillable. Last match they had 6 of them back to back to back and got over 20 kills. its so pathetic and has made top tier even more unplayable


Agree. KH38 is way too op. If we get some counter spaa for westerns, its fine, but at this time only Russian AA can kill westerns at spawn, and russian CAS can kill anyone behind the AA range of the other nations.


Skill issue from both of you.


VT-1 with 12km range and thanks to “realistic” control an effective combat range of 8km…but yes, it’s a skill issue…


alright, you don’t have a good spaa. then get a jet and spawn it with aim-120s. you wont even need to aim.



It is as if all the members of the community who voiced their concern after this aircraft’s announcement and all the content creators showing how broken it is on the dev server were right…


We all knew it was going to happen didn’t we, and let’s not get into the brimstone nerf thats a whole other story (yes the artificial nerf is perfectly understandable, it would break GRB)


by that braindead logic they should never give ru good fighters or air to air missiles since they have better AA and CAS

  • Spend time grinding a TT (GRB) that has 0.75x the amount RP ARB gets
  • Get CASed by some funky 10km+ missiles that none of your Ground based vehicles have the range to intercept
  • In turn subsequently grind that entire, or a good portion, of that nation’s air tree in addition just to compete
  • Get shot down by a competent SPAA (Pantsir S1) whilst trying to down the Kh38 spammers

(Edit: thanks for all the likes, good to see some people have the same issue)


American mains realizing that CAS is OP will never be not funny


So sad.

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USA has the best CAS in game and easily accessible by buying it, the A-10A Early, has 6 AGM-65B, TV guided missile that can be launched at 10.00 km at 10.3 which not a single SPAA is capable to counter it at this BR but players tend to forget about those informations.


Su-34 is a End of the Line vehicle, it has to be good tools, same of the way I’m ok with AIM-120 locking into a flying piece of plastic, never had issue with that. Su-34 is a pretty uncommon vehicle to find, actually any top Russian CAS aircraft, being restricted to Su-25 which isn’t a problem to counter;

95Ya6 can be easily evaded, just turn the plane, it’s the same for all other missiles, just throttle up and turn the plane instead of complaining in the forums because you don’t know how to do the basic of CAS in a situation you don’t have air superiority and no enemy air defense.


This whining is so f boring i swear. There are nations that will NEVER have a Pantsir equivalent. If you are too lazy to buy a prem jet during discount and grind out a top tier fighter than its your own problem.


Here is a total new approach for you.

You want to use your OP AGMs and guided bombs or a lightning strike from Zeus from your plane, do it in Air Arcade/Realistic/Sim and advocate to Gaijin for a more realistic scenario and changes to the mission types.

When people play Ground, they want to play tanks, IFVs and AFVs and not play Air with some additional steps in between.

There is a reason why lower tier Ground are more fun than higher tiers, and it’s not because of Thermal Vision.


Roland 3 and ASRAD will take the A-10 and SU-25 and other CAS out with ease and with the new ammo box you can spam missiles at CAS.

The issue is when people get uptiered from 9.3 and 9.7 into the 10.0+ range and their SPAAs are not good in dealing with CAS at that range…except the Ozelot and the Gepard.

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Which is what exactly they did?



I don’t think this is the issue, the real issue is the fact that, using as example, USA mains has access to good CAS planes by simply buying it from the store, the A-10A Early as example in a good BR where it doesn’t face any ground-to-air threats, the hypocrisy of having the best CAS selections but complaining about a vehicle you need to grind for days.

Not at all, the only SPAA to actually cover the AGM-65B operational range is the Osa-AKM, which a lot of countries got at it seems to be a better alternative, maybe, or surely, I’m wrong with the argument, Roland 3 and BOLIDE is up to 9.000 km maximum.

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I personally just believe CAS should get an across the board soft nerf, and SPAA in most nations have a light buff as well to try balance things out a little, some BRs dont need much fixing, some need more SPAA, and some just dont have SPAA. Gaijin is in the process of mitigating the SPAA gap which is good. I hope to see some more balance changes done to the CAS and SPAA relationship.

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There have been numerous topics on the forum on how to improve and balance the situation, but Gaijin rather adds more CAS than even attempting to balance the game modes.