The Su-30SM should not have received the Kh-38MT

I am also strongly against the Su30SM getting Kh38 AGM because the jet itself is a massive upgrade when compared to Su34, which is already stomping GRB, and with the Su30SM being a different aircraft type/class than the Su34, it’s going to cost even less SP to spawn in as a 2nd CAS aircraft, meaning the enemy team on GRB is going to face 12 Kh38 AGM in total (from a single player btw) lmao.

“just spawn fighter and CAP bro” when the opponent is Su30SM is hilarious.

Not even to mention there is 0 proof that shows that the Su30SM can even carry Kh38 to begin with.

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ah yes the AGM-65 that gets intercepted by the pansir and 70% of the time doesnt oneshot tanks while traveling half the speed


Stomping when it’s the only thing in the air that is.

just dont
more cas is unnecessary


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Kid, pls. 6 rocket with ideal launch.
Only 2 kill. AGM-65 its useless trash.
SU-30SM can use 38MT and all weapon vs ground what have Russia. Its Ok.
But why Gajin nerfed damage USA weapons?


Dude, all of these posts read like CAS/Russia cope.
“Muh speed. Muh interception.”
Two things I’ve never seen important either in video evidence, or experience.

I get that some don’t want CAS nerfed/SPAA buffed.

I used AGM-65D over 100 times, and G around 20 times.
I didn’t fire at SPAA because they’re not going to win the enemy team the match, so I fired at tanks in the middle of the battlefield. The parallax between them and the SPAA in spawn made it difficult enough to not intercept them, and I didn’t fire on a Merkava Mk4M or Black Night, so they weren’t intercepted by APS either.

And the KH-38 has the same IR seeker as the AGM-65. As for HEAT warheads, they’re not the best which is why people have been using Gripens and Harriers with AGM-65Gs more often.
Hammers for France, which France has on two separately classed airframes. Soviets catching up to NATO in CAS capabilities doesn’t mean anything other than CAS is OP.
And people have argued that Brimstones even in their current artificially nerfed state are more powerful than these IR AGMs.

So yeah, I don’t know why you and others are claiming that I am wrong for calling KH-38 and all CAS in general OP.
All you’re doing is defending CAS…

So yeah, the paper stats people complain about, and the intercepts of missiles launched directly at SPAA which has plenty of evidence behind it… Those perfect conditions for SPAA are rare if the CAS player prioritizes the correct targets.
Especially since most SPAA lack missiles with maneuverability.
I can’t remember which between VT-1 and TOR-M1’s missile is the most maneuverable, and I haven’t heard much about ADATS in a while.

So yeah, in conclusion:
CAS is OP, no one here has been able to disprove this claim I made.
SPAA is required.

And I really don’t understand why people would argue against these.

The Hammers, KH-38s, AGM-65s, and PGM_3s become far less threatening when Gaijin adds 10+ new SPAA with the ~18km class of maneuverable missiles.

IF and when they give those AGMs separate IR seekers, I’ll have a new criticism.


Nah, I’ve been intercepting Maverics coming for my allies. In a flarakrad (that should tell you how easy it is). They’re just floating there, like some kind of retarded baloons. And I don’t remember, can any plane carry 6x AGM-65G? I’ve seen only HEAT variants using the triple rails. Have you noticed that he’s launching maverics at 4km range? He’s flying there uninterrupted. That’s their fault for not having any SPAA up, hence the punishment. While Su-34, Su-39 (or whatever of those trashcans can carry KH-38) can be more effective by launching all of it’s missiles right upon spawning. In order to prevent a successfull Maveric salvo - I just need to be present in the air. To do the same with Su-34, for example, I need to spawncamp it. Yes, everyone needs new SPAA (without including russia), yet the only spaa capable of stopping their team from being obliterated by kh-38 slingers is playing on their side.

@AlvisWisla never forgets to entertain us with his rage baits 🤡


i am not defending CAS i’m saying is nonse to compare a much better missile that can get 6 kills in 10 seconds after spawning, while the other has to be careful with the Pansir. So no, the CAS is not generally OP, the Russian CAS is much more OP than other nations and then you throw a little M1 “Click Bait” and that’s it

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@Navy_Phantom coming in to defend CAS and imply/say that CAS is fine instead of admitting CAS is OP, while accusing the “CAS OP” critics/community are all just baiting him.

Good to see VT-1s performing decently, they are more maneuverable than the Pantsir’s missile after all.

You have to remember all my posts here are to justify new SPAA coming to WT, and more hardkill APS tanks being added.
Nothing more.

So it’s weird seeing posts that are yelling at me for just stating facts that CAS is OP irrelevant of tech tree and options are needed to defeat the weapons carriers themselves.

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I would to see the timeline graph, but yea, At the same time you get 1)Less attempts 2)Far ore skill required for tracking/acquisition 3)Less range 4)Inability to track more than 1 target 4)You’re just defenceless in close range.
You’re always partially right. That, however, doesn’t validate your whole point. I wouldn’t have any problem with this addition if I had means to play against it. What I’m and a lot of guys here are trying to do is to save GRB from being unplayable for the next couple of months (or more).

Top ground has been “unplayable” since 2022, one more OP CAS won’t change that. You can see that as a good thing or bad thing, either way an Su-30SM is more of the same that’ll happen to a team, cause most players aren’t part of the 1%ers that can intercept munitions on parallax, and yes you and I are two of the people that can.

I had to learn for information knowledge, and I learned in 2023.
To this day you and I have a rare skill set, and we can’t forget that it is rare until it’s not.

The OP CAS that videos were made of, constantly get mult-kill instances across ten-thousands of matches every day, so on and so forth:


Honorable mention since some Typhoon players are claiming Typhoon’s the best CAS in game:


You only care about yourself and don’t think about the impact of 12 powerful KH-38MT on other players. "Ah, yes, I’m sophisticated enough that the KH-38MT won’t kill me. But the others don’t matter. "That’s how I see it.

The final answer to this question is that “the Su-30SM does not have any realistic justification for carrying such FnF missiles as the KH-38MT”.

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Things I never said for $100,000.

My statement was “War Thunder needs new SPAA that can take on these 12+ OP CAS platforms.”

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Once again, I must reiterate the following points:

  1. The Su-30SM does not have any real-world evidence that it can carry the KH-38MT.

  2. Russia will have the strongest ground forces and the strongest CAS in the next version, and at the same time the top CAS of some countries is weaker than you can imagine (China has only 2 KH-29s, Sweden has only 4 AGM-65s)

  3. At the same time, when Russia obtained 12 rounds of KH-38MT, the only SPAA that could be effectively intercepted, Panstir, was also in Russia. That is, the strongest spear and the strongest shield are Russian.


Until the era of a stronger SPAA, so many OP missiles should not be joined. And the inclusion of these KH-38MT for the Su-30SM is completely unfounded.


It’s 950SP every spawn…

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true or false?