The Su-30SM should not have received the Kh-38MT

There are no authoritative sources in reality that the Su-30SM can carry the kh-38, this is completely a preference for Russia! There is no game balance in this behavior!


Same for Su-25SM3, Su-34 about KH-38MT




F-15E and F-16C with AGM-65s in the corner. “Glad he hasn’t spotted us ruining top BR.”

It’s the same 6x loadout as Su-34.

IR AGMs are OP, which means Kh-38s are OP as well.


Shhh, it’s only an issue when Russia can do it.

Also the Rafale has similar capabilities too.


I just wish the eurofighter had proper brimstones too (even a limited amount), at least then all nations would have some equallity in cas, except china.


The LAU-117 rail certainly is a retained capability, of both airframes.

And sure there would be questions about a non-slant loaded LAU-88 (and assorted other stores) in some specific stores configurations (e.g. LAU-88 next to external fuel tank), and if the LAU-88 was a retained in inventory or commonly used at all, but is possible for HEAT variants of the Maverick.


I find it really funny that in the CM-CD post they’d talked about how top tier CAS was becoming an issue and that they were working on new SPAA, and then they add the Su-30 with the KH38. I’m not screaming “Russian Bias, Russian Bias!” as the nations that have the gooder top tiers rn have the same issue with having stupid CAS, but this is really disappointing as we were (not necessarily promised) moreso told we were going to get better SPAA at top tier for combatting it and from the devstream we got like one SPAA for US at *8.3


They said there are more vehicles than shown but they weren’t ready yet, which implies there is still a possibility that we get newer and better SPAA for a few countries this Update

Hopefully Gaijoob gives Japan a bit more attention too

Yeah but don’t expect the F-2 they stated it was never meant to even be worked on in this specific update lol (im still inhaling hopium and copium)

F-2 still being edged annoys me but it worries me less than the precedent that would be set if they only get those couple of boats and Israel only gets that prem F-16 (I’m coping cause I vividly remember my buddy saying “theres never going to be a prem F-16” like 2 years ago and I finally got the block 10 (US) two weeks ago)

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AGM-65 are annoying but they don’t have IOG


Hoping we get a bunch of ARH trucks next update. Spyder for Israel, SLAMRAAM for US, Mica VL for France, things of that sort. Range wise probably not as good as Pantsir, but spammable might make it good.

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At this point is just ridiculous, bro, I mean, they cant even hide the russian bias right now.

No other nation recieved a high tier plane in every update last year.
The KH38 is as OP as mavericks when added but only mavericks has been nerfed.
Instead of nerfing the kh38 they just put another similar missile with worst perfomance in france (a minor nation)
They also didnt give the real performance to brimstones cause it would be “too op”.
Oh, and if KH38 from a SU-25 wasn´t enought, they added the SU-34 that can carry more kh38 and has a better performance

At that point you could say “Ok, russia has better air to ground but someone elses has better air to air” but now they just add SU-30 with R77-1 and also KH38, hybrid radar, and trust vectoring.

Now one nation gonna have the best AA, the best air to ground missile from a very capable air to air platform, the best attack helicopter with a weird damage model, one of the Top 3 mbt´s and the best light vehicle.

If that isn´t russian bias then what is it?


Saying Russian bias will bring a horde upon you within seconds of posting which is why i dont use it but i wont deny you are kinda correct in it being a bit biased, though I’d argue the Su-33 was more of a detriment, being a SV and all


Yeah, subsonic mavericks launched at pantsirs are crazy.

Meanwhile Mach 2 Kh-38 obliterating 12 km spaas at best, while being outside of its range. Im not even considering HQ-17 because I havnt seen one in a last month.

Its the same things for sure.


Let the horde come hahaha.

Yeah, Su-33 isn´t that great but is a high tier plane, at the state that top tier GB is right now better to have anything to spawn and do something in the match than just one death quitting.

It’s only bad because its a plane of the masses, rather than being TT

Adding Su-30SM with Kh-38s in the already ridiculously compressed 12.7 BR for Air in GRB makes absolutely no sense. No reason why this thing and SM3 should share the same BR.
What’s even worse, they’re adding this before even giving us better AAs.

Gaijin’s obsession with aircraft stomping tanks is now crystal clear.