The Su-30SM should not have received the Kh-38MT

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It`s Kh-38MLE. Not MT.

Decided to quote this bad take.
Not sure why someone would make this claim in response to a basic fact:


Different seeker.
Not MT.

Kh-38 can be launched from the Su-34 and Su-30SM, I still have footage of it being launched from a Su-34 in a certain region, used to have a image of it mounted to the Su-30SM about a year or so back.

You guys are so pathetic that you voted to hide my post in which I give you the proof that you were asking, and then you are so lame to say it is the Kh38Ml not the MT. IF THE PLANE CAN USE THE KH38ML IT CAN ALSO USE THE MT!

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It’s the same 6x loadout as Su-34.

Are you serious?



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AHAHAHA, nope.

There is absolutely no evidence that the Kh-38MT was EVER put on any jet.

All published weapons schemes have only the Kh-38ML(E).

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Please keep the discussion focused on in-game mechanics and balance. Let’s avoid unrelated or sensitive topics

He was asking for proofs about the Kh38 in those planes, then post a video when is being use on the su-34, then the flagged that post, and after that they say is terrorism. Could you tell me mod in what part I’ve done something wrong? When I showed them the proofs that they were asking they silence me and accused me of terrorism

Why do I always miss the good parts.

it was a post with a video of the Su-34 using the Kh-38 just that, and then this dude came and flagged my post with terrorism

The claim is that the Su-34 can use the Kh-38MT, and not the possibility of using the Kh-38.

If you post materials from the war - that’s your own problem.

It’s well known these aircraft are capable of using these weapons, all it takes is being in the right telegram channels. You don’t need to entertain these threads lol

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yeah man, these people are mad just because russia got something with a good seeker like the maverick have, before the kh-38 russia had the Kh-29 with the horrible seeker

Exactly like the MMV Radar version it has been seen at an arms show and not mounted on an airframe.

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I have been very interested in the conflict.
I have never seen a Su-30SM with anything other

than a KH-31 and air to air load out.
I do believe the KH-31 uses the AKU-58 plyon

The question is should it receive the KH-38.
Making the Su-34 largely irrelevant
