The Su-30SM should not have received the Kh-38MT

Correction: It’s an issue when it’s historically inaccurate.




There’s also no game balance when Gaijin adds not one but three overperforming aircraft at in need to have their own separated battle rating and only now other nations are recieving their deserved counterpart,

There’s also no game balance when Gaijin buffs without no need three and adds one more to the game with, initially, exclusive mechanic enhancing a lot their respective survivability,

There’s also no game balance when Gaijin also forces Coastal ships to face Bluewater vessels, when their best weapon are Torpedoes, when at the same time not reliable at all at long distances where Bluewater vessels has armor and firepower to counter,

There’s also no game balance when you have certain vehicles that can easily engage targets but at the same time not needing to be facing them, and on top of that, give it eight or more of the same weapon.

USSR has one of the poorest air-to-ground aircraft, in this subject the Su-30SM works more as a multirole aircraft than a fighter (e.g., F-15E), but people, instead of looking at the entirety of the tech tree, pays attention to the most loudest ones (e.g., Su-25K and Su-34), but hey, USA and few other tech tree vehicles are fighters and also at least have 2,000Lbs bombs, true fighter.

The issue you see here is paying attention to one single vehicle, when you have all the other tech trees with equally capable vehicles, this is not Russian Bias, this is your brainwashed brain making you think is that when the problem is how Gaijin gives every nation overperforming air-to-ground weapons without a countermeasure to them.


I don’t think it’s a nation specific thing but at the same time brimstone still isn’t fire and forget a fine tooth comb should be taken through top tier air and ground and rebalance/decompress the whole thing

This is completely unrealistic. There is no information that the Su-30SM can carry the KH-38

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Except… They aren’t

A vast majority of nations still use AGM-65 as their FnF AGM which is far far weaker than the KH-38 due to both lower speed, range and lack of IOG.

The only nation with anything even close is France with the Rafale with the AASM, but even that is weaker due to its lower speed, but does still have IOG.

The reality is, only 2 out 8 nations have IOG equipped AGMs that can be carried with any kind of meaningful quantity and/or platforms that actually stand a chance.

1 of those 2 nations also just happen to have the only effective top tier SPAA in game and it wasnt recently added, its been in the game for years.

In fact, four top tier aircraft, China, Britain, Italy and Germany are actually massive lacking in terms of A2G weapons at the moment and can barely compete with the SU-34 in terms of A2G. Su-30SM is insane


In fact, as well at lower battle rating, where no anti air vehicle are capable to engage, since, haven’t seen a single thread regarding this subject, about IR and TV guided bombs on vehicles, specially Premium vehicles (e.g., A-10 (Early) and the Su-39).

Even close or equal to the Kh-38MT, when the same weapon is placed on a better platform capable to maneuverable easily, when, honestly, most Panti-sir S1 players don’t really compute when a plane makes a slighty turn.

Panti-sir S1 is just not enough to compete with other planes, as I said in some early posts in others thread, the Panti-sir S1 is the best between the weakests, as Gaijin keeps adding more and more crazy air-to-ground weapons, but not a countermeasure to this unstoppeable issue.

I’m not the air-to-ground focused when playing ground battles player, but far from what I could notice, Japan and Sweden are the only nations really lacking good air-to-ground focused airplanes, despite the JAS 39 C having some air-to-ground ordinances.

I’m not a airplane expert, but why would a interceptor (J-10A) carry air-to-ground weapons, or even, have the capability to carry a lot of them, what’s the sense behind a plane made to engage air targets carry around ground ordnances? In other hand, Su-30 and Su-30SM is a multirole airplane, which equally can carry ordnances, with adaptability (targetting pods) to engage ground targets as well engage air targets.

With this, report a bug report then, we’re in DevServer, everything can change. But knowing how Gaijin work, more request changes are not going forward.

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Guys! There is no Russian Bias trust me! /s

cause it realy can.and was never pointed an interceptor by official resource.

In fact J10A can carry at least 4 guided bombs on it’s wing pylon. this issue had beem accepted monthes ago but gaijin refuse to fix it.


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Looks inside

“B-B-But the US and their CAS!!11”

Checks out. Glad US and Russia are still the only two nations that really matter /s

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I’m just wondering if players find some weapons can loaded on a fighter jet but not fitted in the game.they can provide some evidence to provide it can.

But how can players provide it cannot? there’s just no evidence to show it can. And it’s GAIJIN’s responsibility to provide it can!!

there’s no any evidence showing su-30sm can load Kh38 missiles.then if GAIJIN persist in it.why don’t they show us the evidence?


RU fighters being mediocre at best for months = heh, no big deal.
RU gets a competitive fighter = OMG guys, proof of bias.


This is not a reason for the Su-30SM to carry completely unrealistic weapons. I support Russia in getting a good fighter. But you deliberately ignore the OP performance of this aircraft in ground combat. In other words: Russia is not satisfied with having 6 rounds of kh38 that far exceeds that of other countries, and they want more 6 rounds of kh38!


““Fighter”” - this thing would be the major concern for all the ground rb. Yet, not a single counter other than pantsir for the ground players… Oh wait…

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This is CHALLENGE! (c) Gaijin

BT-7M is the same tank as T-80BVM.

yet people want FnF brimstone but somehow it not fine but this sht lol

I’m actually against it getting Kh-38s.

I doubt KHs will survive the dev server though.