The SU-27SM might be the WORST top tier i have ever played

Where was it said to get ahead of someone? Both countries were ahead of each other in some areas

You’re just acting childish, he gives you a good response and instead of making a counterargument you keep going back to the first flight of the F-15.


Like how you claimed Su-57 was actually as stealth as F-35, if not Better?

Or how about random claims on BOL rails, remember them?

Like how he used the Tomcats first flight date as an excuse?

You like to do cherrypicking arent you?

Dude, you’re really dumb.Initially, both Su-27 and MiG-29 aircraft were as a response to the FH program, and participated in the PFI Competition, the answer was to be 1 aircraft, not 2

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Instead of calling us cherry pickers and dumb how about you provide information on why the SU-27 was not developed from X or Y?

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That was the orijinal idea but in the end Mig-29 was designed to be counter the F-16 hence why Su-27 considered to be counter for F-15 in the end.

I also recommend you to watch your mouth, this is not your average bar where you can insult other people.

The Su-57 is comparable to the F-35 in low visibility, BOL gaijin made it more efficient than 50mm, although in reality it is not clear which is more effective

Your friend is the one who called me Dumb multiple times, it seems you cant even read.

Wait, you’re already saying that this was the original idea.That is, both the Su-27 and MiG-29 were developed before the first flight of the F-15 and F-16

Thats the thing, F-35 is not low visibilty plane, its a cutting edge stealth vehicle.

Something Russians cant produce.

Not really, it was clearly explained on Gripen thread that BOL rails are essentially worse then regular countermeasures but you also denying that part.

Im talking about producing one vehicle as an counterpart, not other way around…



So I didn’t notice this moment


Well, the development was before the first flight.Of course, after the first flight of the F-15, there was already an eye on it


Even Russians admits that Su-57 doesnt have same stealth capabilites as F-22/35 has. Man arent you a hopeless case.

Who recognizes it and where? Preferably a link to an engineer

So basically they decided produce more advanced vehicle that can have the edge against upcoming USA FX fighter without knowing what was going to be like.

Which means initial development process wasnt about countering F-15 but rather trying to produce to counter something that will come out eventually, this explains why Su-27 first flight took almost 10 years while F-15’s only took 3 years, because USA had a chance to examine Mig-25 while Russians had to wait until F-15 came out to the sun.

The delay was due to the PFI competition, where the MiG Design Bureau competed with Sukhoi.And for a long time Sukhoi could not figure out which plane to make

Not the sole reason but of one them.

Its also clear as a day that Sukhoi wanted to see F-15’s capabilites, they were lucky cause USA was so satisfied with F-15 that they decided to brake multiple records with Eagle.

It was never stated anywhere that Sukhoi wanted to see the capabilities of the F-15, because first it was necessary to defeat the MiG Design Bureau