The SU-27SM might be the WORST top tier i have ever played

he’s just coping because he was insisting the R-77 would be better before it was added, and now can’t handle that he was wrong


I know, he has been provided proof numerous times, for some reason this lil man cant grasp it.

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You are comparing a chart made by the Indian defense forum users with no legit source versus British evaluation. All things are relative and in this case, he is using these awful sources to “prove” a point… he has none.

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Funnily enough I included both the Russian R-77 picture, as well as the Indian defense forum picture, but you conveniently forgot about that.

Regardless how much wasted time is spent trying to get you to comprehend that Russia built a bad missile, you persist in wallowing in your wrongness. At this point a forum mute would do the community a service.

You posted a Russian estimation of the AIM-120 (which is known to be false) and the Indian Defense Forum make believe RVV-AE launch diagram. Do you not remember what you posted?

Funnily, the RVV-AE diagram you posted suggests the in-game missile is underperforming so if your point was to try and prove it is overperforming in-game… well… let’s just say you aren’t supporting it well.


at low altitude it is over performing, and high altitude under performing.

While the AMRAAM is under performing all around, also, I have no intention of taking you seriously on your estimation of documents after that comically idiotic “Muh lying on an internal missile report”

According to what? Currently it underperforms when fired over mach at all altitudes because drag was adjusted to provide accurate subsonic launch conditions performance for ~0-5km altitude.

Your sources are legitimately just made up, one by the Russians in regards to a missile using foreign press materials only and the other by a internet forum. All missiles in-game underperform in maximum range scenarios. The R-27ER for example is missing 100 m/s top speed from 5-10km altitude and ~20% of its’ maximum range because it is tailored to match performance from 0-5km alt. All missiles with the exception of the AIM-7F to my knowledge are adjusted in this manner.

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Yep, KD in the F-15C is 2, KD in the 27SM, 1. R-77s are unreliable, R-73s are being flared within 1km, direct rear aspect. It’s just not a good jet compared to everything else at 13.0. Funny enough, the only way to be semi effective I’ve found is switching back to the R-27ERs.


true R-77s are unreliable, My longest kill streak was 5

Russian trash is just that bad, major brain fart on the part of the designers thinking dogfights would still be relevant

The SU-27 started development in 1969 mate, at the time manoeuvrability made complete sense and it was a response to the F-15 which had manoeuvrability in mind as well. I may agree that Russia is bad in certain aspects but calling them straight up stupid is a ridiculous.


My loadout in the J-11A is 4x R-73Es, 4x R-27ER1/ET1s and 2x R-77s. With my experience so far I’ve found that the R-27ET1 can be used pretty effectively for sneaking up on guys and the R-27ER1 for basically getting a confirmed kill within 10km.

The R-77 is mainly for BVR but it’s not as effective as the R-27ER1 in my opinion.

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The main thing is they really need to fix it’s flight model, it dumps way too much speed. Every other top tier jet is overperforming in terms of energy retention so the Flanker underperforming slightly ends up hurting it even more in relative terms. R-73s are still bugged and spin in circles and self destruct often just like the SRAAMs have for years, and their IRCCM is demonstrably worse than the 9Ms. I still think 9Ms are “guessing” where you are after their sensor blinks back on far too effectively, they’re impossible to defeat in side aspect without climbing, which opens you up to the AIM-120, so it’s a pretty lethal combo.


ikr, some people are crazy enough to believe R73 is equal to AIM 54
also, R73 is only effective below 1km

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try mig-29smt LMAO

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First flight of F-15 was 27 July 1972.

So how come Su-27 was designed to be response for F-15 when there was a 3 years difference between Su-27 development and F-15’s first flight.

notice how my post or the one I replied to never mentioned the Su-27

A quick google search and you’ll find your answer, its public information and isn’t hard to get a answer for.


Ah yes because everything on Google is hundred percent accurate right?

Would you say the same about historical events published online? You don’t need Russian documents to prove something already public, google also says the F-15 was a response to the MiG-25 but surely this is inaccurate?

If this was a matter of a vehicles performance, technical issues or other things I’d totally agree but this is something basic which requires a basic action to find out and that’s a quick search.

Not just Google but countless documents including USA itself admits that F-15 was designed to be counterpart for Mig-25.

Not to mention Mig-25 entered the service in 1970 which means Usa had a chance to examine the plane and make some assumptions.

Meanwhile first F-15 flew in 1972 and according to information you provided says Su-27 development began in 1969.

So answer my question: How will you start developing the Su-27 as a rival to the F-15 3 years in advance, when it has not yet made its first flight?

Your argument doesnt even make sense in slightest.