The SU-27SM might be the WORST top tier i have ever played

And when I mention that there are aircraft performing worse then I am painted as the one complaining

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Right… 🤦🏼‍♂️

You are being hypocritical, you can’t complain immediately after making fun of a complaint.


Again, not complaining about anything, simply pointing out the fact that the Su-27SM isn’t the punching bag of top tier that this thread is portraying it to be, in comparison to some of the other 13.0 airframes…

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In the same vein as my earlier comment, I simply go and play something more fun (Barak II in this case) until the aircraft I want to fly are improved.

it’s literally is the punching bag of 13.0.

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The J11A is objectively worse at the same BR


Same same, but different. China has a 12.3 with decent fox-3’s idk why they’d be playing the J-11A ATM

doesn’t affect the fact that the Su27SM isn’t the worst 13.0 however. 'Play something else" towards the new tippy top tier addition also isn’t a wonderful sentiment imo. But alas something with inevitably be the ‘worst’ out of all options

Russia and China get different matchmaking, very well could be the worst 13.0.
You’re looking at things logically, hilariously the American jets are the worst statistically.

The user made a thread about the Su-27SM, he doesn’t even claim it to be the worst. He’s just expressing an opinion about a specific plane.


this plane is so mid that defyn is like the only one who made a video on the jet


USSR/Russian doctrine with BVR is much different compare to the NATO and it’s not fit well in the game.
Plus they butchered FM of the most potent Aircraft and give both the planes and the missiles insane drag that cause the bleeding of energy too high.

Don’t talk about Indian case, they used R-77 the dumbway which is panic mode, claimed it range was too short and proceed to replace with the the I-Derby which has “less range” then R-77.


Everything is fine with the range of the R-77, this is a bad implementation of the gaijin.The Indians complained that RVV-AE does not work beyond 80km

Skill issue, r73 irccm is superior to 9m lmao

While F-4F ICE exists - all your arguments are irrelevant. Even though, did you know? F-4F ICE is actually a good and enjoyable plane.

Base bombing is the way to go. What else are you gonna do with 2 IR missiles for your vanilla plane.

German main moment.

Are all arguments regarding issues with German ground vehicles also irrelevant because they have the 2A7V, one of the best MBTs in game?

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You think you smart by pulling this out of your pants? That doesn’t work this way. LeoA7 is not one of the best, it is the best, at least I think. But it took a huuuuge stroke to get to that.

The 122s are still better than the 2A7Vs because of the better mobility and the fact the upper glacis plate actually bounces rounds, making its frontal protection a lot stronger

Then get your documents and make a bug report instead of crying and trying to bully the devs on their own forum