The SU-27SM might be the WORST top tier i have ever played

Simple, compare to Aim-120 or even MICA R77’s are so easy to fool, this is my experience so far so take it with grain of salt.


Well… I heard from many that grinded it ( I’m getting it soon) and it’s a really sad plane.
Now reduce radar capability and boom, J11A, which is even worse lol

There are literally no Russian mains in this thread

The fox-3 seekers are all heavily underperforming, coupled with the fact that chaff heavily overperforms in the game to start with. Blaming the Soviet industrial complex is… Odd.

Not to mention, had the R-77 entered service in '91-93 the Russians would still be band for band better than the US when it comes to missiles and rockets at the time.

You just made fun of people for complaining and none of yours are even valid.


You can still slew your radar TWS to the sides, so you can track them with TWS at your gimbal limit, but it won’t “lock” onto a target like other modern fighters, so you have to slew it if target moves.

I think the Flanker is fine when it comes to manoeuvrability and speed-loss in trans-sonic regions and higher, way better than the mig29 at least.

It was also significantly hurt by the new radar scan pattern change (which makes no sense), since it only has a slow 4 bar scan mode, other radars can cope with their 2 bar and narrow scan modes, but SU27 now sometimes have to wait 7-9 seconds for a full refresh to complete, it’s ridiculous.
Community Bug Reporting System (This is the report)

It has insanely high drag, and from what I’ve seen, the AIM120 actually outpulls it at the moment, despite it supposedly having “50G’s”.
The R77-1 would be completely fine to add right now, and USA would still dominate since the 15C and 16C trumps the Flanker with their high altitude performance. I could be wrong but I believe for really long range shots, the AIM120A would still beat the R77-1 lol


The R77 has a similar range to 120 A.What Gaijin did is absolutely wrong


Throwing shade on AWG-9? How dare you

Calling people who have all almost all tech trees Russian mains, the factionalism and BS generation power is over 9000 with this special one

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İt’s literally more useful in war thunder than the Su-27 radar

Another day another insane crybaby thread unbelievable

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For aviation enthusiasts, poorly modeled aircaft are catastrophic. Nationalism should not impede improvements that need to be made.


I have all the nations top tiers except France and Italy and people still call me a Russian main nationalist, you can’t even reason with them lol


That reminds me, anyone know if replacing the R77 with R77-1 would partially fix the issues with the ARH armaments of the plane?
And before nato cope, is it not comparable to 120A/B in range? It would make the ground even for both parties in that case.

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What difference does it make what aikyu the engineers of the USSR (Russia) had? This is a game where everything works as the developer wants, today it flies like a tree, tomorrow it will fly better than the f-22 and the typhoon. About reality
NATO understood long-range combat better than the Aim 120 coped with what they say about the downed plane, the same thing happens in the game. The USSR (Russia) refused this, continuing to claim that close combat is not dead and it is better than long-range combat with the R-77 in the game there are no problems in reality there is only a long-range launch from India where the missile failed, which also happens in the game.

it will still be garbage because of how garbage the su-27 radar is, and the plane itself is bad too

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Aim120a still beats R77-1 at longer ranges right now. We badly need drag reduction if anything.

Just look at the speed-loss of some launches between 8:00-9:00, it’s like they’re throwing paper balls at eachother
One launch at M0.91, R77 is going M1.5 after travelling just 5.6 miles, and subsonic after 7 miles. It sheds crazy speed when turning.

I’d be somewhat fine with the R77 having terrible range if it at least pulled the 50G’s on its stat card lol, it’s currently also being out pulled by aim120 from what I’ve seen


None of the fox-3’s are modeled properly for the most part.


The RWR remains the SPO-15LM on the J-11A, this is a massive hinderance to ones ability to survey and counter threats in the current top tier environment.

The Radar is also lacking, with a poor search rate and mediocre performance and the matter that it’s confided to a single datalink channel makes it currently the worst 13.0 in the game

The rest of the comment revolves around lazy modelling and rushed development, I am not complaining, simply stating what’s wrong with the aircraft and why it isn’t worth investing in

Even if they don’t ‘main’ russia, there should be no issue just switching to a better off nation in their roster and playing the meta, if the flanker is so bad then you can always just play something else

“Just play something else” is not a good response. If a plane is doing badly, it should be changed in some way to make it better, because that is balanced.