The SU-27SM might be the WORST top tier i have ever played

The US is generally on both sides so it will always take a loss in a match, just due to player count


I’m actually impressed by these numbers. I assume that american players are going all in on base bombing to level up their planes while their rivals are predominately fighting.

Except it’s not “teams that lose” that’s being reported but “players that lost”, so being on both teams doesn’t matter. Assuming equal distribution rate of players reporting to thunderskill across all nations, USA’s poor performance is indicative of the average USA player being deadweight while foreign players are the ones tipping the scales.


This cannot be real man.

This explains why F-15A was 12.3

We’ll never get SU-27 fixed. Imma never grind USSR again. Literal skill issue causing imbalance for players with actual working heads.


Then why did the F-15J and Baz go down as well?

Because after the changes of 1-2 year ago regarding br balancing, gaijin changes similar vehicles together.

AKA german m48 at 7.0 american one being 7.7 despite german one being literally superior in every way.

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Yes im sure F-15 wiht god acceleration and 2 more missiles and more countermeasures than F-16C should have been lower br than it, simply a bad aircraft :))))

Well the Israelis seem to be USA expats, and I suppose the J didn’t go down so that they americans wouldn’t look bad.

FWIW though, the thunderskill data is looking extra incomplete. It doesn’t seem to be reporting data for the NEW fox-3 planes like the 27SM or the new F-15. Just the old planes that were upgraded with fox-3s. That said, it’s still the best publicly available dataset and it’s wild that america of all nations is floundering.

It’s all the crooked hands of the developer

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It’s not really wild at all. It has by far the largest playerbase for Air modes, and the easiest high tier premiums for grinding play style. It’s why looking at average player results is not really indicative of vehicle capabilities


Tell that to gaijin, it’s their method of balancing.

10 year old timmy listening to freebird and dying in his F-15 to a MIG-29SMT makes gaijin think MIG-29 is better (lol)


Seeing russian mains complain about a lack of pandering from the devs is hilarious, on a real note though if you think you have it rough, go try the J-11A or Baz M, both are more limited than the SM in more ways than one


Idk how they are doing so poorly against these americans, the average level of an F-16C or F-15C at top tier ranges from level 54 to 80, usually having bomb grinded their way up with an F-4S or F-20

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Worst one is R-77.

You can basically fool them at point blank range due to how weak seeker is.

After switching from Usa i realized how garbage R-77 is, tbh 27ET’s and R73’s are actually more useful for me.


Surprise, Surprise, the Russian military industrial complex imploded after the fall of the soviet union, hindering the development of decent missile tech into the 21st century

It could do with a FM Rework like the Mirage 2k which would make it much more competitive but the issue with the flanker is that it’s designed with a philosophy of turning hard into the 1st circle and smacking the enemy with a Fox-2

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The J-11A has exactly the same disgusting FM and the same poorly modeled missiles


With a plethora of inaccuracies that make it a straight up pain to play, Awful RWR, Inaccurate Radar, lacking domestic fox-2s, lacking a new cockpit and so on


The su 27 was specifically made to sacrifice turn rate for super maneuverability.

Yeah, I rate the Su-27SM and J-11A are the worst of the ARH carriers.
Might as well stick with the standard J-11 nd Su-27, and wait for better variants later on.

Sir, this is War Thunder; there has never been pandering.
Just processing from players over past decisions made years ago that in hindsight weren’t the best at the time.
2A5, despite being blatantly OP in hindsight, wasn’t pandering.

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What’s wrong with seeker? What does it mean weak seeker?