The state of the Horten Ho 229 V3

Hello! I open this thread to bring forth some discussion regarding the Horten Ho 229, which as we know; is extremely broken currently, practically being unusable!

Being someone who has always liked this aircraft, and is now finally going through the German air-tree purely with the goal of getting to play the early German jets – with this aircraft being something I am now researching in-game. I have also done my own fair share of research into how I should play the plane when I do get it and now I have finally stumbled upon this situation. So, I want to do something about it!

There have been multiple threads regarding this, the most notable being @GHOST_KING5710’s thread regarding the aircraft (Fix the Horten) which has fallen to the ends of obscurity by now. So instead of bumping, I feel it’s better to bring some fresh blood into the discussion entirely.

But for the TLDR of the situation the plane faces at the moment?

  1. The MK 103 cannons on the aircraft have almost shotgun like spread. (Despite the fact the barrel length should practically ensure the exact opposite in-game!)
  2. The cannons also lack the full HVAP belt that they had back in the day, which it historically had access to; this bug-report makes a fair argument as to why it should be added back: Community Bug Reporting System
  3. The plane lacks it’s bombs, and by proxy: a possible air-spawn as a strike fighter! This was reported on the old forum ([] Horten 229 lacks 2 500kg bombs - Documented Aircraft Suggestions - War Thunder - Official Forum) but nothing was done.
  4. The flight model of the aircraft is notoriously awful. It cannot roll at all, the engine was nerfed ages ago and overall it just suffers at it’s current BR.
  5. The BR of 7.0! With Mig-15s, Sabres now at 8.0 this thing is arguably one of the most power-crept early jets besides maybe the R2.

This plane has many issues, and is practically neutered, which is lame! Because this plane has so much potential…

So, what now? I open this thread to hopefully spawn some level of discussion regarding this plane, and I will most likely be filing a bug-report regarding the plane’s performance in the coming days. If people could give me sources regarding the matter, that would obviously help! But that is all.

Let’s make the Horten great again!


Me-262s have worse performance, but I agree that that BR needs large amounts of decompression.

It’s a difficult aircraft to play well in my opinion.


I have now filed a bug report regarding the lack of bombs and the general poor performance of the MK 103 cannons. If you people could bump the report, that would help! Community Bug Reporting System

As for the flight performance, I will be looking into it in the coming days because I feel this will be something a bit more difficult to research than just the guns or bombs for example. If anyone has any sources regarding that, it would be helpful.

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This one is a bit outdated use this much better, have better evidence and more specific.


Thank you!

This will help a lot. Gathering info is honestly a chore with vehicles like this, so I am very thankful that you have done lot of the work regarding the FM itself. I will take a in-depth look at your post later to file a bug report regarding the flight performance.

Happy to see you join the conversation as well.


Happy to help, plus i am happy to see ppl still thinking and trying to fix the 229.


I was happy to see that there were players working to improve the current situation of ho229 in the game, because I met people who claimed that they could use ho229 to fight F86 or mig15, and even thought that ho229 was very good and did not need to be improved, but later found out that I was just talking to the Joker. He was just trying to make people think he was good, but it turned out to be a pretty lackluster record.


Indeed! This is one of those planes that Gaijin has done very unjustly, which is a shame with how unique the plane is. There is nothing quite like it in-game at the moment, and yet it has been practically turned into a joke in ARB. It’s missing so many of it’s features that it’s not even funny…

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The Mk 103s on the Ho 229 are no more inaccurate than other Mk 103s found on other planes as it currently stands.

The extra inaccuracy they do have will come from the fact they aren’t on the direct center of the plane.

That’s not to say they weren’t inaccurate previously. It’s just that this specific nerf has been reverted.

Doesn’t have Jumo 004Ds that it shouldn’t have in the first place, which are more powerful than the 004Bs it would’ve had?

Edit: Also, may I know how are the engines nerfed?

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I hope you guys can get it fixed.

I remember when it was introduced and my first actual kill felt so good(I died literally a few seconds later)

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Bumping this thread as I too would absolutely love to see such a unique plane be returned to a state where it’s not necessarily overpowered, but fun to play.

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