Okay first of all. What are you even saying?
The Spitfire LF Mk9 going to 6.3? What? If anything I barely see people use that version as much, and when I do they are used by pretty skilled pilots who know what they are doing, so I have no clue why it should be move to 6.3 which in my opinion is such a overkill.
That the majority of the Spitfires are, good climb rate and good top speed and a pretty decent turn-rate.
Devastating isn’t really a word I would describe the hispano in a nutshell. And I’m gonna quote someone from this: When it works, it really works. But when it doesn’t work, It really doesn’t work.
So that also means move planes like say for an example the Ki-61-I Hei to a higher BR Because it trades its wing mounted 50.Cals for 2 MG 151 20 mm. So should that go up to a higher BR despite it having a not-so great top speed?
I have seen the F8F-1B Do pretty well, of course I ain’t saying the B version is better but they both have their own strengths that benefits both. Also I have never once seen a F8F-1 Or a F8F-1B try to dogfight a Yak-3P. Speaking of it…
Perfect Segway into it. A smart Bearcat player would know very well not to engage a Yak-3 or Yak-3P or any Yak for that matter since they are most likely to lose in a dog-fight out right.
What on earth are you even talking about at this point?
I’m gonna assume you only played one match with the thing and just say its too OP.
If that is the case then I’m sorry to say this: That’s not how that works. If anything do 5 or 10 Matches in that thing and then you will see that it isn’t as OP that you make it seem to be.
That how most Japanese planes are from rank II all the way to Rank IV Well most of them.
They focus on more on energy maneuvering then speed. With some exceptions.
This just proves my point above: They are not design on speed out right. They were design based on maneuverability.
My guy I have seen planes that can outclimb & out dogfight a Spitfire.
You do realize that there are other planes that can a Yak-3U via different means of doing so right?
Okay? I barely see people complain about the F-5E that’s not to say I haven’t seen it I have.
But it does pretty well at 10.7. I have no clue what you are to assume that the F-5E Doesn’t do well at 10.7.
There is a reason why they are short: They did it because they wanted games to be much quicker and have faster queuing times. Though I’m not 100% Sure on this one.
That is all i’m gonna say but this is just my opinion on the whole matter. If you still think its too OP then I ain’t gonna stop you for thinking that. But that just my honest opinion on the whole thing.