The snail hates you

I’m not the best player but I don’t think I am too bad either. I hate bombing. I find bombing game after game after game very stale but unfortunately it’s one of the best ways to research components for some stock planes as they can’t compete at all in dogfights stock (poor stock missiles and no stock chaff in some cases as well as no boosters). I average about 5k RP per game which takes me about 7 minutes on average. That’s for jets now because props give lower rewards and the matches take much longer. That’s 45k RP per hour of boring gameplay and that’s with my premium account. I have almost 2000 hours in the game and have yet to get a single top tier vehicle, how is that not a bad grind?

Riiiight, because me in my stock Kfir C.7 with 2 aim 9D’s and no chaff is going to have a fair chance against JAS39’s, F16’s, Mig29’s and F15’s?

You’ve decided to do multiple tech trees.
Cause 2000 hours with the average playstyle on a premium account is enough for 3 tech trees of top vehicles, air/ground.

I my goodness you’re right. I guess there is absolutely no problems at all with the grind. How could I have been so blind?

Thank you for your service in helping me grind the F16C

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I am afraid I wasn’t any help there. The Kfir C.7 only sees the F16’s at 13.0 and the F16C is 13.7.

“Cries in dark painful laughter in every single match always being a maximum uptier…”


As someone who likes playing bombers and who has tried to play the F-111A for the first time since before the nerf, I am totally fine with most of the base-stealing planes to be unable to do so. I doubt any of the fighters that took bases from bombers have only rockets, though.

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As far as I could gather people were only using rockets to get more RP, if they gave bombs a bit higher reward people would bomb more and everyone would be happy.

People were using rockets because people could fly faster.

From what I remember (I’ve pretty much only played ground the past half a year) the 500 lb and 750lb bombs give the same SL/RP as rockets, but the rockets imposed less drag. Plus they could be fired before another bomber who only had bombs, which let you win a race to a base every once in a while.

Hilarious . " Ah Mr Wisla…I’ve been expecting you "


Thats IS the problem.

Forcing someone to play as YOU want.
If people want do what others want - they go to work.

I want, to all 1/2-spawn players been locked after leave the match for hour at least.
All nations, all branches, all gamemodes.

But people can said to me “duck you” in this case, and be absolutely right about that.

Game exist not for some boyos dicktate others how they must play.
And for sure, reducing variability of gameplay, by nerfs like this - it’s a opposite of what game developers must do.

They have more than enough bugs to work with, like flight models, damage system, implementation of armor/penetration system for planes, balance, gameplay, etc.
But they “fix” opportunity for grind to players.
Very goddamn vital change. Bravo.


Then they shouldn’t have purchased a fighter if they didn’t want to play as a fighter…
No one is forcing you to buy fighters; just the tactic of partially damaging bases with interceptors is silly.

There are no multi-spawning in air.

They’ve never done this.

Employee Alvis for the defense as always.



  1. You can show me many pure bombers as high-tier premiums? I know only Tornado WTD.

  2. If plane have bombs - player can play as he/she/it want.

I cant remember in Licence Agreement, or in the Gaijin Store, the line “I solemnly swear to use fighters ONLY to hunt aircraft, and at the cost of my life, not to resort to the ungodly attack on ground targets.”

  1. The most important - It’s none of your business.

People play game, and more of it - they pay money, to get through grindwall with lesser suffering.

The last thing they need is the opinion of a guy who has researched everything he wanted and is now ruining the lives of others.
If you want pure, distilled, high-skill PvP, go to regimental/duels.
And in random - play yourself, and don’t interfere with others playing as they want.
(With the exception of completely playful methods like shooting down. I clarified, simply because there were already not the most intelligent representatives of the human race who, due to a lack of argumentation, began to cling to my formulations.)

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What rubbish Alvis C’mon.
So the M109 can only be used as long range indirect fire artillery? SPAA can only fire at planes?

You have your tongue permanently up the snails backside but you don’t talk rubbish to this degree normally.It’s normally more eloquent rubbish.

Are there two of you now? Do you have to work shifts to get the coverage?


“Then they shouldn’t have bought fighters” Would be viable if people wanting to play bombers only needed bombers to continue up the tree but unfortunately they need an X amount of vehicles to begin researching the next tier.

No one is telling you you can’t partially damage a base.
People are only telling you that the tactic is stupid when the fighter is great and requires little skill.

I see you’re here coming to the defense of Gaijin again, with Sanch and Noldor agreeing with you defending Gaijin from my criticism.

Why do you think SPAA should only be against planes, Eddie?
Why do you think M109 should only be direct fire?

@Ladies_Man_217 accusing all of War Thunder’s critics of being Gaijin employees.
Defyn, Tim’s Variety, myself, Jaek, PhlyDaily, etc aren’t trolls and aren’t Gaijin employees just cause we’re criticizing War Thunder.

It’s funny watching everyone here attack WT critics.

“Criticizing War Thunder is defending it.” - Ladies, Eddie, Noldor.