The main reason why I think the B-29 shouldn’t be so low in BR is because of the large bomb load it carries and the fact that it would be a pain to retool all the other bombers. That’s why I think 7.0 BR would be fine.
In all of the ways that matter when easily killing a bomber (top speed and climb rate), early jets have a much easier time killing bombers. Their high altitude performance means nil when the B-29 can’t even get to high altitude before being shot down, and even at high altitude all it takes is one or two passes to kill it - not some feat of aerobatics.
If it is put at 7.0 it will never, ever see a prop-only (and 2-3 jets) game, but it should mostly see prop-only games. At 6.0 there will be plenty of props at its BR that can easily take it out, and it will still see 95% uptiers.
Which is literally why I said to adjust the TNTeq needed to take out a base. Just move the bombers down.
Whatever you say
There is no remedy
You fundamentally cannot balance an aircraft like the B 29 in the current way air RB is set up, but if air RB is to remain the way it is, I would drop the B 29 to 6.7 and the TU4 to 7.7
Praise this man. (Although I still prefer the B-29 in 7.0)
The b 29 and the TU4 are anathema to the current way air RB operates, as a death match. To balance them, you would have to fundamentally restructure air RB. And the snail is unwilling to do that
Ok, so last battle - shot Pe-8 with 4 Hispanos till it lost a wing, then started flying away.
He was tumbling through the air, and yet still managed to rip my wing off from 2km away.
Gunners were firing with absolutely 0 issue while the plane was happily tumbling through the air.
Yeah, buff the bombers.
What happened was the very definition of the problem with bombers - a good approach, accurate fire, and yet I still got wrecked because Shvak for whatever reason flies like a laser even at 2000m and 1-shots Wyvern’s wing.
Remove gunner stabilization, fix 20mm real sh*tter damage vs fighters and we may talk about buffing bombers. Current state, where bomber has a chance to spray you down at extreme distance even while falling from the sky and tumbling? No way in hell I want to see any buffs.
This is the complete opposite of what I’m experiencing for years.
max gunners only open fire at half a mile every once in a while half the time they don’t even open fire though
I traded kills with a me-262 while in a b-29 once I shot his tail off and hit his engine right as he shot my wing off with a 30mm
Maybe if you went for ground targets instead of chasing a bomber (as its intended with the wyvern) this wouldn’t happen. Also this is a 1 in a 10000 thing that happens so rarely. Simply put you just got unlucky and this would have happened even if we nerfed bombers to hell ( they already are)
Lol what? Wyvern is an excelent fighter/interceptor. I leave ground pounding for below 50IQ crowd.
And getting sniped by a bomber happens to me fairly often, hence I try to rarely hunt them, regardless of my plane, because I can’t hope to take them down from 1500-2000m while they can kill me easily and even if I kill.them - their gunners remain perfectly steady no matter what.
I need to find a place to hire those gunners. My B-29 gunners are almost ace, and they barely hit anything
Actually not - i play daily in this BR range and attack Pe-8s exclusively from 12 o’clock high with high speed and continue to dive after my attack in order to get out of the range of the 20 mms as fast as possible. The range and accuracy of the top turret is insane…
Ok to be fair the Pe8 is something in it of itself and honestly it feels like they made the gunners busted on purpose but considering that this is 1 of many bombers its more of a outcast rather than the norm
Pe-8 is very popular at my preferred BR range.
Why would he unnecessarily extend the match?
ground targets bleed tickets, chasing bombers and dying wont, so going after ground targets is the opposite of extending the match