The Revised War Thunder Ordinance Chart, 2023 Edition 1

Hello everyone,

I am Pegasus. Many of you may recall several years ago a player by the name of Nyito published the first ever War Thunder Ordinance Chart. It served me well grinding every nation in the game during my several years playing, as bombing was something I found very efficient and relaxing.

In 2023, this chart is HEAVILY outdated and does not reflect the game today. I have been playing War Thunder for just shy of 8500 hours, so I took it upon myself to revamp this chart.

Please find the first edition below. Currently, it contains only the base bombing table for Air RB. Future additions will include guided munitions, rockets, torpedoes, and features for Naval and Ground, including suggested aircraft loadouts.

This chart will be fundamentally different from LEGION’s ongoing chart, as this is meant to be a guide for players to build and a resource to better customize their own setups. My personal opinions will not reflect your gameplay style: experiment and play how YOU want to.

Constructive criticism is welcome, and corrections can be submitted to me with evidence to display why. Please have a look out for the next edition!



“Ordinance” is a local government bylaw.

Also, this is kinda already being done: An actual up-to-date, intuitive, visually pleasing bomb chart - LEGION's Loadouts. Maybe see if you can team up?

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Nice job so far!

Don’t get bothered by the speech police - and the conceptual difference between both approaches (You and Legion) is clear visible.

Imho both concepts are doing a great job for less experienced players and are therefore highly appreciated!

But the main problem of both charts are the same - they try to bring structure into a chaos created by gaijin. So the amount of bombs needed are on some maps not reliable as gaijin uses different TNT requirement even at the same BR on some maps and there is always the problem at medium BRs with bases being either respawning or not - and for bombers with mixed bombs the drop sequence.

A short example with a replay as evidence for amount of 60kg bombs in a BR 4.7 match: According to your chart in line 113 you claim that a pilot would need 14 (with bleed) 60 kg bombs to kill a base. Despite i bet 5€ that on some maps 13 are enough - you see me in the replay dropping just 9 bombs at around 5:15 - and i got rewarded with a base kill - for a respawning base on a 4 bases map, not the lower health non-respawning bases on maps with 3 bases.

This is caused by lower requirements on some maps - you will see the same effect on Rocky Pillars. So it again boils down that map knowledge is required.

I mean you can’t decide the match with one 60 kg bomb left, but you can drop it on another base if available and so maybe get rewarded with a second base kill counting for daily/special tasks.

So for both chart concepts - nice work and a lot of effort invested; but imho inconsistencies like in my example, the impact of different weapons in combination (so bomb a base and finish it with rockets) ot effects like respawning and non-respawning bases in the same BR range created by gaijin is hampering any serious attempts to bring structure in this chaos.

In any case - thx for your work and have a good time!

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I realized my mistake with the autocorrect wording after I posted it. My first post, so I’m not sure how to edit it.

If you read it you would have realized my chart is going down a separate path from legion’s. I think both have their place and it’s up to the community on how they use them! If he wants to work together on some aspects my DM’s are open to him, I’d be happy to

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An update for the Japanese 60 kg bomb:

I use the B7A2 daily and since a few months every base (even in very frequent full uptiers to 4.7) can be killed with just 9 x 60 kg…

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I’ve been suffering flying the Israeli B-17G and in every single ARB battle thus far, it has required eight (8) x 100/50 kg G.P. bombs to destroy a base (with bleed) and six (6) x 250/50 kg G.P. bombs to outright destroy one. 4 x 250 wasn’t enough and I haven’t tried yet whether 5 x 250 is enough with bleed.
I just unlocked the 500kg bomb loadout so I have to see what that works out to, but your 3 x 500kg needed for a base seems reasonable.

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Old thread at this point and thanks for the work on the chart in the first place. That said, especially since it looks like you moved on without updating it any further, would you please un-protect the document you posted? Especially since you seem to have moved past updated the chart, which is understandable but you should at least let someone else take it forward for their own use (or update it for the community with credit to you).

I understand not wanting others to take/take credit for work you put in but having it posted in protected form so it cant be searched/copied/downloaded really cripples it’s usefullness. I’d like to just be able to sort/highlight the info and having it fully protected from not only edits but even copying it for myself is pretty frustrating to have the info there but locked and seemingly abandoned.

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I wanted to give a short update. I’ve continued updating my chart and as of now, have entered the values for 7 nations. Only Italy, Israel and Sweden are missing. You can view them on the page “Detailed Chart”.

These values should be accurate to my knowledge. They also account for base bleed.

After I’m finished with the detailed chart I will also be overhauling the loadouts.


can we get a update one for 2025?

To answer questions for everyone here, I had a falling out with war thunder and stopped playing outright. Please follow Legion’s bomb guide, he has done an amazing job and He deserves praise for it.

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oh ok thanks for what u done so far u did good

Sorry, I’ve been absent for a while again.
Trying not to fall into a burnout. I’d rather take a couple of week than completely burn out and never touch the chart ever again.
I was able to add a couple of aircraft yesterday and today, you can check the change log on the last page of the chart.
I hope I’ll be able to update the 5 remaining nations soon. Thanks for the patience.

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thx keep up the good work man u do a good job every time