The Return of the Super AA

So it looks like super AAs have returned. Was just sniped by a Sidam-25 in a Phantom FG1 at 8k ft doing Mach 1.1. I figured at that alt I would be well beyond their range, and thus safe, but apparently not.

I think this was a battlefield AA, but I have found that both convoy and battlefield AAs have been very very OP of late and even the carrier AA (at least the enemy but never our carrier) seem to also be a lot stronger in the past few weeks.

Replay of the snipe

Anyone else noticed this major buff to their performance?


I did not notice this in mid tier RB this morning. But maybe Internskivich was bored and cranked that slider up for the LOLZ again.

Why was the cam pointed at the pilot’s butt at the end? lol Sim is so… Gaijin.

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SIm + Replay is a buggy mess

bout a week ago I was flying with my Mustang Ia in sim, was about 3 - 4 km away from a convoy in a dogfight, immediately blasted by something (don’t remember what, probably halftrack or BTR-152), both wing tanks on fire. :)

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Yep, sounds about right

AA in convoys have always been too evil.
In ground combat my subjective feeling is that they depend on rank.
Unfortunately now because of the marathon, I am not dealing with ground target attacks and have no actual observations. I’m chasing PVE-farmers all over the map :)


USA carrier doesn’t shoot at all, the other one is deadly XD

And convoys I think they are deadly in both sides if you bring ground ordinance.

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8k ft (~2.5km) is not nearly enough distance to be completely safe. anything less than 4 km straight line of sight is in range to risk hits (risk of hit obviously decreases with distance but at 4 km the risk still remain in relevant amount). However, the HE shells self-destruct at 2.5km distance so you’re “safe” from those at further than that (you might have been flying just above one and caught a stray shrapnel from a self-destruct though). the APDS rounds travel A LOT further and the tv- tracker with lead indicator makes it a scary combo. (not sure if the AI uses APDS?)

speed doesn’t matter if you fly in a straight line as it has tracker and lead indicator.

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i’m sorry what?

I have no idea how you got to this response from reading what i wrote. Did i state anything wrong? did you respond to the wrong person?

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i’m… i’m not? i’m describing how the vehicle works in game to give OP a better understanding of how to play to avoid it. i have not used the word realism, i have not talked about the IRL vehicle, i have not said any opinion on whether i think anything is “correct” or “right” or “wrong”. I have no idea how you came to this conclusion.

what does this have to do with anything in this thread?

I don’t think the goal of this post is learning how to evade stupid mechanics that gaijin adds to make the economy of SB less viable, anyway, it’s good to know how they implemented this SB nerf

Yeah I had same issues.

I got sniped by Sidam 25 when I play A-7E.

It sounds like you read what you want to read and not what i am actually writing. Then replying to my posts with things you want to have said regardless of the content of my posts…

The laast seconds GYATTT

The bots have the advantage of “knowing” the perfect ballistic solution. The only reason they ever miss at all is with an intentional rng function to “detune” their accuracy.
So when that is broken, no distance is really safe. Several months ago I was pilot sniped by mid field AAA at 4k AGL with a slant range that must have been about 6. Sometimes the server hamster rolls sevens…

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well yes, but my statement still applies.

except when out of gun range. but i see your point.

I have personally not experienced a change in accuracy and/or precision of AAA but i also haven’t played SIM in a while and only EC and RB matches so there might be something broken in SIM specifically.

This was in ARB and only at ~2.0. I guess I should have specified that to show extraordinarily Gaijining it was. lol

I’ve been sniped by an AI naval ship from like 4km, not very surprised other AIs do this lol.