The Return of Monthly Historical Decals!

Hello everyone! Today we’re very happy to be able to present a new series of historical decals for you to unlock. We’ve been working on returning these decals for a while now, and this series will have a few changes compared to the previous run. This initial post will be a bit longer, bear with us!

The Format

This time around, we’ll aim to add a set of historical markings once a month instead, and there’s a few reasons for this. Chiefly, it gives everyone interested in the decals a longer amount of time to unlock them, as previously many players weren’t able to get the markings. This also ensures that we don’t actually run out of possible additions. Some nations do indeed have a huge amount of options, others however have a very small amount. To make sure that we can keep adding emblems across the board for everyone for the foreseeable future, we’ll have 10 per month — 5 new emblems and 5 emblems from previous events, that way new players will be able to unlock some old emblems they wouldn’t have been able to get previously as well.

Unlock Requirements

We’ve made the unlock requirements slightly longer this time around to compensate for the extended duration, though not by a huge amount. The unlock requirements will be simple: frags, missions played, score earned, things that are universally achievable. Some special markings will be a little more challenging such as finishing at a certain position on the leaderboard, but in general the requirements will be simple and able to be achieved gradually as you play normally.

Open to ideas!

While we have many months worth of decals created and planned, you’re welcome to leave your own suggestions on the forum here. For a marking to be considered, we’ll need clear historical references (clear enough to be able to accurately make the decal) along with as many sources and references as possible. No promises of course, but if you can find some interesting examples (especially for nations that have fewer options in general) we can potentially include some down the line.

The following decals will be available from February 7th at 11:00 GMT until March 7th 09:00 GMT.

“Enemy Planes If You Can Read This You’re Too Close” Inscription, USA

Defeat 70 players using American aircraft at rank III and above

“61st Keibitai Insignia, Japan

Defeat 50 players using Japanese light tanks at rank III and above

“Kör Asz” Emblem, Hungary

Finish in position 1-3 five times while flying Italian or Hungarian Aircraft at rank III and above

6ème Escadrille GC III/6 Emblem, France

Play 20 battles while using French aircraft with a minimum of 60% Battle Activity at rank III and above

3. SFltl Emblem “Tiefseefisch”, Germany

Can be purchased for 200 Golden Eagles

Guards Armoured Division Emblem, Britain

Defeat 50 players using British Heavy Tanks at rank III and above

269th Mechanized Infantry Brigade Emblem, China

Defeat 50 players using Chinese Light Tanks at rank III and above

“Bear Bomber” Personal Marking, USSR

Earn 10,000 score while flying Soviet Bombers at rank III and above

Brigade Nord Emblem, Norway

Play 20 battles while using Swedish Ground Vehicles with a minimum of 60% Battle Activity at rank III and above

319th Division Emblem, Israel

Play 20 battles while using Israeli Ground Vehicles with a minimum of 60% Battle Activity at rank III and above

Monthly markings can be found in a special tab in the customization menu, (Monthly Decals) after a month, they’ll be moved to their corresponding category.

All of the emblems will come with a detailed description. This will generally consist of the history of the marking, its design, which vehicles used it, and where it was often placed on vehicles historically if applicable (some emblems are taken from badges, which weren’t always applied). This way you can more easily recreate the original positioning if you’d like. In addition to tasks, all markings can be purchased for 200 Golden Eagles as well.

You can track the progress of completing tasks for these decals by going to your Player Profile > Decals > Monthly Decals. From here, click the “Track progress” button on each decal to track from the hangar.

Thank you for reading, enjoy and let us know your thoughts!


YES! This is amazing!!!


Nice way to start the weekend



Never expected to read something like this again! Awesome!!!




MUCH better than the Auction stuff


a cartoon character with the word finally written on it


This is great, that first sticker is AMAZING.

Well done Gaijin, THIS is what we want!


HELL YES, finally something good


BetterTTV - forsenCoomer by forsen


We have worked hard on ensuring that the in-game description of each decal shown in this post is as detailed and accurate as possible. They are quite interesting, give them a read — they even mention where the decal was placed historically so you can recreate it if you wish!


Awesome. I also wish you guys did this with skins as well instead of having to wait until a new update trophy.


Very nice!


Thats why we do Suggestions:)
KFOR = Approved
IFOR and SFOR are still waiting to get approved :)


Awesome stuff!


Finally a good news



Have to give you guys a big thank you for this. Something the community wanted back for some time. Nicely done!


oh YES! this is by far the best announcement they can do, this year !!!


amazing news, missed this :D


If possible, return Japanese ground and air markings too, at the moment, it’s limited to some Kanjis and those squares feels like it’s empty.