Speaking of decals, is there any chance that we get a “decal condition” slider similar to the camouflage condition? For example, placing worn flag decals feels… odd.
Thank you for adding this back.
Actual great content.
this is awesome
That would be great!
I personally find the opacity often too light, so decals don’t cover the base as much as I’d prefer.
That’s great!
I have noticed this is the case for German and British aircraft decals already. Please continue to do so for other nations.
Yeah, I have always liked these “historical” style decals very much. I enjoy the tradition and history behind them. Learning about these types of things from the game has always appealed to me. 90% of what I now know about military vehicles I have learned playing War Thunder. Looking over the requirements I think they all seem reasonable and doable for most players and that is also a good sign. I hope that this type of thing continues and can grow stronger over time.
Very nice and thank you
This is some good news the community needs after the week of bad news.
Thanks you for this, it was one of my favorite mechanics that was removed.
Good. Now return Rank III vehicles for warbonds
Great news!
for me ingame the Decals are behind the tab which is called “current week until 23.12.22” which is over 2 years ago
To make sure that we can keep adding emblems across the board for everyone for the foreseeable future, we’ll have 10 per month — 5 new emblems and 5 emblems from previous events, that way new players will be able to unlock some old emblems they wouldn’t have been able to get previously as well.
This is incredible! Thanks—very cool! I can finally look forward to unlocking some old decals I missed in the past. Please keep it this way forever.
Yep, we’re actively working on other nations and vehicle types.
Forgot to mention a VDV decal would be loved.
I rarely comment on news, even when they are awful (Looking at you, auctions), but this one is a great one.
I love using decals to make “historically plausible” vehicles, so this is a nice addition.
Thanks for that.
You guys have no idea how excited I am for this!
Thank you so much for bringing this back!
So do we have the rest of february to earn them because there monthly? Also 10/10 edition!!
I think you guys should also let us know which decals are new and which ones are returning this month, as we’re curious. That would really help us as dedicated historical decal collectors.