The rank 3 requirement is nonsense!

As always I appreciate your perspectives on the Matter.

It’s a pleasant reminder that the decisions made by the developers are far more considered than players give them credit for. There’s this strong tendency to frame the discussion around feeling. Many players arrive at the forums with a burning sense of indignation and as a result the developers are often described has having failed fundamentally due to the hurt feelings of players of who’s expectations have not been met.


Well then they can’t - and that is by design - Gaijin is giving you an incentive to grind - and to pay to do it faster.

You are not entitled to participate unless you meet the terms and conditions.

Get over it.

Very constructive! That’s why I come on to the forum to talk about and advocate for change in the game, to be told by some random dork that I should just “get over it”. I wonder how many issues you find with the game that I could just tell you to “get over it” about?

Well, it’s a video game afterall, you can get over all the issues.

Once upon a time, when a video game didn’t meet your expectations you stopped playing it. You didn’t lobby the game developers to revise their game to suit your preferences.


Oh so we should shut the forum down then fellas. This guy got it all figured out!

Are you trying to paint me like the unreasonable one here? Unrespectfully, get a grip.

It’s as constructive as the OP - “remove the limits on events except for those events I don’t mind having them on”.

The “Reasoning” for retaining limits on some events…

applies equally well to

Back to you to start making sense.

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I don’t think you’re being unreasonable per se, but looking at your responses in this thread alone I can’t actually tell what you’re advocating for since they’re all one or two line responses to other comments that don’t put forward any idea or alternatives. I’d say you’re being a bit unrealistic and needlessly argumentative.

Below is a summary of your contribution to this topic.

So… you can handicap yourself by playing in a full uptier or worse with old vehicles?

It is very fair to want the WW2 part of the game to actually be able to participate without going into late war vehicles…

No. Sometimes this will take more than a full uptier…

What do you want me to specify?

It’s just about wanting to be able to play classic ww2 vehicles without being forced into late war or cold war/modern

Simply wanting to play rank 1-2 tanks? Any of them?

And when there is no convenient nearby rank 3 vehicle at the same BR?

The part where someone without event vehicles at low BR wants to participate?

but pz4 is one of many examples

So I can’t play what I want unless I also have an event vehicle at lower or equal BR?


You are unhinged

Very constructive! That’s why I come on to the forum to talk about and advocate for change in the game, to be told by some random dork that I should just “get over it”. I wonder how many issues you find with the game that I could just tell you to “get over it” about?

To summarise; Joseph’s Piano and Dodo Dud have explained methods you can use to circumvent the Rank III requirement, by using event vehicles or Rank III vehicles with BRs as low as 3.3 or 3.7, and finally that there are equivalent vehicles in other tech trees which are Rank III as opposed to Rank II.

Example being Chinese, Japanese, Italian M24 at Rank III as opposed to US M24 at Rank II
Swedish Pz.IV at Rank III BR 3.7.

People have tried to reason with you in good faith, and you’re blatantly refusing to accept anything less than the abolishment of the Rank III requirement, as in your eyes there’s no valid method of using Rank I and II vehicles to grind events.


There is no way without you also having older event vehicles, correct. I think the rank requirement serves no real purpose beyond rank 1. Correct. I want it fully gone. Correct.

There we go at least we are on the same page. Based on your attitude and uncompromising nature, I can’t see why anyone would consider working on any of your suggestions. The only exception being is if dealing with you and your requests were invoiced at hourly rates, with no guarantee of your suggestions being implemented.

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gaijin doesn’t listen to this forum to begin with, we aren’t here to make change. What I ask for is not unreasonable nor is it some giant dooming thing for the game.

I thought the rank 3 requirement was more of a bot deterrent. To prevent farming exploits.

Nor is obtaining an event vehicle as a key. :-)

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Then nothing is and we can shut down the forum since it can all be worked around

The forum is actually the place where you can find out how to work around. So that is required by your reasoning. Besides, you started to use the “not unreasonable nor is it some giant dooming thing” rethoric, now you complain when others do to. :-)

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If that was the case bombing in sim wouldn’t progress event rewards.

It’s totally fine to take off, suicide your bomb-laden jet into an airfield repeatedly for 2 hours.

It’s not fine to have cool dogfights of F6F-5 vs A6M2 or Bf109E vs Spit I-V.

One is legitimate and is rewarded with event and battlepass progress.

The other is scorned.